Human intelligence is intelligence gathered by means of interpersonal contact, as opposed to the more technical intelligence gathering disciplines such as signals intelligence, imagery intelligence and measurement and signature intelligence. NATO defines HUMINT as "a category of intelligence derived from information collected and provided by human sources."

HUMINT, as the name suggests, is mostly done by people rather than any technical means, and is commonly provided by covert agents and spies. For instance, Oleg Penkovsky was a Soviet military intelligence colonel who served as a source to the UK and the United States by informing them of the precise knowledge necessary to address rapidly developing military tensions with the Soviet Union. A typical HUMINT activity consists of interrogations and conversations with persons having access to information.

In the more modern framework of private intelligence operations, HUM-INT can be described as the hijacking of the individuals social environment. The plight of 'targeted individuals' is a perfect example of out of control deployment of HUM-INT protocols. These people have heir entire reality co-opted by a broad range of clandestine agencies. These agencies then use their various unaccountable methods to place compromised operatives in the path of the targeted individual. The subject goes from living their life in the way that they have for decades into a bizarre world of suspecting every single person they know. Many people simply can not endure such an alienating experience and simply kill themselves. The precise number of people who have chosen death rather than bend the knee to an unaccountable standing army of compromised civilians is not advertised, surprisingly enough. However given the numerous governmental bodies who most certainly have been directly associated with literally hundreds of suicides, it's safe to assume that the number is far from insubstantial. 


Target in crowd


Mr. X. visits his local supermarket to pick up his usual crate of pickled gherkins. He has been using the same supermarket for several years as it's on his way home from work and they always have a healthy stock of his favourite side dish. Thanks to a SIG-INT capture the night before, operative 'Bryce' knows where Mr. X will be with a high degree of confidence. 'Bryce' then forwards instructions to any assets that are within the vicinity to make Mr. X aware of their presence. They may have additional and specific instructions such as being seen to conspicuously deliberate over the purchase of a loaf of bread, dustpan and brush set or super pack of kitchen roll. These operatives carry out their instructions because they are being blackmailed by operative 'Bryce' and have been lead to believe that they are doing incredibly important work for some agency or other. They identify Mr. X and dutifully conduct their otherwise meaningless lurking and larping according to their instructions. Suddenly Mr X.'s routine has been profoundly altered. He is left with the feeling that he is being ruthlessly gang stalked by anonymous forces who seem to know where he will be at any given time. The anxiety of this experience casts Mr.X into a self recriminating anxiety that endures for the next weeks, months or years depending on his ability to rationalise what he has experienced. This anxiety leads to Mr X. reevaluating every trip he ever made to the supermarket and every jar of pickles he has ever purchased. In addition, the nature of hypermania causes him to reevaluate many personal relationships he may have had. He experiences somewhat of an existential crisis and leaves the supermarket in a bit of a state. Unfortunately for him, the supermarket fire alarm system has SIG-INT capture capabilities which allow operative 'Bryce' to then acquire the PCM signatures associated with Mr. X's descent into hypermania. 

With even greater detail as to Mr X.'s anxieties and fears, the HUM-INT campaign is adjusted in real time to take into account the new stressors and memory anchors. The next time he visits the supermarket he finds a competitors brand has suddenly taken over the shelf where he normally obtains his preferred pickled produce. This is discombobulating for Mr. X. as he (like most humans) is a creature of habit. He knows what he likes and he doesn't feel any compulsion to deviate in his purchasing habits. He approaches a shelf stacking employee and inquires as to his favourite brand or lack of therein. The employee is of course, an asset of the agency facilitating operative 'Bryce' in his HUM-INT campaign. The employee makes some pre-rehearsed statement about the 'seals being damaged' and how the new brand is just as good as the absent favourite of Mr. X. 


Seal cull


As mentioned in the SIG-INT reference page, Mr. X. has been having rather disturbing dreams about seal pups being culled by some deranged villain dressed in a gherkin costume. The mention of 'seals being damaged' triggers him into remembering his dreams and creates another negative anchor in his mind. This causes Mr. X. to review his inclinations in terms of eating pickled gherkins at all, never mind discerning between particular brands. Unbeknownst to Mr. X, operative 'Bryce' is working directly against the interests of previous competing operatives. The predecessors were more interested in using a reward mechanism and utilised Mr. X's predilection for imagery containing statuesque blondes engaged in the eating of pickles. 

Mr. X. is now faced with a critical decision in regards to whom he can trust. Running into a police station and babbling about his mind being read and pickled gherkins will probably not illicit a positive reaction. In fact it would undoubtedly result in him being shown into a waiting room while the duty sergeant hurriedly organises a police doctor and a relative for an immediate section and psychological evaluation. Mr. X. is capable of understanding this and does not perceive it as a valid method. As a result he chooses his work colleague of some years as a confidante and mentions that he think's something odd is going on. He mentions the supermarket incident and his odd dreams. Unfortunately for Mr. X. his work colleague (whom he has a solid working relationship with) has been compromised many years prior. He listens and at an opportune moment makes a comment about a statue of Jane Mansfield. This unseats Mr. X's equilibrium once again as he has always kept his fantasies about blondes eating gherkins to himself. He then feels that even his trusted work colleague is part of this grotesque gang stalking campaign - which he most certainly is. Mr. X. subsequently scrutinises every other relationship he has with his work colleagues. All of this self doubt, anxiety and rehashed confrontations are then picked up that evening by the SIG-INT infrastructure targeted at Mr X.'s living room sofa area. 

Exactly why operative 'Bryce' is so determined to rid the world of pickle eaters is unknown. It may have nothing to do with the actual pickles themselves and is in fact some form of out of control homosexual Rosicrucian agenda concerned with global de-population. Consequently the gherkin context is merely a leverage tool to prevent Mr X. associating the eating of pickles with statuesque blonde women, virility and fertility. What is known is that it's undoubtedly about gaining some form of value. Working out exactly what value constitutes to operative 'Bryce' or his masters is difficult due to their overriding insanity. At the very least they will expect to turn Mr X. into the type of person that will go and lurk around in supermarkets without any remuneration and do it exactly when he is told to. 

As has been mentioned many times on this website, operative 'Bryce' is a stereotype of people who are completely and utterly insane and there are literally fucking millions of them. In fairness, it's probably not all their own fault as they have undoubtedly been subject to many years of bombardment using SIG-INT and ELF-INT. The origin point of this insanity is difficult to pinpoint. After years of research TEFLONRABBIT is of the opinion that the evidence indicates that it has been going on for millennia


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