Repeating the same mistakes and expecting a different outcome

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 - 12:06

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The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) was granted Royal Assent in the UK on the 28 of July 2000. Since then clandestine world have fallen over themselves in the subsequent land grab. The process of turning every citizen in Britain into a quivering grass has brought the population to a profoundly negative place. The concept of studying hard to get a good job and do well just doesn't exist any more. Instead the population is expected to have their personalities fractured as early as possible and spend the rest of their lives in a series of LARP scenarios.

RIPA Police Mind Control Military Industrial Complex Courts Society Social Engineering LARP Britain Crime Bovine Excretia Corruption

Britain has been subjected to the whims of various totalitarian agendas for millennia. From the Roman invasions to the Viking landings and the Norman conquest, there has always some asshat from overseas that fancies themselves Laird of the British Isles. Along the way certain groups decided to not only acquiesce to the demands of these foreign malefactors, but to pursue their agenda(s) in perpetuity. As a result, British culture is now a mish mash of elaborate theatre designed to deceive the population into working in the interests of forces they would otherwise despise and reject. The most tangible aspect to this massively debased status quo would be the rise of the snitch nation mentality.


PETA get naked for animal rights


Contrary to what the majority of these quivering little grasses believe, things have certainly not been this way forever. The most damage has been done since the disgusting spectacle of the psy-op known as Covid19. The pandemic was basically another major push in the field of exploiting the population as a natural resource. In many ways it could be compared to the clubbing to death of defenceless seal pups on Arctic ice floes. Since animal rights activists have conducted protest actions on the luxury garments of callous Sloan Square society women, the human race has broadly abandoned the wearing of fur in general. Hundreds of thousands of seals are still clubbed to death by nations such as Canada and Namibia, but the market for their products has dwindled to almost nothing.  Unfortunately it will be many years before humanity rejects the equivalent malevolence of the surveillance state.

Even the terminology of the 'surveillance state' is profoundly misleading. The state already had all the surveillance they could ever hope for. Instead they have inexorably descended even further into what can only be described as mindless meddling for the purposes of justifying tax theft. The numbers involved equate to tens of millions of people in Britain alone. On an international scale the victimisation of populations equates to the merciless plundering of billions of human lives. Underpinning all of it is the collective insanity of less than a hundred thousand individuals.

The monarchy, government, military and the police have always used informants as their eyes and ears to gain an overview of the populations behaviour. This is defended by the old trope of security but has more to do with the pursuit of unaccountable profiteering and protectionism. In no way does hijacking the lives of the citizenry make for greater stability. In fact, the mindless meddling by unqualified forces deliberately creates a strategy of tension. This makes for a population who don't focus on long term goals and exclusively concern themselves with living day to day, week to week and year to year. As a method, it is gloriously effective yet heinously ill conceived. The whole point of focusing on long term goals is to make life better for future generations.

The invention of RIPA and the so called 'Third Direction' has cost thousands of people their lives. As a result of being challenged in the courts, the security and intelligence services rushed to acquire further legislation to protect themselves from far reaching punitive measures. This was manifested by disseminating RIPA powers to organisations who have little or no basis for the use of such powers. Along the way, mind controlled politicians such as Theresa May conspired to sabotage the private sector. Now it's impossible to get any job in the UK without it being part of some pointlessly elaborate 'intelligence' gathering entity comprised entirely of forelock tugging genuflectors. These hapless 'go along to get along' followers of a naked emperor kiss the ring of their blackmailers and delude themselves into a life of conspicuous subservience. They spend their lives believing that they are some kind of critically important 'agent' working for some faction of high powered movers and shakers. The plain truth is that they are certainly not involved in anything even remotely credible never mind important. Were they to face the vile nature of their existence they would have to admit that they have been completely conned. As everyone knows:

It's easier to lie to someone than to convince them that they have been lied to

The organisations that have acquired RIPA powers extend to :

• The Intelligence Services (MI5 & MI6)
• Metropolitan Police
• Police Scotland
• Police Service Northern Ireland
• British Transport Police
• National Crime Agency (NCA)
• Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force)
• Ministry of Defence Police (Embedded within numerous civilian forces)
• Ministry of Justice - HM Prison & Probation Service (Sub contracting to commercial firms such as Marsden, Serco & Reliance)
• Ambulance, Fire Services and the NHS (England, Wales, Scotland, NI)
• HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
• Ministry of Defence (MOD)
• All Local Authorities
• Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
• Department of Works and Pensions

In addition to these civil service bodies, there is also the fantastically insane addition of various secret societies who use the same malevolent methods. Consequently the so called 'bulk data' created by every life in the country is considered to be the purview of one group or another. Within this bizarre freak board of antisocial oppression are groups who claim to be benevolent. The Abrahamic faiths provide a defacto umbrella for these groups to virtue signal while frequently throwing members of their congregations directly under the bus.

Every single profile mentioned in the TEFLONRABBIT 'Persons of Interest' articles represent stereotypical failures by one (or more) of the groups listed  above. They are never held accountable and perceive themselves to operate above and outside of any checks and balances provided by the law. The fact that the Ministry of Justice is one of these groups means it's highly unlikely that the law will ever be effective in controlling these psychotic factions of malevolence. Due to the pervasive greed of these groups, the current population are all pretty much under one cosh or another (or several). In order to create more, these groups have conspired to steal the lives of future generations. This was the long term focus of the psy-op known as Covid19 and the creation of millions of 'Covid delayed' infants. The short con gravy train aspects ranged from euthanising pensioners to destroying trust. Perhaps the most offensive aspect is written into the psy-op title itself.

Surveillance head


The vision and thoughts of the vaccinated have been turned into an industrial resource.

Many will scoff at the suggestion that the thoughts and vision of human beings could ever be picked up by surveillance methods. This is basically galloping ignorance and cognitive dissonance. The technology has existed for far longer than anyone in the groups listed above will ever admit to. The fact that most of the vaccinated have no idea what was being done to them serves as the necessary con required by the 'Freedom Train' in order to justify running people as blind informants. If an aspiring handler on the Freedom Train can't con someone, then they can't keep them. This is a condition that has been enforced by the devolution of methods from secret societies, many of whom have their roots in truly ancient times. With the dissemination of surveillance technologies, these methods have been augmented with the co-opting of consumer level technology.

Computer monitors and graphics cards create signals that can be intercepted relatively easily. This method has been disseminated to commercial intelligence organisations. Up a level exists the ability to create a passive MASINT feedback from TFT monitors. This effectively turns them into the lens of an HD camera. Microphones, speakers and other sensors in smartphones are used in a variety of methods. The unconscious mind of a targeted person can be invaded by hypersonic audio signals emanating from the 'always on' smartphone resting on their bedside table. Tavistock Centre mind control methods are employed to program their unconscious with neural linguistic programming. Those responsible are in no way qualified to be conducting such insurgencies and invariably cause profoundly negative results. It's hardly surprising to find that incompetency delivered in an unregulated field equates to seriously negative results. In order to turn these failures around, the outcome is spun in a different direction to be perceived as gain.

Mr X. has been instructed to prove himself in the field of malevolent and aggressive intelligence gathering. His masters (and blackmailers) do not care who Mr X. targets, they simply want to compel him to be as antisocial and predatory as possible. Given that Mr X. is not trained in any form of public order or social work, he looks for that which is closest. Invariably this results in people such as Mr. X using either their own children or other vulnerable individuals in their purview. The only critical factor is that Mr X. conduct his so called 'intelligence operations' without being held accountable. This is where the methods employed by sufferers of the Toxic Narcissism variant known as 'Public School Syndrome' has become a default method. Having been developed in primarily male single sex environments, it is inherently infected with predatory homosexual psychosis. The most conspicuous manifestation of this derangement is currently seen in the high profile dysfunction of the USA Deep State NWO machine. An out of control ideological virus headed up by president elect Jospeh Biden and his virtue signalling right hand woman Kamala Harris.


BOPE Operacions Especiale


In many ways, the RIPA diaspora can be likened to the widespread corruption of foreign governments such as the Brazilian government. Thanks to the success of The 'Tropa de Elite' films, the world has seen what becomes of massively corrupt policing policies. The BOPE are accepted as being a hard line battallion of military police with far reaching powers who are supposedly incorruptible. They are trained in the uncompromising use of lethal force and literally wipe out drug cartels who have become too violent for the population to tolerate. In no way are they concerned with negotiation. They simply show up and exterminate their targets with no quarter and no mercy. While many liberals would cite this as a symptom of a broken society, they would be unlikely to offer a solution that could deliver any tangible improvement. When the conventional police forces have been implicated in numerous kidnappings and murders, the emergence of extra judicial death squads is inevitable. The pejorative motto assigned to the BOPE by the conventional police refers to their challenging morale patch:

A knife in the skull and nothing in the wallet

While the British government are more than accustomed to totalitarian oppression such as that witnessed in Northern Ireland, they are unlikely to favour death squads roaming the streets and skies of the mainland. After all, Britain is perceived by the rest of the world to have a sense of 'justice and fairness' associated with it. Black helicopters running down armed shanty town cartel soldiers is not the type of image that either Millbank or St Georges care to promote. Nonetheless, they support the oppression of over seventy million people through the abuse of RIPA powers. Inevitably things will come to a head and an all out faction war not dissimilar to that seen in the Spanish Civil war will be seen in Britain.

Already there is predictive programming seen in the media referring to the threat of widespread civil unrest. The reasons are stated as 'another possible pandemic' and 'shortages of food'. Both of which were rolled out as a result of the Covid19 psy-op. The preposterous food price increases are explained away as a result of utterly disconnected causalities such as the war in the Ukraine. The simple fact that the government backed furlough scheme dumped billions of pounds out of the GDP into facilitating lock downs, is not even considered by most. This is how utterly bereft of critical thinking the population has become. The real underwriters of the furlough scheme are most likely to be the livery companies of the Corporation of London. These groups are not charities and will always seek to profit from their extensive usery. The fact that the Corporation predates the Norman conquest means that they can not be compelled by anyone to disclose their financial dealings. This is the most likely explanation for Britain suddenly leaving the European Union and keeping the offshore tax havens well away from the EU financial audit teams.

These insidious developments can not be considered to be in any way accidental. The elaborate and malevolent narrative behind the Covid19 psy-op has been ruthlessly co-opted by the RIPA diaspora. These powers are held by groups who do actually deal with long term goals. The 21st century was marked by the greatest psy-op in living memory. The events of September the 11th 2001 came three hundred and thirty three weeks after the bombing of the Alfred P Muragh building in Oklahmoa city. It seems exceedingly unlikely that this was any kind of coincidence and instead represents numerology infused into a massive perception management paradigm. A campaign which ushered in events all over the globe which all represented the weaving of illusory narratives into the fabric of society. The RIPA industry was merely an aspect of this totalitarian agenda. A highly convoluted distraction to deter people from thinking about what is going on all around them, all the time.

If Britain is to be delivered from a dystopian future of faction based civil war, the single greatest remedy would be represented by the revocation of the RIPA powers. None of the groups holding them have any justification whatsoever and all of them have treated them as an opportunity for under achieving civil servants to re-invent themselves as wannabe spy handlers. With the private sector also engaged in such mindless capitulation, the future of this once world leading nation looks more bleak than that of Eastern European dictatorships.

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