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When mind control appears in deep antiquity, it's time to pay attention

Sunday, August 20, 2023 - 20:55

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Much has been discussed in these pages on the subject of contemporary mind control methods. The use of electronic circuitry for the purposes of mood control and surveillance is well documented. However, we are but the latest expression of terrestrial hominin life. Prior to the Christianisation of Europe, a highly sophisticated Pagan population harnessed subtle energies in ways that contemporary humans do not broadly accept. Perhaps the most compelling example is seen in Egypt and forms the basis of an entire global fascination with the arcane.

Egypt Mind Control Megaliths Secret Societies Society Societal Collapse Technology Teluric energy Water Astroseismology

As detailed in previous TEFLONRABBIT articles, we live in an age where governmental organisations consider their populations to represent a financial resource. These organisations claim entitlement by way of what can only be termed as pronounced insanity. This mental divergence is not organic. Those who suffer from a tangible schizophrenic condition have been manufactured for the purposes of preying on the rest of the population. The MK Ultra methods of fracturing the personality represent part of the modern method. However they are a relatively late addition to a system of control which has existed for much, much longer than the military industrial complex. Prior to the fossil fuel paradigm and the subsequent rise of the integrated circuit, the attributes of silica based infrastructure were utilised in a more holistic method. Rather than using sand and metal ore to create silicon chips, dense silicate was used in its natural form and structure. The resonance of dense silicate has been harnessed by numerous cultures for a variety of purposes. From the hypogeum in Malta and the megalithic walls of Peru to the standing stones of Britain and the dolmens of Korea. A global paradigm of dense silicate infrastructure provided the peoples of antiquity with a technological advantage. One in which they invested great resources to construct and utilised to great effect.

Accepted as the greatest expression of this stone age technology is the phenomenal architecture of the great pyramid on the Giza plateau. Before Europeans were even using writing, the pre-dynastic population of Egypt were harnessing subtle and earth energies to facilitate the progression of their civilisation. There is a school of thought that attributes a different hominid species with these accomplishments. A species which potentially originated on Mars and migrated to Earth when planetary collision destroyed their indigenous environment. The fact that this culture was millions of years old goes a long way to explaining why humans have major problems understanding what the Giza complex and numerous other installations in Egypt were actually used for.

Ironically, the dissemination of mind control methods to the lower levels of unenlightened and boorish contemporary homosapiens sheds a light on the original purposes of ancient infrastructure. The first hurdle is in understanding that these were not single use applications, the Great Pyramid or Khufu 'Tomb' was evidently a multi purpose installation.  Giza marks the boundary of a substantial amount of reddish sand (probably from Mars) also known as the Sahara Desert which has threatened to engulf Cairo for millennia. In addition, large scale stone pyramids will always extract water from the aquifers beneath them. This was demonstrated by Jim Onan of Wadsworth, Illinois when he constructed a gold clad, scale replica of the great pyramid as a family home. What started out as a relatively barren stretch of pasture land ended up with so much water surrounding it, that it now appears as an island home in a substantial lake of crystal clear mineral water. A civilisation which inhabits an arid equatorial climate will always be dependent on fresh water. There is also an argument which states that the only reliable source of fresh water during a glacial maximum is from subterranean sources. 

Beyond the potable application there is an undeniable energetic aspect to the Giza complex. Dowsers who have mapped the plateau have confirmed substantial telluric currents emanating from the pyramids. There have also been numerous accounts of electrical discharges experienced by those bold enough to scale the pyramids. Apparently the charge builds up in any water receptacles they carry, including contemporary plastic mineral water bottles. This is difficult to rationalise as static build up and inclines any analyst to deduce that there is some other source accounting for the energetic build up. Edward J Kunkel and Christopher Dunn have both proposed theories that attest to the great pyramid being an ancient power plant. Their theories play out well enough until it comes to the transfer of the energy to what would be considered as customers. At that point, there are many speculative assertions from lost cabling to Tesla style ground transmission. There (as of yet) has been little evidence to confirm these aspects of their theories. Neither has there been much evidence of Old Kingdom or Dynastic Egyptians using electricity for anything whatsoever. The only tangible indicators would be the Light Bringers of Denderra and the absence of any soot from flame light in most of the structures. This leaves an uncomfortable gap in the formation of any compelling theory. That is, until we consider the so called 'relieving chambers' above the Kings chamber in the Great Pyramid.


Holy mindfuck Batman


It is the opinion of TEFLONRABBIT that the Great Pyramid was used as a mind control application which harnessed subtle and earth energies to broadcast across much of the ancient world. The work by the military industrial complex since 1947 in this area is reasonably well documented and much of the development has been detailed in other articles on this website. The MIC is not well known for subtlety and as such relies on advances in electromagnetic and radio frequency technology to achieve a similar effect. Broadcast antenna are co-opted to facilitate PCM transmission in the 420 - 460 Mhz spectrum which can be used for brainwave convolution detection and also remote encephalography. In other words, being within range of such a transmitter means that not only can your thoughts be picked up, but they can be pushed in specific directions. Combined with this is the use of ELFINT military applications which use technologies such as HAARP, HSS and low frequency ground wave transmission. All of these modern technologies are essentially piggy backing on concepts put in place thousands of years ago.  Concepts which formed much of what we consider today as civilisation. 

The reality of the so called 'Relieving Chambers' has been attributed to preventing the vast weight of the pyramid from crushing the chambers beneath. How exactly this works is not clear and has never been adequately explained. Any architect sophisticated enough to design such a phenomenal structure doesn't need such frivolous features. As such it's probably yet another example of an attempt at reverse engineering by the descendants of round headed rhesus macaques. Much more feasible is a function akin to that of  a capacitor. Considerable amounts of piezo-electric energy are stored in the relieving stones in the same way that the capstone of a dolmen creates energy by pushing down on the orthostats of a dolmen.


Giza shafts alignment


As depicted above, the star shafts isolate frequencies emanating from specific constellations. With time the precise star that aligns with the shafts changes. This is due to the earth's wobble and its transit around the suburbs of the Milky Way, also known as procession. It is feasible that the dense silicate surrounding the Kings chamber is for the isolation of background frequencies, protecting whoever lay in the sarcophagus from any stray influences. The most likely candidates to be using this facility would be those who came to be known as the high priests of Amun. Receiving instruction or inspiration from the frequencies emitted by specific stars, their thoughts were then re-transmitted via the piezo-electric charged stones directly above the sarcophagus. 

The design of the Grand Gallery is that of an extensive corbelled arch. This design is known to create an energy state change which would facilitate a form of tuning not dissimilar to the tuning ducts of a contemporary audio cone speaker enclosure. With the additional shaft alignments in the Queens chamber, it is not unreasonable to deduce that a highly complex and elaborate system of information dissemination was occurring on an ongoing basis on the Giza plateau.  The perfect symmetry of the shafts connecting all three chambers indicates that the frequencies were not only being broadcast via teluric conduits, but were also being channeled into the water in the subterranean chamber. The Japanese artist / scientist Masaru Emoto proved that consciousness can have a profound effect on the structure of water. In addition many cultures retain a belief that the power of intent can infuse water with certain energies. The ubiquitous cultural ceremony of tea drinking features many rituals which speak to this precise phenomena.

How this water based process was being utilised is difficult to ascertain. There are several highly anomalous installations in the Giza area which appear to be primarily concerned with the use of water. Most obvious is the illogically titled 'unfinished pyramid' at Zayet Al-aryan. This enormous excavated pit has an oval sarcophagus built into the floor which appears to have been submerged on demand beneath literally millions of gallons of Nile water - within a matter of hours. Exactly what the purpose of this installation is is not clear. The use of so much water could well speak to isolation in the same way that dense silicate is synonymous with the sarcophagus culture and also the three day resurrection ritual. 

One thing we do know for sure is that at some point, the oval sarcophagus at Zayet Al-aryan was deliberately covered up with layers of blockwork and tons of rubble. Likewise the entrance to the Great Pyramid was closed off with some extensive construction efforts. This is evidenced by the uncovering of the entrance in subsequent times. Whoever initiated this sealing of the pyramid was clearly somewhat unimpressed with the activities of these early mass communication enthusiasts.  As has been referenced previously on this website, there is a solid argument to assert that much of what was happening at Giza was not to the liking of some quite powerful forces. The old testament states in Genesis 11-1:

“If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

 The nature of this communication is difficult to establish. It could well have been in line with the Schumann frequency which facilitates the creative and analytical waveforms of the human mind. On the other hand it could well have been to disrupt the Schumann frequency and prevent humanity from being overly creative. At approximately ninety feet above sea level, the plateau would serve as a reasonable broadcast platform for the majority of humanity who were living at sea level. This wide broadcast reality is further evidenced by numerous reclusive cultures seeking to live well above sea level or well below it. Whoever the long skulled people were who lived in the Black Sea depression, it seems that living at the same level as Giza really didn't suit them. After the inundation seven and a half to eight and half thousand years ago, they migrated down through Africa and ultimately to Peru in South America. This indicates that the accepted age of the Giza plateau is quite seriously erroneous.

The destruction of New Orleans by hurricane Katrina has been suspected as being a case of 'Let it happen' with some making accusations of military contractors blowing up levies deliberately to cause much of the devastation. Considering that the majority of the city is located well below sea level, this may well explain why New Orleans was always considered to be the most exuberant of all cities in the New World. Of all the festivals celebrated across the USA, Mardi Gras has always been known as the greatest party in America. While not without its down sides, including crime and other societal dysfunction, most who ever experienced Mardi Gras would attest to the unique feeling of freedom and community spirit. 

If the Giza installations really were about turning men into gods, as they have been described, then it would be reasonable to assume that the transmissions were in line with the Schumann frequency. It suits the hypocrisy of the union of the priesthood of Amun and the Roman franchise to assert that engaging with earth energies is 'devil worship'. However, given their extensive deceptions and malevolent actions throughout the ages, they could hardly be considered to have been working purely in the interests of mankind.

In current times we have come to accept that our magnetosphere has become hopelessly contaminated with both intentional and accidental electromagnetic pollution. Humans are undoubtedly influenced by these incursions into the RF spectrum with some stating that our physical existence is quite seriously and negatively impacted by it. If the Great Pyramid was an early mass mind control facility, then there is considerable veracity in the old adage:

"All of this has happened before and it will all happen again."

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