Still highly classified, Electromagnetic Low Frequency Intelligence (ELFINT) is a technology which facilitates the encoding of specific information into ELF transmissions. Conventionally used for submarine communication, there is evidence to suggest that ELFINT is now being used in mind control applications.


Submarine ELF


As the subject is categorised under military secrecy laws, there isn't really a huge amount of information available.

However ..... (drum roll)

Submarine communications have utilised ELF frequencies for over half a decade. By the nature of deep sea communications, the low frequency transmission is much less directional than higher frequency broadcasts. Basically what this means is like the super woofer bass in your home cinema audio, low frequency comms are more omni-directional. The bass frequencies in the accompanying music to your box set playing on the home cinema system can probably be heard from the kitchen, even with the doors closed. When you walk through the foyer doors of a cinema, you often hear the low range of the audio playing in the theatre(s) beyond. The higher frequencies are prevented from reaching your ears due to the material composition of the obstacles inbetween. Likewise receiving the Shetland transmitter signal for FM Radio 1 will probably not be possible in Finland. However, communication packets intended for submarines in the Mediterranean, which are broadcast from a naval dockyard in Plymouth could theoretically be picked up all across Scandinavia and even further away. Obviously the military are quite sensitive about the information they communicate and as such these comms are heavily encrypted. The precise methods of encryption are of course kept secret.

However ..... (part 2)

Deep sea ELF is (by it's nature) restricted in terms of bandwidth. The lower a frequency the less opportunity there is for multiplexing. Explaining the precise nature of asynchronous or synchronous modulated multiplexing is somewhat outwith the remit of this text. A quick search for these terms will provide any reader with a generic overview of the technology. In basic terms, using packet based communication allows more information to be modulated across a wave using Amplitude, Frequency or time based modulation. These terms are recogniseable from the common AM, FM settings on consumer radio receivers. UHF and VHF facilitate a greater amount of information to be multiplexed than low frequency waves because they may have a smaller wave height (Amplitude) but a greater a greater number of waves per second (Frequency). The higher the frequency, the more information can be contained within the transmission. Because ELF is low frequency and higher amplitude, it can traverse mountains more easily and still be recogniseable at the point of reception. 


Ultrasound TCDS


Both low and high frequencies can be intercepted by the human neurological system. Contemporary methods of targeting humans includes the modern field of Hyper Sonic Sound. However for the purposes of brevity the scope of this text is limited to the lower range of packets. Any broadcast designed for interception by the human neurological system can be considered as 'Directed Surveillance'. 

The low bandwidth of ELF and the fact that it is still heavily classified indicate that it is primarily the remit of military groups. Re tasking ELF for the purposes of 'Directed Surveillance' may have been going on for at least half a century. There is also extensive evidence to indicate that it's been going for much, much longer. This has been referenced in the article The Giza Regulator and again, the scope of this text need not be expanded to delve into the highly anomalous historical aspects of this subject 

By way of an example our old imaginary friend from the clandestine community 'Bryce' has been tasked with making sure that Mr. X get's his directives for a forthcoming blind operation. Mr X. is not to have visibility on any more of the operation than is absolutely necessary. Operative 'Bryce' could use a variety of methods in order to pass on Mr. X's instructions but he gets extra brownie ... brown nose points for using the most unaccountable. Et voila, ELF packets are the chosen medium. Due to the low bandwidth issues, 'Bryce' needs to make sure that his encoded packet is ready to be sent by a fixed cut off time. Basically there are so many operatives doing this that the system suffers from log jam. The requirement to traverse great distances creates an amplitude limit or ceiling that can not be overcome. 

Recently developments in submarine telemetry have been utilising lasers from satellites to provide enough bandwidth for streaming audio and video. It can be considered as a similar method to the asynchronous satellite DSL that many rural internet users rely on. The ELF comms from the submarine to the base are still ELF based, however they contain packets which act as a request for delivery through the satellite technology. It could be likened to using two cans and a bit of string to tell your neighbour to turn their stereo up so that you can hear the greatest hits of Val Doonican. While this is good for all things submariner related it doesn't help poor old 'Bryce' because he's not actually allowed to fire lasers at peoples heads ... yet. Consequently his packets are limited which means he can't just rock up at submarine comms HQ and present a gigabyte of neural stimulation packets with accompanying video stream. The average ELF broadcast is measured in bits per minute as opposed to gigabits per second. As such he will favour symbolism and references in order to achieve the greatest amount of communication in the least amount of bandwidth. 

Humanity has been utilising symbolism as a communication medium for literally tens of thousands of years, if not longer. The amount of information that a symbol can communicate is far greater than simple sentences because the recipient will already have a contextual frame of reference. For example road signs are designed to be recognised instantly and convey critical information with minimal scope for confusion. A simple diagonal line with two digits and a small circle tells the driver that the terrain is about to change quite dramatically and also give them an idea of how much strain the incline will place on the vehicles engine. 

This veritable morass of contributory factors means that Operative 'Bryce' has limited his packet to contain a series of images depicting specific items and scenarios. As detailed in the reference 'mind control' these images are of a speckled dove, a supermarket aisle and a statuesque blonde woman eating gherkins. Bizarre as this may sound, it is in fact highly representative of the chosen methodologies represented in many clandestine operations.   


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