Contemporary psychology has been defined as commencing sometime around the 1700's. However as spirituality and organised religion focus on the mind as opposed to the physical, it is almost impossible to assign a start date to the discipline.

As a result of the various shifts in the political agendas of ancient societies such as Rome and Egypt, humanity has been controlled in the way that it thinks for many millennia. The use of technology to control the thoughts of mankind dates back to a time before writing was even a widespread phenomenon. Consequently, that which contemporary homosapiens consider to be progress in the science of psychology is merely a latest best effort guess. Estimates based on observation, reproduction and the age old process of trial and error. As an adjoining discipline, pharmacology has developed from the practice of herbalist alchemy which has been present throughout human history. As the understanding of the conscious and subconscious has developed, various wrong turnings in psychology have become consolidated. Possibly the most egregious of these wrong turns is still practiced today in the form of ideology. Responsible for more death, misery and suffering than any virus or bacteria, ideological beliefs have brought entire cultures to their knees. Many of whom did not recover and exist only as part of the historical record.

Among the earliest practitioners of psychology that we can identify, would be the culture of dynastic Egypt. Thanks to the people of Egypt utilising the mummification process and including medical papyri in their burials, their records survived flooding, fire and other natural disasters. As a result we know more about how the Egyptians of the 4th millenia BC thought, than we know how Britons from the 5th century thought.

Simultaneously mankinds greatest strength and greatest weakness is their ability for self delusion. This is celebrated through such otherwise benign media such as film and theatre. The audience revel in the spectacles created with light and sound and the resulting dopamine releases provide them with distraction from the banality of their existence. Currently the greatest example of this is seen in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA where an almost twenty thousand capacity venue, featuring a sphere of video screens both inside and out leaves the audience utterly spellbound by the 18k video presentations. In many ways, the curators of the presentations have recreated an ancient witch doctor capability. They are able to transport the viewer outside of their cognitive experiential mindset and subject them to realities hitherto unimaginable. Unlike the magi of old, over two billion dollars worth of technology negates the need for the use of mind altering substances among the audience.    

Unfortunately when ideology and self delusion combine, there exists the ingredients for a perfect storm. This is reflected today in the recent phenomenon of both the environmental lobby and the medical industrial complex. Since the 1970's various funded academics have been fear mongering on the subject of natural resources. Peak oil was grossly flawed science, yet it ushered in an ecological ideology that persists to this day as climate change. The psychology behind the coronavirus response took ideological thinking to a whole new level. The logic behind every facet of the Covid narrative is highly flawed yet still billions believe in the veracity of the assertions made by governments and the media. In some ways the W.H.O have achieved what the former USSR attempted. They have managed to superimpose an irrational belief system over the existing belief structures of the global population. The former Soviet Union spent nearly half a century attempting to mind control their population and the W.H.O achieved it globally in less than five years.  While it is unclear exactly how many people truly believe in the Covid19 ideology, there certainly are plenty who go along with it.

Remote working takes on new meanings in the murky world of INT surveillance

14 February, 2024
Hundreds of individuals all over the world are making accusations of electronic warfare being waged against them. There appears to be a correlation among those bold enough to speak up. In among those affected is a percentage with the technical understanding to accurately describe what they are experiencing. In a psychological war, this is the voice of the resistance.

The opening ceremony for the grand spectacle

8 November, 2023
Reports of Project Bluebeam and other high jinks by the public servants of illusion have intrigued the exo-political community for decades. The potential for psychological operations utilising large scale optical methods definitely exists. Exactly how often it is deployed is somewhat less known.

From the Bow Street Runners to Blade Runner

30 October, 2023
While the oldest profession is often touted as the affections of women, there is arguably more historical provenance in the role of protector. Since hominins developed the ability to conspire, there has been a need for some form of policing body. In recent centuries, this has evolved from the responsibility of tribal leadership to a formalised role in society. Currently we are experiencing a shift toward information based control as opposed to order through enforcement.

The illusion of the heirophancy

4 October, 2023
When control relies on unswerving obedience the hierarchy can be subject to vulnerability. Numerous conflicts throughout history have illustrated the basic fallacy of supreme command. From Emperor Nero strumming his Lyre to the accompaniment of explosions and crashing beams, to Adolf Hitler cashing in his chips and catching a U-Boat to Patagonia (allegedly).

The illusion of an ongoing conflict between the corrupt and the inept.

3 October, 2023
With the recent passing of the Online Safety Act 2023, the UK has aligned itself with totalitarian regimes when it comes to policing their populations use of the internet. The only countries with more invasive policies are not considered as democracies. However the far reaching regulatory moves have a hidden agenda.

Perception management versus management of expectations

27 September, 2023
Between 2019 and 2022 the military and the UK parliament collaborated in 'combating Covid19 disinformation'. In this months psychobabble analysis, we examine the classic 'tell' exhibited by government bureaucrats and 'militarised' agencies. The commitment to avoid large scale mechanised warfare has resulted in a blatant assault on well-being. Instead of redistributing wealth through major loss of life, the war machine has been re-tasked to reduce quality of life using the most profitable methods.

Archetypes and their cloaked origins

18 September, 2023
Many images seen in the media have roots in antiquity. Their form and composition have not been conjured up by the creative minds responsible for their delivery, but recalled from the collective consciousness. The inception of such imagery is often so shrouded in contemporary cruft that it seems impossible to identify their source. By way of an emphatic up yours to the #DepopulationAgenda we delve into representations of some the most evocative imagery and examine it's possible origins.

Why aeroplane computers don't run on Windows

19 July, 2023
Managing systems which have a bearing on well-being and the preservation of life is a field known as 'Systems Critical'. The subject incorporates elements such as 'real time' systems and error correction. In this months technology giveaway, TEFLONRABBIT examines the application of this mindset to the domain of sociology.

The wiring under the bored

20 October, 2022
With the worldwide impact of the Covid19 pandemic, the value of 'Public Health' policies has never been under greater scrutiny. Examining other instances of systemic societal conditioning reveals potential agendas.