Gender chart for teh 21st century

When inclusion policy becomes a legacy liability

Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - 08:43

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The past two decades have seen a massive upswing in extreme gender politics. Currently the woke agenda extends to hastily inventing acronyms with which to label gender viewpoints. Apparently the labels used by previous generations to identify gender ambiguity have become outdated. Cue the invention of some paltry pigeonholes for personality profiles.

Society Societal Collapse Bad practice War Violence Gender Perception management

Qualified commentators have raised an uncomfortable issue in the artificially inflated field of gender confrontation. The number of women who actively oppose the actions of pro trans campaigners. With the endless need to create a new language of discrimination, the pejorative label of 'Terf' has been applied to these women. A somewhat low brow acronym standing for trans-exclusionary radical feminist was first recorded in 2008. Clearly some half baked millennial wordsmith scored a major win in the leveraging of yet more discrimination into the common parlance. The NYC female protestors being attacked by bands of trans women would be counted among the first of the 'Terfs'. Historically an isolated group, terfs are now seeing support from other sections of the gender spectrum.




The perception of trans women has changed quite dramatically over the past decade. Attitudes have been formed in line with the amount of confrontation exhibited by this minuscule minority. Gender awareness and inclusion policy used to come under the purview of parental instruction. Historically, educators have avoided offering opinions and deferred to the family home as the appropriate arena for such information. This fundamentally sensitive subject has now become the mandate of educational institutions. As most educational institutions are profit making entities, there has been a clear conflict of interests apparent during this transition.

In line with the terf / trans acrimony seen in sports, there is now an increasing number of natural women making their feelings known in a serious way. Their position is remarkably uncomplicated, they rightfully disapprove of men pretending to be women and using it to demean femininity. Not only is their position accessible, but naturally compatible with conventional heterosexual attitudes. The requirement for this pushback has stemmed from transsexual women being overly confrontational in the delivery of their chosen message. While awareness is considered healthy and progressive, there's a clear divide between tabling a subject for discussion and beating people over the head with relentless, virtue signalling mania. When this mania is being deliberately co-opted for the purposes of destabilisation, there is clear and present danger for the health of any progress.

The rise of transgender activism has undoubtedly been co-opted by the clandestine community. It could be argued that the gay scene has been the focus of attention from the clandestine community much more than it's straight counterpart. There is also a historical precedent. Prior to second half of the 20th century, homosexuality was not only illegal in most societies, but considered heresy. This has lead to a situation whereby those who already have something to hide have been disproportionately targeted. In addition, it suits the clandestine forces to have increasing numbers of people who have something to hide. In fact it's critical for the survival of clandestine forces for them to find anyone who has anything to hide. As a result of this self evident truth and the inherent laziness of the average numbnuts, finding someone to gain leverage over is made easier by massive gay wokeness campaigns. This is clearly a self fueling fire and one which is being carefully constructed.

Violence at trans protest


In order to perpetuate any market in accordance with their goals, clandestine forces will generally seek to lock out competitors. In addition they will attempt to lock in their clients. 'Vendor lock in' is an issue in all industries and it is entrenched in heavily capitalist societies. This mentality is seen in the clandestine communities exploitation of gender politics. In the TEFLONRABBIT article The flotsam and jetsam of a toxic tide we covered the subject of clandestine leverage within the UK political structure. While it would be convenient for the gravy train to perpetuate this nonsensical pantomime, any chance of real progress demands that society turns away from such short term thinking.

Person X. is neither male nor female. In fact Person X. is nobody at all because they exist purely within the confines of this text. But Person X. clearly has the right to exist in any form they wish, without restriction - as long as they conform to contemporary ideology, without being mis-cisgendered, except on non X. affirming Wednesdays throughout October. Because that's obviously Y. month. Moving forward, Person X. is not just a construct and a fabrication, but also the culmination of many years of research into creating Person X. profiles. The more dysfunctional Person X. appears to be, the greater value they have to clandestine forces. Hiding purpose in the outwardly insane is a military tactic dating from antiquity. While Person X. may be seen to engage with the day to day functions of society, they are not pursuing their own agenda. Instead they are working toward goals and targets which have been set by their handler(s). Often these goals are communicated in ways which could hardly be described as conventional. Exclusivity applied in methods of communication between Person X. and their controller(s) increases the value of the portfolio. This would be where 'vendor lock in' becomes an unavoidable trait of a falsely supported industry.

Inclusivity cheat sheet

To make matters worse, protection of communication exclusivity is achieved through a method which represents the single greatest threat to western civilisation. That being the vile and disgusting practice of security through obscurity. To be quite clear, those who practice this work of pure evil are fixated on entropy and there is no hope for them. Everything about security through obscurity is just plain wrong and those who pursue it as a means of applying 'vendor lock in' are frankly displaying the traits of unevolved minds. As such their entire existence represents a profoundly negative facet of the greater effort. A derangement of humanity which could be eradicated tomorrow, if everyone grew a set and stepped the hell up.

But humanity will certainly not step the hell up. Instead they'll take to Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Snapchat, WhatsApp or Wechat. Legions of touchscreen qwerty warriors will voice their acronym based, virtue signalling, whimsical opinions in line with whichever camp they perceive as the best. This value judgement is based on whichever hand will feed them the most. They will also attempt to be seen not to bite either hand in case they want to change their minds later. This is where humanity is at with it's current method of expressing public opinion. It's difficult to see the utterly feckless actions of the average social media user as representing anything even approximating credible. Nonetheless this is the terrain chosen for the battleground of a very tangible war. An ongoing campaign waged by public relations mercenaries for the hearts and minds of the global population.

The motivation of the confrontational LGBTQ activists is falsely perceived to be about inclusion. It's actual purpose is nothing to do with diversity and is actually about co-opting discrimination. If Mr. and Mrs. X  are seen to react badly to being confronted by a trans person they prove that they are part of a viable market for provocateur operations. Thus, any aspiring provocateurs are invited to shriek 'hey you hetties and terfs - you must accept me for what I am'. When The X.'s balk at such a transgression of agreed etiquette, then they must surely be intolerant, cis, anti-trans insurgents. Furthermore they could well represent a transphobic alliance between the dominant male patriarchy and trans exclusionary radical feminists. Consequently this negative reaction has proven that there are grounds for profiling and monitoring a potential intolerant conspiracy. Being confronted by anyone demanding a reaction to their appearance is generally a negative experience. Such behavior is broadly perceived to be the remit of small children playing dress-up box games. As such it has no place in adult interaction and anyone who insists on doing it is rightfully considered mentally subnormal. Humans have been discriminating against the mentally subnormal for millennia and have become exceptionally good at it.

Organic reactions are not predicated on complex discrimination practices. Generally speaking they are the culmination of hundreds of thousands of instances of subconscious stimuli. These instances occur throughout the entire lifespan of the individual. As such the deliberate misinterpretation of organic reactions as premeditated discrimination, is just weak. It represents the exact type of lazy thinking exhibited throughout the clandestine community. CIA analysts called this mindset out in the 1960's. The consistent attitude of sending operatives into ambiguous environments with the directive of 'just get out there and develop on the land' has lead to demonstrably lacklustre practices. Regardless of this malaise being clearly identified, things have only gotten worse since the 1960s'.

The Kerchoff Priniciple

The currently escalating gender dysphoria war has been fundamentally driven by this established mentality of mediocrity. Blindly pursuing mediocre methods has created a work ethic which was accurately described by the Langley analysts as being: 

'unlikely to be conducive to an environment of vigorous productivity'

Conflating this lazy mentality with a  be whoever you want to be has directly facilitated the provocation we see in gender conflict culture. The vast majority of this conflict is being artificially created by people who portray their actions to be a vital contribution toward a cause. Not only are their actions blatantly disingenuous but the cause they are falsely defending is one that has been fabricated. Those who have instigated the confrontation do not care about inclusivity. Neither do they care about preserving ways of life for future generations. They care about one thing and that has always been control. No minority is free from saboteurs and the LGBT community is no exception. There are those who work directly against the interests of the community and use affirmative action inclusion in order to do so. This is a major problem. As discussed in The Flotsam and Jetsam of a Toxic Tide, there has been a dramatic upturn in the number of people using diversity inclusion as an opportunistic shortcut.

The majority of what these diversity mining opportunists do is not part of a greater plan and has not been comprehensively defined. Instead they are primed with certain response mechanisms and inserted into contrived LARP scenarios. Many of these scenarios are hostile actions within the LGBT community and some are blatant false flags. Self damaging actions conducted by saboteurs identifying as gay has become commonplace. These false flag instigating saboteurs are generally not even sexually active and use gender dysphoria as part of their provocateur inventory. In the NWO invasion of the esoteric plane, those prepared to work against everything and everyone around them represent favoured footsoldiers.

In order to bring about their golden ideal of global feudalism, the cult of entropy must eradicate self forming structures of governance. Naturally those who believe themselves to be working toward one world government see themselves as being the party members. They certainly do not perceive their future as being that of a subsistence dependent untermensch. Consequently they are quite prepared to instigate unrest and create conflict between previously tolerant social strata. As a result we see a drive to develop acronyms with which to signal gender based ideological alignment. This serves to define a language of confrontation through the adoption of slurs and pejorative labels. In many ways it appears that the LGBTQ community have been artificially built up so that they could be set up to fail. That set up is currently being delivered by sell outs and saboteurs within the community and their straight, cis, terf handlers outwith the community. Generally speaking this juxtaposed other is interpreted as representing the dominant, utilitarian male patriarchy. Which using the modern method, would make them Dumps and presumably their significant others would be cisgender privileged dump lovers.

Note: Use of the term 'Dumps' to denote dominant male patriarchy is retained as the intellectual property of TEFLONRABBIT ©2023. Any and all permitted uses of this term must give attribution. So mote it be.

The conflation of parental viewpoints in the current US gender war debacle represents an escalation in the delivery of the forthcoming MIHOP / LIHOP scenario. Alliances between young conservatives and identity affirming heterosexuals have been forming across social media. Establishment gay activists face off against confrontational reaction baiters in an emotional charged battle. A concerted conflict is raging within the previously cohesive LGBTQ community. Virtue signalling escalates into victim shaming and doxxing operations in the bitter exchanges between agitated ideologues. In many ways the work done by gay activists over the past sixty years is seriously threatened by the impetuous tub thumping of the current saboqueer campaign. This is part of the motivation of feminists who have been labelled as 'Terfs'. The behaviour of many trans people has been cited as justification for the rise of anti trans activism. Much of this seriously negative and aggressive behaviour originates from outwith the LGBT community. It is delivered by the sell outs and saboqueers into the community primarily through radical protests and confrontational public actions. This conflict is then picked up by the media and used as a political football. Many people outwith the community are understandably offended by these actions.  In turn this creates yet more ammunition for virtue signalling provocateurs.


Sonic Hetterohog


There is a limit to how much any society will tolerate when it comes to seeing the recipients of preferential policy blatantly exploiting affirmative action. Generally speaking, the backlash created by the incorrect application of preferential policy reduces any grounds gained prior to the watershed. Nations who have pursued conquest as an expansionist policy are generally punished through reparations. The dismantling of their economic and cultural infrastructure prevents them recovering any foundation which could facilitate them ever pursuing such methods in future. Likewise in the forthcoming escalation of the gender dysphoria war, there is a high probability of a negative outcome for the LGBTQ community. Due to the far greater number of heterosexuals, any forcing of a confrontation can only result in a disproportionate defeat. Subsequent to the defeat will be the punitive measures applied through the medium of discriminatory practices. Many of the virtue signalling activists know this and continue with their confrontational methodology regardless. These people are pursuing a goal which will probably be highly detrimental to the long term goals of the community they falsely claim to defend. They are not just traitors to their cause but are in fact saboqueers, deliberately laying cultural charges which will be detonated in due course.

Note: Use of the term 'Saboqueers' to denote LGBT false flag saboteurs is retained as the intellectual property of TEFLONRABBIT ©2023. Any and all permitted uses of this term must give attribution. So mote it be.

Any movement which endures requires proactive and ongoing self policing. The feminist movement has historically lacked any effective self policing and as such has suffered at the hand of those who would co-opt it. There is an inherent barrier to the concept of self policing when it is perceived by the female mindset. As mentioned in various other TEFLONRABBIT articles, men are more concerned with the conscientious and women are more concerned with the social. Self policing is not a social activity. It is instrumentally and inherently conscientious in it's purpose. As a result, matriarchal structures require that dominance replace integrity as a control mechanism. This is essentially why women were historically excluded from the democratic process. Usually doing the right thing requires that hard decisions need to be made. Waiting for a complex series of socially acceptable treaties to be made in order to ensure that everyone continues to get along well, is just not effective.To state that the LGBTQ community do not display a broadly female mindset would be naive in the extreme. This has been encouraged and facilitated by external influence. Much of the influence is motivated by groups seeking to co-opt a political football or a gravy train.

The emotional polarisation of the trans agenda provides a sustainable market for those who trade in disparity. Additionally there appears to be an interest based on the normalisation of sexuality in the minds of the young. Numerous publications have been commissioned for approved reading in junior schools. Politically correct teaching aids have been invented such as 'The Genderbread Person' with which to acclimate the minds of children with the world of gender dysphoria. This is highly concerning as it flies in the face of traditional values espoused by religious institutes all over the world. Due to the relentless virtue signalling campaign, various religious groups have been compelled to take a stance on the subject. This has actually created the backlash that is now perceived as the cherry pie baking, proudly heterosexual young conservatives, the redneck Maga roasters and the 'terfs'. Teaching aids such as 'The Genderbread Person' are simply a manifestation of long term policies enacted by the underpinning cult of entropy. The work has been going on in the background for decades and now the triggers are showing up in mainstream society.


Inclusivity Cheat Sheet


The consistent attempt to conflate the perception of the younger generations with the goals of interest groups represents a very sinister agenda. Perceiving the rise of homosexuality and gender dysphoria against a backdrop of clandestine involvement illuminates this agenda. An attempt has been made over the past few centuries to remove the perception of homosexuality as leverage. This has shifted the focus of aspiring blackmailers to other forms of divergence. In the 13th century if Monsieur X wanted to apply leverage to the local mayor, setting him up to look like a homosexual would surely evoke disdain from the local parish. In the 21st century nobody cares if the mayor is gay, lives with his husband and drives a rainbow coloured VW Beetle. Consequently if Monsieur X. is to gain his leverage he must seek an alternative if he wishes to prevail. As a result of this shift in marketable leverage, the lowest hanging fruit is to accuse the local mayor of being a pedophile. The thinking being that in time, this method will also be insufficient to hold power over the local mayor. At which point the local parish will only care if the mayor is not only a pedophile skaghead but drives a hearse, listens to death metal on Sundays and is a purveyor of deranged snuff movies.

As blatantly irresponsible as this mindset is, it only gets worse. The clandestine method continually requires more subjects who increasingly exhibit behaviour which is divergent from the norm. In order to justify it's existence, it must be consistently acquiring more grounds for justification. Eventually humanity is reduced to such base behaviour that we will have earned ourselves another worldwide cataclysm. As fundamentally insane as this viewpoint is, it is nonetheless being pursued by millions of people, every day, all over the world. It's all ludicrously illogical but as mentioned many times in these pages, the clandestine community are not overly encumbered by a sense of rationale. They are a cult of entropy which inhabits every facet of life on every continent. Very few have the presence of mind to be able to view the bigger picture. With generations of broken minded Montauk kids representing the rank and file of the NWO diversity force, confused gender politics is the order of the day.

The vast majority of the actions we see being played out are not predicated on the life goals of those enacting them. Instead they are short term targets being delivered by a control structure which does not value devolution. In order for humanity to be free from the insidious shackles of the past, we need to place less emphasis on temporary social gain. In addition we need to exercise greater vigilance in terms of identifying the targets assigned to those working against the common good. Scrutinising the chain of command has always been essential and now more so than ever. It's the only way to avoid endorsing the flourishing of evil and thereby ending up on the wrong side of a Nuremberg defence. Failing to do so is not considered to be a retroactive excuse for standing by idle.

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