Smoke and Mirrors

Expansion as a strategy creates systemic vulnerability

Thursday, June 8, 2023 - 12:34

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Many empires have grown quickly through a steadfast dedication to the expansionist philosophy. Exporting an agreed set of rules and economic conditions has proved successful for civilisations throughout history. Unfortunately for every single one of them, expansionism (by it's very nature) is doomed to fail.

Freedom Train Public School Syndrome Mind Control Gangstalking Gaslighting Perception management Secret Societies Social Engineering Violence Bad practice WACO

In the article The flotsam and jetsam of a toxic tide the perils of ignoring accountability were discussed. The widespread acceptance of using methods which exist outside of a regulatory framework, has created a global environment predicated on perception management. How exactly we all came to be in this situation, is a particularly involved anecdote. In the briefest of terms, it's all thanks to a crude welding together of Kick the can down the road and Go along to get along.

Many articles available from TEFLONRABBIT cover issues relating to the rise of a particular mindset. A contagious psychological method of false narratives and toxic narcissism, empowered by a culture which eschews critical thinking. Those subscribing to the tenets of the clandestine way are encouraged to believe that they have embarked on a journey of self discovery. Obviously this in itself is highly illusory and exists purely to lure unsuspecting individuals into a false sense of security. These people have generally been failed by orthodox control methods such as organised religion and social 'nudge theory'. They are targeted with gang stalking and gaslighting so that they can be absorbed into a catchall method espoused by people who aspire to be authoritarians. By every possible measure, it is a pestilence or pronounced illness which would conventionally be considered the remit of some kind of global watchdog for wellbeing. It is no less than a forced conversion of people who hold values which are in line with the principles espoused by most societies. While they are expected to maintain a facsimile of the value system they have been conditioned with, this is purely for the sake of appearances. They exhibit antisocial behaviour patterns to satisfy the irrational requirements of the illness. This fulfills the demands of a destructive system that has denied them their liberty and integrity. It creates a repeater situation which also incorporates aspects of hazing.

In every way, it is the contemporary application of the Press Gang mentality. Unlike the taking of the Kings shilling in antiquity by unsuspecting bar flies, those pressed from hearth and home in the 21st century will never see land again. The forces promoting the use of Press Gangs don't have any actual enemies of the realm to wage war upon. Instead it is considered to be a war on the astral plane, waged on the domestic population as they are inexorably forced to accept a culture of totalitarianism.

The rise in cases or clustered instances in this 'epidemic' can be attributed in part to one of the identifying traits. Sufferers of this learned, non congenital illness are compelled to be actively symptomatic. Displaying similarities to obsessive compulsive disorder, those afflicted by this hysteria can't ever allow themselves to be in a state of quiet reflection. They believe that any quietude renders them (and others) vulnerable to attack from negative forces. Some consider these negative forces to be a form of witchcraft or paranormal activity. Sufferers have claimed to hear the voice of deceased relatives, deities, figures from history and other seemingly schizophrenic origins. Others consider it to be as a result of pulse code modulated radio frequency, a technology utilising SIGINT, MASINT, ELFINT and HUMINT. Basically scanning the electromagnetic profile of the target and their environment then using directed energy as mind control weaponry. This has been referenced in numerous publications online and there have been extensive research papers based on this phenomenally disturbing activity by clandestine forces.

The American government has been accused of operating a mechanism known as 'The Freedom Train'. A broad overview would be thousands of individuals who have been subjected to extensive gaslighting, gangstalking and blackmail. Their purpose is to be eyes, ears, mouthpieces and other body parts for various governmental organisations. They are unpaid and coerced into various 'operations' for the rest of their lives. They may receive some minor gratuity for their permanently mind controlled slavery duties. This could be represented by an occasional concession on municipal billing such as taxes, or it could be an equivalent gratuity from the commercial sector such as a free Amazon Prime voucher. They are literally brain washed into being government spies using the various technologies detailed in several TEFLONRABBIT articles.  This mind control paradigm has been identified by journalists and commentators across the USA and other markets. Their highly critical work has been available for several decades. Possibly the highest profile case referenced in this work would be the former US President William Jefferson Clinton. Despite being involved in global events for over a decade, Bill Clinton is possibly best known for his proclivities in regards to sexual indiscretion. By many accounts, the problem was that he kept going outside of the Freedom Train sex slaves for his assignations. The reports of his secret service bodyguard cleanups have been circulating on the internet from many years and constitute part of the 'Clinton Body-count' narrative.

It's quite difficult to imagine that the US government would be the only govt. operating a coercive psychological slave trade. In fact, the chances are that the US govt is quite a late comer due to the fact that it's yet to reach it's third centenary. Also, the USA was born out of European settlement programs. Extensive esoteric involvement during this period can still be seen in the sacred geometry of Washington D.C. Consequently it's no great revelation to say that the USA was founded by Europeans with a firm commitment to the hidden and the secret. An infamous quote attributed to 'Anon' has been circulating on social media for some years:

"With the KJV in the right hand and Scottish Rite Free Masonry in the left, the New World was forged."

It is therefore reasonable to assume that the 'Freedom Train' has its origin thousands of miles from North America. With Christianity and secret societies forming the base plate of the nation, the capacity for mind control is practically unlimited. Perhaps the only factor operating against a government founded amidst secrecy and clandestine philosophies, is the refusal of the population to delete the second amendment. While the US population have the right to use firearms to protect themselves against tyrannical government, exercising this right will certainly result in death or lifelong incarceration. Nonetheless numerous firebrands have stood against local police departments and alphabet agencies throughout the several centuries since the founding fathers ratified their manifestos and created 'The Constitution'. Most of these 'libertarians' have been executed instantly by various enforcement bodies, but their names are remembered and their political stance endures. In recent decades, police departments and alphabet agencies have sought to discredit these martyrs in the public eye in order to justify such blatant totalitarianism.

There is an opinion that the so called 'tragedy' that took place at the Waco compound of the Branch Davidians, was no accident. Many reports openly assert that the Branch Davidian church was actually engaged in assisting people who had been assimilated by the 'Freedom Train'. With the self sufficiency afforded by the enclosed compound and their various revenue generation activities, the Branch Davidians were in a good position to increase their numbers. By acknowledging the damage being done by the 'Freedom Train' and extending hospitality to it's victims, their numbers grew year on year. Whether David Koresh was a vile predator or not is a matter of speculation. The statements made by the surviving Waco residents have been analysed by various investigators and their reports imply that there has clearly been some major coaching employed.

There is also the matter of the video evidence clearly implicating the A.T.F in the horrific deaths of most of the other residents. This creates a serious contradiction in the governments narrative. Despite continual virtue signalling by the A.T.F, the burning of innocent women and children to death could never stand as any form of 'investigation' into the claims made against David Koresh. Apart from anything else, they only employed the ad hominem method after dozens of people had been murdered in the most heinous fashion.

In Britain, the powers of governmental bodies do not extend to blatantly burning people to death and getting away with it. For such highly illegal activities, most governments have to rely on external service providers. This has facilitated the expansion of a mindset referred to in the article The Flotsam and Jetsam of a Toxic Tide. While many of the mind controlled UK equivalent of the 'Freedom Train' are embedded in the public sector, there are many, many more working in the private sector. In addition there are many who do not have occupations at all. They maintain some trivial front and generate revenue from various insidious and ethically bankrupt practices. As alarming as this reality is, it's far from anything new. For these principles to have been exported to the colonies, logically they must have been fundamentally established in Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal and other non European nations exporting settlers to the New World.

Prior to the formation of the UK 77th Brigade, clandestine activities online started to face resistance from truth activists. In amongst all the visceral race warring and intolerance, predictable patterns of contradictory and pro-establishment narratives began to emerge. Eventually it became a matter of daily comment that certain subject matters regularly featured input from 'narrative enforcement' actors. Users of news outlets on Youtube would regularly see narrative enforcement activity in the comments threads. As would anyone watching content considered to be radical, new age, alternative or in any way against the verbage spewing out of the news channels. In the most heated of debates it was not uncommon to see accusations of 'paid shill' and '77th brigade" being thrust in the face of those posting condescending contradictions to the general flow of communication. In certain cases this went even further and alluded to the fact that these opposing views were coming from people who had been 'owned' by various clandestine forces. The reasons voiced generally included an insinuation of predatory wrongdoing. While this could be a grotesque manifestation of ego based petulance, it's more likely to represent resistance to blatantly deceptive activity by the 'Freedom Train'.

The use of predators and their victims by British clandestine groups has been common knowledge for some time. From the photograph featuring Frank Bruno, Peter Sucliffe and Jimmy Saville all having a good laugh at a Broadmoor meet & greet, to the reports of unnamed boys on the obliterated boat of Lord Mountbatten. However there are only a minimal number of individuals that qualify as predatory risks to the population. Consequently, the Freedom Train is limited in the number of individuals it can 'own'. The clandestine mindset does not accept such limitations as a barrier. In fact any barrier is generally considered by the average clandestine ideologue to be an opportunity based on disparity. This has lead to the widespread acknowledgement of the old adage:

If we can't make it, we'll fake it

As a result of this inherently fraudulent mentality, the clandestine community spend an entirely disproportionate amount of time obsessing over the misconstruing of sexual innuendo. In order to maintain their paradigm of slavery, they must create new justifications on an ongoing basis. Consequently they are constantly engaged in the rolling out of perception management campaigns against targeted individuals. They use all manner of equivocation and justification to defend their insane malice, bereft of anything even approximating rationale. While some do in fact hold some form of public sector role, the vast majority of these individuals are not employed by the state. They are private citizens who have been absorbed by the 'Freedom Train' and have been compelled by the insidious methods that the clandestine community employs.

Unfortunately for these deranged slaves, their lack of authoritarian training means that they have to rely on yet more perception management techniques. With no skills in actual policing or investigation, they are essentially one trick ponies with some kind of tenuous link to some other deranged slave in the hierarchy of the 'Freedom Train'. As a result of major disasters for the UK courts, the Criminal Prosecution Service is notoriously reluctant to take on any case that isn't a foregone conclusion. This means that these deluded mind control victims can't even bring a legal case against anyone at all. All they can do is inform the police and hope they don't get targeted for greater mind control as and when their schemes disintegrate. 

As has been illustrated by activists looking into UK abuse scandals such as the Jersey childrens home deaths, many victims of abuse do not seek justice. Instead they are absorbed by the Freedom Train, which is more than likely the same organisation which created the abusive situation in the first place. The trauma they have been subjected to makes them the perfect candidates for mind control. This exact type of trauma has been referenced by investigators of the MK Ultra project. Despite ongoing denials, the US government had to admit to the highly inhumane treatment of civilians under the MK Ultra project which operated both inside and outside US borders.

Undoubtedly the Freedom Train represents a vector of extreme and persistent psychological dysfunction. The fact that it's sanctioned by hidden policies enacted by ID carrying representatives of governments, represents a hallmark of the most jarring fascist dictatorships. For such things to be happening at all, is a major setback to the evolution of the human race. For them to be occurring in states claiming to be founded on Judaeo Christian principles, could only be considered as some truly uncompromising hypocrisy. This dysfunction has been in existence for so long that it has become a matter of normality for many people. Despite their solitary and unfulfilled lives representing quite a profound psychological illness, they have been so ruthlessly conditioned that they literally don't know any other way of life.

Like all virulent conditions, this illness has an aspect of self replication associated with it. In fact, the primary allocation of all the resources of the organism are dedicated to even faster consumption of even more of the available resources. In this way, this illness can be likened to the expansionist desires of an empire - and also the frenzied gluttony of a parasitical worm. However unlike the geographical boundaries of physical empires, this pandemic is primarily manifested in the mind. As with all expansionist empires, there is a flawed model in place being relentlessly pursued by willful ignorance. At some point it is clear that resources will be exhausted. All parasitic entities have an environmental limitation.

Vultures are large, heavy and relatively long lived. In comparison, the maggots of blackfly are of a far lesser magnitude in both scale and appetite. They do however, play a numbers game. Enormous scouting commitment means that any corpse will be riddled with blackfly in a matter of hours. The egg laying commences and  the next generation of blackfly is instigated. The decaying corpse of an antelope, bison, or other game will only ever support a limited amount of both avians and or insects. Vultures do actually recognise this on some level and as such understand that self preservation is more important than consuming as much of the corpse as possible. If the corpse is discovered by apex predators or larger carrion eaters, vultures will clumsily lurch into the air to avoid sustaining injuries. Acquisition is of less priority than survival and most higher intelligence animals will avoid risking injuries which can impede their ability to find food.

Blackfly maggots are not capable of comprehending economics on this level, consequently they will continue hatching and consuming everything in their path until the food source runs out. At this point, all the remaining maggots who haven't metamorphosised die and so do those emerging from the unhatched eggs. It's game over for the entire remnants of the blackfly paradigm in that market. The future blackfly cadaver acquisition campaign doesn't care. The completely consumed corpse supported the metamorphosis of several hundred thousand additions to the blackfly population and they only live for a couple of days anyway so vast wastage is no big deal. In addition, some of the vultures and hyenas consumed blackfly eggs which evoked violently emetic response mechanisms. The addition of partially digested carrion to the local terrain provides the blackfly a greater market share because nobody else is prepared to eat hyena shit and or vulture vomit. All things considered it's broadly a win for the blackfly. They do what they know and wouldn't benefit from a more sophisticated economic model for at least few hundred million years.

Traditionally humans have classified their behaviour as being in line with higher forms of life than vultures or maggots. Exhibiting any form of blind resource mismanagement would conventionally have been considered highly inefficient. As such this type of behaviour is generally considered a direct threat to productivity. The mindset behind this parasitical pandemic of cognitive dissonance does not operate on a shared value system. Any shared perception of value is in itself of lesser value to someone seeking to co-opt a given situation. Something which represents a highly tailored value (to as few individuals as possible) constitutes far more effective leverage. 

If Mrs X. wants to coerce Mrs Y. into being at the disposal of Mrs X. (and or others) a shared understanding of currency does not provide Mrs X. with the greatest advantage. Ultimately any control held by Mrs X. is only guaranteed for as long as the financial incentive suits Mrs Y. Far better for Mrs X. to discover something which Mrs Y. values, but is not part of a shared value system. Specifically not shared with anyone else. In other words, if you want to control someone, finding out what they want to do but don't want to talk about, can represent a good bet in terms of controlling them. As a fairly simplistic model of economic policy, it underpins a colossal amount of all decision making processes happening today. It's also frequently manifested as blackmail, but that's apparently just the cost of doing business.

This short term, misanthropic mindset has been thwarting the combined efforts of mankind for millennia. The idea that it must be a new thing because it incorporates the use of modern technology, is fundamentally flawed. The differences between what is happening today and what happened thousands of years ago, can be understood as the identity of the forces responsible and the architecture of the technology used. In times past the separation of church and state was not broadly accepted. Organised religion and feudal control methods have been cooperating for literally tens of thousands of years. In amongst all the disparate human societies, various individual characteristics have emerged. Certain societies place value in concepts and behaviour that other societies will disregard or actively oppose. This is what makes the homo sapien sapien experience so diverse. Anyone seeking an endless resource of learning, only has to travel a comparatively short distance to find a radically different culture. Completely understanding a different culture requires a great deal of learning. The fact that limited numbers of the global population ever pursue this method illustrates exactly how pervasive this illness has become. Rather than understand their international neighbours, most people will accept a less challenging existence of local focus and limited horizons.

The mindset itself is critically incompatible with the human condition. Representing a psychosis or mania resulting from specifically designed repeated behaviour, it is transferred using hierophant methods from human to human. Often the individual does not accept the attempts to contaminate their psyche with this illness. As a result, those seeking to enforce the mindset will scale up the human and technological resources until they can bombard their target(s) at will. Beyond this, it's usually just a matter of time before the target relents and allows their mind to be subjugated. However, there are those who will never submit to mind control. These people represent the greatest threat to those seeking to perpetuate slavery through a virtual hypervisor of deception. Such vehement resistance alters the methods employed by the aggressor(s) from an attempt to assimilate the target to an attempt to destroy it.

There is an opinion in clinical psychology that if people in their mid to late 40's have a psychological breakdown, they generally do not survive. Suicide by various means is conspicuously high in this age bracket. Some of them are apparently as a result of suspected blackmail threats. Other instances constitute a refusal to submit and also to deny the enemy any victory. Anyone who has known a suicide victim will have experienced the confusion in regards to what the victims state of mind was at the time of committing the act. Generally the reaction from friends and family is one of guilt. They are racked by emotions stemming from a shared concept of community responsibility. This is a one to many process. The more popular an individual, the more confused friends result from the suicide. In order for society to cope with this regularly negative situation, we now live in an age where suicide is accepted as a symptom of depression. This pigeonholing is not accurate as a means of explaining the mindset of suicide victims who have been targeted for assimilation or destruction. While they are undoubtedly profoundly depressed, their mania or psychosis has come about purely as a result of extensive psychological warfare. Manifested as gang stalking, gaslighting and blackmail, the methods are tailored to individual personalities. At all times, these methods rely on a single principle:

If it's obvious, logical or rational, it's unacceptable.

As has been discussed in several TEFLONRABBIT articles, delusions of reference is considered to be a symptom of pronounced psychosis. Nonetheless it is the absolute go-to for any aspiring miscreant traversing the clandestine way. If Mrs X. keeps leaving an empty transparent egg box in Mrs Y.'s garden, the confused Mrs Y. would initially consider it to be bizarre littering or some form of prank. If Mrs Y. then started noticing empty transparent egg boxes being left in other conspicuous locations, she faces a conflicting cognitive process. Logically empty transparent egg boxes do not represent any kind of perceived threat. Therefore the mind attempts to interpret the conspicuously placed conatiners as a communication medium. Subsequent attempts by Mrs Y. to reconcile this out of place and repeated anomaly, is a premeditated action of mind control by Mrs X. If everything goes according to plan, Mrs Y.'s repeated efforts to comprehend the meaning of an empty transparent egg box will evoke a reaction whereby Mrs Y. regularly questions that which she would normally consider trivial and insignificant. With repetition and variation this leads to a manic state whereby the patient perceives potential hidden meaning in the obscurity of everyday life. At this point, Mrs X. has achieved a substantial victory in that she has created a situation whereby Mrs Y. is regularly questioning her own cognitive capacity. A neighbour who didn't interact with the malevolent Mrs X. in any meaningful way, is now locked into an oppressive communication method that is designed to erode individuality, deny informed choice, dissolve support networks, fracture the personality and at all times - assert dominance.

Unfortunately for the Mrs X. stereotype, there have been many ultra violent attacks on gangstalking, gaslighting blackmailers. Representing a polar opposite and entirely counter productive outcome, it is inherently linked to the suicides of gangstalking victims. This has emerged in highly controversial articles in the media. Most of these contentious exposés have centered on the various illegal activities of the gangstalkers. Many of them can be easily interpreted as Mrs (or in most cases Mr.) Y. rebuking the repeated influencing attempts and asserting some fairly tangible dominance of their own. Thus all gangstalkers, gaslighters and blackmailers who employ aggressive mind control methods have the blood of their colleagues on their hands. Some of the crimes committed in this context are of the most heinous nature and extend to rape, torture and murder. Perusing articles on this subject, a systemic pattern of inherent dysfunction emerges. In cases where there has been a highly anomalous rampage, it is not unreasonable to perceive an individual who has reached the end of their tolerance. They have abandoned the concept of a proportionate response and targeted persons whom they believe to be part of the gangstalking effort.  

This extremely antisocial control method has been utilised by gangstalkers, gaslighters and blackmailers for much, much longer than the terminology has even existed. Throughout history there have been attempts by groups who employ these methods to eradicate any other groups who also use these methods. Including (but not limited to) the Spanish Inquisition and both World Wars. The mainstream narrative attributes these events to unrelated political events and situations. However it's not even questionable anymore that much of the mainstream narrative is a series of total fabrications. Total and utter spin, designed purely to justify malevolence.

WW2 ended over 70 years ago, yet much of the details are still redacted under a 100 year classification. By the time even the most trivial of truths is revealed, anyone remotely implicated will be long dead. Furthermore administrative and military departments will have undergone extensive restructuring. After a re-brand, government depts are keen to write off any responsibility of the former brand. This has facilitated the rise of a mentality synonymous with third world corrupt states. It is broadly accepted in most countries that their municipal infrastructure (civil service) does not place value in performance, instead they focus on creating process. This facilitates additional requirements, allocation of resources and ultimately a greater capacity for billing.

Traditionally those who work at the higher levels of local or national government have been privately educated. For some completely unknowable reason, fee paying schools churn out the best exam results in the land. However anyone who has spent much time in the company of their alumni, will notice a distinct absence of life skills, a low compensating mechanism and limitations in terms of pragmatic response mechanisms. These characteristics are entirely compatible with a career in municipal infrastructure. Due to the nature of civil administration, many negative behavioural traits have become commonplace. Protectionism is one of the most visible. It's become a trope that a civil service job doesn't pay particularly well but is quite difficult to get fired from. In most markets it is commonly understood that a government job is a job for life. Those who have distinguished themselves shoot for a job in the overseas arm of the civil service as it is perceived to be more prestigious. Those who have achieved lesser academic distinction are guided into the domestic corridors of local and national government. Generally speaking very few of these roles require a high degree of functionality or specialist skill-set. Over time civil services have become heavily populated by people dealing with a hidden illness. Whoever these people really are beneath their numerous layers of artifice, they have learned to keep it well hidden.

Our current paradigm is coming to a close. Within the next five decades, humanity can expect a major shift in energy consumption habits. While this may liberate mankind from various restrictions, it portends massive reductions in liberty of the corporeal entity and also freedom of the mind.

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