Sabina Eriksson - Mind Control Victim

How to get thrown under the bus, sent down the river and generally cut loose.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022 - 11:27

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When the worlds of reality television and psychosis merge, the results create yet more highly anomalous events. What motivates two sisters from Sweden to throw themselves into oncoming traffic on the M6. Is it purely an ardent attempt to avoid being detained by police? The official narrative claims some form of temporary insanity, but many of the details correlate with those seen in the cases of other 'persons of interest'.

Persons of Interest Mind Control Drugs Police International Insanity Violence BBC

The Eriksson sisters were, according to school friends, a pair of athletic Swedes who grew up in a rural area and regularly engaged in cross country skiing, running and various other sports. Little is publicly known about their lives in Eire before they came to Britain in May 2008. What is known is that after boarding a bus from Liverpool to London, their suspicious behaviour during the convenience stop at the service station caused the driver to refuse them passage for the rest of the journey. This inspired them to try and walk south, down the central reservation of the M6. CCTV cameras observed them both attempting to cross the carriageway and being clipped by vehicles. Subsequently a mobile unit from the Highways Agency was dispatched to intercept them. The police were alerted and also attended the scene of the incident. The two traffic officers had a camera crew onboard and captured the highly shocking events during the unfolding incident. It does seem somewhat convenient that the attending unit just so happened to have a camera crew with them.


Eriksson first casualty


The service station behaviour was considered suspicious due to various reasons. The most conspicuous being the refusal of the sisters to allow their baggage to be held in the luggage storage area. They insisted on keeping their bags in sight at all times. Whether this has anything to do with their subsequent actions (which can only be interpreted as attempts at suicide) is not clear. What is clear from the subsequent roadside footage is that Ursula Eriksson sprinted between smaller vehicles to then deliberately throw herself under the wheels of an articulated lorry. The film appears to have been subject to 'on camera' editing. The camera operator deliberately places a Highways officers head between the camera and Ursula Erikkson as she is thrown around the wheels of the lorry. Somehow, her head was not damaged extensively and the injuries sustained to her legs and torso were severe but not fatal.


Kill switch activated


In the immediate aftermath of her sisters bid for self destruction, Sabina Eriksson also made an attempt to avoid detention through suicide. As a result of the variances in traffic, the vehicle which struck her was a mid sized people carrier. After bouncing off the windscreen she was temporarily stunned, but again sustained no major injuries. The Highways agency officers and the police were primarily occupied with assessing the serious injuries sustained by Ursula Eriksson, with Sabina Eriksson being covered with a foil survival blanket. Judging by the expressions on the faces of both the Highways officers and the police, the situation had definitely gone in directions they had not anticipated.


Non telegraphic punch


When her faculties returned she then successfully broke free of the female officer who was restraining her, knocking the officer to the ground with a non telegraphic punch to the face. According to the interview, the officer said she was not prepared for the sheer velocity of the strike. Technical analysis of the confrontation reveals that Sabina Eriksson may well have had training in unarmed combat techniques. She can be seen to be creating strategic distances between her and those seeking to apprehend her. Simultaneously maintaining visibility of potential attacks from either side. These are generally not techniques utilised by occasional brawlers or those without training in martial arts or familiarity with unarmed combat. After crossing the carriageway, Sabina Eriksson was eventually detained by officers and several members of the public. Again, it can bee seen that this woman was either naturally phenomenally strong or was potentially under the influence stimulants such as amphetamines.

During the commotion, Ursula Eriksson (who was still conscious despite sustaining major injuries) can be heard shouting;

They're trying to steal our organs

This conspicuous allegation made by someone who should rightfully be unconscious or dead, sticks out in the narrative. It represents either an acute manic state, chronic paranoia or more pragmatically - the expression of delusions manifested during mind control. Sabina Eriksson was sedated and taken into custody for police assault. Ursula Eriksson was admitted to hospital for treatment for the leg and pelvic injuries sustained as a result of being wrapped around the wheels of the articulated lorry travelling at 60mph.

Events after the M6 incident take an even more bizarre turn. After being released from custody and medical treatment for minor injuries, Sabina Eriksson made her way into Stoke-on-Trent and attempted to find which hospital her twin sister was being treated in. During this search she was noticed by two local men as she wandered the streets carrying her possessions in a clear plastic bag issued on her release from court custody.


Glenn Hollinshead


Glenn Hollinshead was a former paramedic and Royal Air Force veteran, this may have relevance in his involvement. Accounts vary, but the series of events seem to represent some form of 'Good Samaritan' agenda on the part of Mr Hollinshead. Behaviour which ultimately cost him his life. After meeting her with his companion, another local man Peter Molloy, Mr. Hollinshead offered assistance including accommodation at his home in nearby Duke Street, Fenton. More bizarre behaviour ensued over the rest of the evening from Sabina Eriksson including the constant offering of cigarettes to both men, only to snatch them away claiming;

They might be poisoned

Peter Molloy left just before midnight and Sabina Eriksson spent the night in Mr. Hollinshead's home. The record concerning activities the next day are minimal. What is known is that he called his brother Jon Hollinshead in an attempt to track down Ursula Eriksson. At 19:40 he was preparing a meal and went outside to borrow some teabags from his neighbour. After returning to the house, he then re-emerged with injuries claiming that;

She stabbed me

Mr. Hollinshead died from his injuries shortly thereafter with Sabina Eriksson fleeing the scene. The neighbours called 999 to seek medical assistance for Mr. Hollinshead. Prior to leaving the house she armed herself with a hammer and a roof tile. Exiting Duke street, she was observed by a passing motorist. The driver (Mr. Grattage) apparently witnessed her repeatedly hitting herself in the head with the hammer as she made her way out of the residential street. After attempting to restrain her and presumably disarming her, Mr. Grattage was hit in the head with the roof tile she had in her pocket. Freed from restraint, but now being pursued by paramedics, she then ran onto the Herons Cross bridge over the A50 and jumped twelve meters off into the carriageway beneath. She sustained two broken ankles and a fractured skull. At this point she was unable to continue her escape, was taken into custody, treated for injuries and charged with the murder of Mr Hollinshead. 


Sabina Eriksson custody


In the many accounts and analysis of this situation available online, there are numerous accusations that the behaviour fits with 'super soldier' conditioning. While the athletic capabilities, technical violence and attempted suicides can certainly be considered extreme, it's hard to classify the behavior as resulting from any form of known strategic training.

In the book 'A Madness Shared by Two' information gathered from sources including the coroners report and statements from Jon Hollinshead, indicates that the official narrative is devoid of specific details relating to the murder of his brother. Most notably the injuries sustained by Glen Hollinshead were attributed to more than one weapon. This is in stark contrast to the official narrative and does raise questions regarding the allegations of a 'cover up' made in the book.

After spending several months recovering in hospital while under arrest, Sabina Eriksson was charged with murder and most conspicuously; released on bail. At which point she returned to Sweden and even moved to the USA temporarily. The delay between her UK trial slated for February 2009 and her actual trial in September 2009 are attributed to delays in obtaining her medical records from the Swedish healtchare system. It would seem that many countries have citizens whose medical records are difficult to obtain. According to a healthcare administration worker in London;

There is a percentage of the population who do not have access to their medical records

The incredibly light five year sentence handed down to Sabina Eriksson for the murder of Glenn Hollinshead was predicated on her being insane at the time of the murder. The fact that she was apparently finished with insanity and had returned to being of sound mind by September 2009 apparently has no bearing on the subject. During her trial, the M6 video evidence was not shown and when questioned she relied on consistently answering 'No comment'. A guilty verdict was reached with sentencing reduced as a case of 'folie à deux' which is considered an incredibly rare condition. The definition being somewhat related to 'mob hysteria' whereby delusional beliefs are passed from one person to another.


M6 Eriksson casulaties


There is, as with most of the 'persons of interest' articles on TEFLONRABBIT.COM, an undeniable air of conspiracy and clandestine activity associated with the Eriksson Twins incident. Many critics have asserted that the two were involved in the illegal drug industry and were under observation by the police and other agencies at the time of the incident. If this is indeed the case, it indicates that not only was Glenn Hollinshead's life considered as an utterly disposable commodity, but also the lives of the Eriksson twins. Their callous disregard for their own personal safety indicates that both had been pushed beyond their limits in terms of rational thought. Exactly how this happened is not clear from the official reports or the trial details. However the delays in obtaining medical records from the Swedish authorities indicates that whatever happened to these women started long before they arrived in the British Isles.

Since being released from her prison sentence, nothing much has been heard of Sabina Eriksson. It is known that Ursula Eriksson relocated to the USA and had a child. From social media postings, it appears that friends of her son have met Sabina Eriksson and stated;

Your aunt is cool, when is she visiting again?

Whether this represents some form of teenage peer group fascination with the macabre, gang stalking or simply ignorance of past events is not clear. Needless to say, it can't be much fun for anyone growing up with this story lingering around in the background, casting aspersions on the mental capacity of their family members.

As with other 'persons of interest' stories, there does appear to be a valid case to be made for the apparent use of mind control in the handling of the Eriksson sisters. Various investigative journalists have covered highly anomalous incidents and labelled them as having a distinct air of involvement with clandestine groups. While nobody comes forward to offer any form of closure for the relatives impacted by these 'high strangeness' incidents, it seems unlikely that anything will ever challenge those utilising mind control methods with such callous disregard for the sanctity of human life.

In the multi-dimensional game of chess that is the clandestine world, the expendable pieces are expected to not only be sacrificed quietly but to also keep the secrets of the players who effectively threw them under the wheels of the bus.

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