MASINT scanning


Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) is obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of data (metric, angle, spatial, wave length, time dependent, modulation, plasma, and hydromagnetic) derived from sensing instruments other than those generally used for communications, electronics intelligence, or imagery collection.

In contemporary clandestine operations, MAS-INT can be considered as the scanning of all electrical infrastructure within the vicinity of a human subject or target. The data retrieved facilitates a variety of both sensory input and communication output. The concept of sick building syndrome has been in the popular consciousness for many decades. Much of it is associated with high voltage electrical conduits contained within modern multiple occupancy buildings in the urban environment. The electrical field generated by the current passing through low resistance copper wire conduits can be manipulated to create a platform for Pulse Code Modulated  transmission. in a very basic sense, the human neurological system can be bombarded with PCM emanating from AC conduits with such precision that it can force organic organisms to behave in predetermined ways. This is nothing new and in fact there is clear evidence that it even exists within the animal kingdom. Sharks and other aquatic creatures utillise electrical sensing in order to create a real time image of their surroundings. Electric eels use their ability to generate current to deter other predators or stun their prey before they devour them.

The sensory aspects of MAS-INT are quite alarming. Everyone has come to accept (or they bloody should have by now) that their smartphones can be used to spy on them and those around them. However an individual could be naked in their private sauna with no other electrical devices in the vicinity and still be spied on using MAS-INT protocols. The lighting in the sauna is undoubtedly served by main the fuse-box in the building. This conduit can be targeted with external directed energy to produce an electrical field. Directional antennas can then measure the potential difference created by the resistance of the human body to the electrical field. This essentially creates a form of 'X-Ray' vision which can be used to monitor the naked person in their sauna.  

Furthermore, the electrical element in the coals heater is a standard resistance element that uses many winds of conductive metal wire to convert electrical radiation into heat and some light radiation. Just like the conduit in buildings, this element can be targeted by fluctuations in AC delivery and also via directed energy. This facilitates PCM brainwave convolution and potentially even an effect similar to Transcranial direct current stimulation.

In addition to environmental mapping, MAS-INT can also be implemented in a tracking context. The difference between an individuals private sauna and the high street is meaningless in a MAS-INT context. In fact the high street represents a greater known entity for MAS-INT application as there are many of them and they have been around for a very long time. They all feature street lighting which requires AC conduits and they all focus human traffic into specific patterns. The walking speeds of the average person takes a matter of seconds to measure. Consequently a trip to the NewsAgents provides an opportunity for measuring the gait and stride of the target. This facilitates an accurate prediction of when they will pass the bakery which just so happens to have ovens with major electrical elements contained within them. Just like the sauna element, these elements are essentially electrical arrays which can be co-opted and used as something approximating an antenna. This co-opting does not require any physical access and the only pre-requisite is that the MAS-INT operator knows exactly where the elements are located. 

Due to the nature of PCM brainwave convolution interruption, the staff in the bakery are completely oblivious while a single passer-by is bombarded with frequencies pegged to his unique PCM patterns. These patterns or signatures were acquired while he was enjoying a steamy encounter with his significant other in their private sauna. Because the signatures represent brain activity captured while the target is consumed with thoughts of a sexual nature, their thoughts can be heavily influenced in this direction while passing the bakery. However, it is unlikely that these thoughts pertain to the exact memories of the entirely wholesome  Scandinavian porn scene enjoyed in the privacy of the sauna. More likely is that the packets of information encoded into the transmission will be of a highly challenging nature. For heterosexuals this imagery may be of homosexuality of even more disturbing content. For homosexuals it would be the other way round. 

While this sounds like the most dystopian science fiction imaginable, it does (unfortunately) represent the current state of proactive 'Directed Surveillance'. This shit is going on all over the world right now. Due to the inherent insanity of the clandestine world, it probably accounts for some of the most egregiously anti-social behaviour that the human race has ever exhibited.  


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