Traditionally consisting of projectiles and or edge weapons, latterly extended to ballistics and information.

More than any other field of endeavor, the production of armaments has inspired creativity and innovation in the psyche of the human race. If humanity put one percent of the effort into tackling social issues that it does into inventing ways to kill and control, planet Earth would have become a type two civilisation before the Pyramids were built.

Many deviations have occurred throughout the human development lifecycle in terms of benevolent interaction. Currently we see a shift in orientation from control via the Military Industrial Complex to control via the Medical Industrial Complex. The weapons of choice vary and the battle grounds are relocated. The war is conducted in the most convenient way for the majority of the interested parties and increasingly, the most profitable information weapons are the humans themselves. 

The most dangerous thing on Earth is someone who can't think for themselves 

Yours is not to question why

21 June, 2023
With increasing frequency, the media features news which reports on the violence experienced up and down the country. Most find the details appalling but in the same way as the fascination shown by motorway crash rubberneckers, many are compelled to read all about it. As with so many emotionally charged items of news content, there is a sophisticated chain of events which lead to the vicarious armchair viewer having their senses assaulted. This month's Persons of Interest feature takes a retrospective look at some of the failures in actionable intelligence which facilitated the murder spree of Dale Cregan.

An uncompromising romp through the shadowy terrain of contemporary clandestine Britain

27 September, 2021
No similarities to persons past or present is intended. This entirely fictional narrative is strictly for the purposes of entertainment. Nothing referenced in the text represents anything even remotely relevant. In fact the whole thing is a massive tissue of lies, woven loosely together with nought but a cobweb of truth.