Pharaoh Narmer - Execution or Trepanation


OFFICIAL NARRATIVE : The Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2613-2181 BCE) is also known as the 'Age of the Pyramids' or 'Age of the Pyramid Builders' as it includes the great 4th Dynasty when King Sneferu perfected the art of pyramid building and the pyramids of Giza were constructed under the kings Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.


UNOFFICIAL NARRATIVE : The Giza complex and other allegedly 'old kingdom' sites were built in great antiquity. Some estimates place the Giza pyramids at somewhere in the region of at 20,000 to 30,000 years old. Others go further and state that the Osirion and the Sphinx could be over 100,000 years old. The culture who constructed these sites was much, much older than humanity is at the 21st century of our common era.

When mind control appears in deep antiquity, it's time to pay attention

20 August, 2023
Much has been discussed in these pages on the subject of contemporary mind control methods. The use of electronic circuitry for the purposes of mood control and surveillance is well documented. However, we are but the latest expression of terrestrial hominin life. Prior to the Christianisation of Europe, a highly sophisticated Pagan population harnessed subtle energies in ways that contemporary humans do not broadly accept. Perhaps the most compelling example is seen in Egypt and forms the basis of an entire global fascination with the arcane.

When a historical researcher offends the scientific community, it's usually a sign.

9 June, 2023
From tribal legends and the face on Mars to War of the Worlds, our neighbouring Red Planet has featured in the collective imagination of humanity for eons. No self respecting NASA aficionado enters a conversation without extensive opinions regarding mankinds future interaction with Mars. Donald Trump himself issued the following tweet: "Yes, I would like one flight to Mars, please. And don't even think about making me connect through the moon again."

An uncompromising look into how entire cultures can be sculpted to order.

23 May, 2023
As espoused by a great poet of the 20th Century (Paul Simon) - "Every generation throws a hero up the pop charts". However, the pop charts ceased to be an accurate meter of organic popularity a very long time ago. Instead we now have agenda driven market manipulation specifically implemented to promote specific icons and artists. If you have a large enough AdWords budget, your chosen puppet can become as popular as you want them to be.

The archetype of natural enemies

11 March, 2023
Fact chocking services and counter disinformation campaigns are now commonplace. Thanks to the digital age, we are now only a few clicks away from the prescribed narrative. In the past, things were not quite so instantly accessible. The results endure to this day.

Sculpting the human topography with subconscious landscaping

22 February, 2023
Be it the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Knowledge of Verses or even the notorious Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, humanity has adopted various guides to living effective lives as a society. Outside of these documents and their philosophical teachings, exists an application of instrumental methods designed to mold society in specific ways. This human resource application is utilised in many cultures and exists outside of openly stated societal directives.

The greatest historical story never told

15 October, 2022
Delve into the theosophical works of the early 20th century and there are various references to 'root races'. Up to fifteen different types of sentient human beings are proposed to have coexisted in the earliest of times. As with much of the fringe anthropological theories, some of the abject xenophobia found in theosophy can be difficult to reconcile. However there still remains a very distinct reality that in the relatively recent past, the planet was certainly populated by quite radically different groups of hominins.
The return of the GRIFT!