The Pharaoh Caesarian / Jesus Christ

An uncompromising look into how entire cultures can be sculpted to order.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 19:51

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As espoused by a great poet of the 20th Century (Paul Simon) - "Every generation throws a hero up the pop charts". However, the pop charts ceased to be an accurate meter of organic popularity a very long time ago. Instead we now have agenda driven market manipulation specifically implemented to promote specific icons and artists. If you have a large enough AdWords budget, your chosen puppet can become as popular as you want them to be.

Christianity Akhenaten Horus Egypt Rome USA Roman Catholic Church Romans Judaism Mind Control

As has been covered in numerous TEFLONRABBIT articles, we are currently living through an attempt to control the next human paradigm shift. Also previously discussed is the fact that this control orientated campaign is certainly not without historical precedent. Possibly one of the most controversial paradigm busting realities emerging since the release of the TCP/IP protocol, is represented by the questions regarding the identity of a part time carpenter / fisherman from a small town in the Levant. The actual details pertaining to the life and works of said iconic carpenter have been the subject of more fervent deliberation than CocaCola Vs Pepsi. From the cults of Sarapis and Mithras to the Mandeans (followers of John the Baptist) many alternatives to the Jesus of Nazareth origin story have emerged.

Thanks to the insight of various contemporary researchers such as Lynn Picknett and Grace Powers, a somewhat challenging narrative has emerged. To cut an impossibly lengthy story very short, the theory proposes that Jesus Christ was actually the Pharaoh Caesarian, the son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. While the Vatican, the Church of England and pretty much the entire Abrahamic faith system have balked at this rather outlandish claim, there are numerous intersections between the historical record and the tenets of the theory. There are also extant records of Ptolemy Philopator Philometor Caesar, also called Ptolemy XV Caesar. Conversely there are no verifiable records of anyone actually known as 'Jesus Christ'. The only reference to the name stems from a 1st century Jerusalem city state record of a municipal rank called 'the Christos'. It is comparable in some ways to the rank of 'Beadle' which originates in pre-conquest Britain.

Probably the most compelling facet of this highly controversial opinion regarding the true identity of the Christian figurehead, is the significance that the heir to both Rome and Egypt would represent in the history of the Mediterranean. The 'Roman Lake' was (for the vast majority of people) the full extent of the known world.

It is therefore reasonable to accept that the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra would undoubtedly be the most powerful person in the known world. Consequently the fact that Jesus Christ seemed to disappear for almost three decades fits with the concept that controlling the most powerful man on Earth would be a highly lucrative endeavor. To prevent this unfortunate son from becoming the lackey of avaricious warlords or despots, he was allegedly taken into hiding by loyal servants of both the Ptolemaic dynasty and the Caesarian dynasty. There are biblical researchers who assert that during this period, he traveled extensively throughout the known (and deliberately obfuscated) world. Including visits to Cornwall and North America. The bronze age was entirely reliant on Tin in order to augment copper to produce a harder metal. According to the theory, Joseph of Arimathea was a mentor or possibly even a relative. A wealthy merchant who allegedly had extensive investment in the shipping of Tin from Cornwall and Copper from North America.

The research of of Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett goes into extensive detail regarding the visits to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea and other Mediterranean merchants. A surprising and otherwise completely unacknowledged direct translation method between spoken Welsh and Egyptian hieroglyphs came to light from the Wilson & Blacketts published findings. This may or may not have had anything to do with them being shortly thereafter targeted in a deliberate (and very nearly fatal) arson attack. Subsequent researchers have expounded on Wilson & Blackett's work to engage in a project which threatens the veracity of the Rosetta stone translations. Despite Jean-François Champollion being accredited with essentially providing the backbone of hieroglyphic translation, there is an irrefutable thorn in the side of contemporary Egyptology. So desperate were 1800's treasure hunters, that they pressured Champollion into releasing his findings as early as possible. According to many reports, he was extremely reluctant to do so based on his opinion that there was a great deal of hidden meaning in hieroglyphs. When hieroglyphic texts are translated using the Champollion cypher, much of the output is disjointed and ambiguously esoteric. Conversely, the same texts translated using 'Cymruglyphics' provide a much more concise and comprehensive narrative.

In the interests of a balanced perspective, it should be noted that there is a substantial amount of data to indicate that a small number of Mediterraneans knew all about the existence of both American continents and even Australia. However, for the average punter the Western pillars of Hercules did indeed mark the boundary of known civilisation. There has been some debate as to whether the Gibraltar / Morocco straits are the only boundary pillars associated with ancient texts. On either side of the Red Sea exist two sizeable columns claimed to have been erected by King Solomon circa 1000BC. They were apparently placed to commemorate the crossing of the Red Sea by the fleeing tribes during the Exodus. These pillars have also been referred to as the Eastern pillars of Heracles. However, it is potentially more feasible that the reference to Heracles would be more in line with the remains of the now sunken Egyptian port of Heracleion. Many of the Egyptian dynasties were (in many ways) similar to those of China in that they practiced self sufficiency to the point where it became a splendid isolation. Consequently, the end of the Nile delta would indeed mark the boundary of Pharaonic control. In any event, whoever Hercules, Heracles or Herakles really was, he seems to have been synonymous with the boundary markings of known civilisations.

The travels of Jesus Christ / Pharaoh Caesarian included both India and the far East. It appears that the vast majority of his experiences were of a spiritual nature. He then returned with this knowledge to Alexandria and participated in open air preaching with (so the legend goes) his cousin John the Baptist. This theory fairly flies in the face of the mainstream narrative. However with advances in modern science it has become more and more difficult for rational people to accept the proffered and quite challenging immaculate conception origin story.

Lynn Picknett goes into detail as to the mindset of dynastic heirs in antiquity. The overriding ambition for any aspiring heir would be to outdo the works of their father. This would have been even greater for someone who was the son of the two greatest superpowers on the planet. However, to effectively create a larger empire than the Ptolemaic and Roman dynasties, any heir would require standing armies greater than the combined forces of both. To this end, the reality of a psychological empire comes to the fore. An empire 'of the mind' does not require a standing army to enforce its goals. Furthermore with suitable conveyance, a virtual empire can spread throughout civilisation(s) purely through the sharing of concepts and methods. This could be interpreted as a refinement of the preceding method employed by the Caesarian dynasty. It would be more accurate to describe the Roman Empire as the Roman Franchise due to the assimilation methods used to co-opt existing cultures into the Empire. No need for much to change - just worship our gods, pay us your tithes and carry on just as before. This methods served the Romans exceedingly well and consequently they are recognised all over the world as probably the most successful expansionist culture that has ever existed. Many would point to the contemporary military might of the East / West superpowers and assert a far greater accomplishment. However this would not be accurate. The military might of current global superpowers has for the most part only existed for less than a couple of centuries. The Romans and Egyptian dynasties were apex civilisations for much, much longer. In the case of Egypt, the dynastic epochs covered what appears to have been several millennia. Any dating attributed to the Abydos Kings list of Pharaohs only represents estimated accuracy. It's impossible to verify because the dynastic scribes didn't use a chronological dating system.

The Christianisation of the Roman Empire appears to have proceeded quite quickly after the alleged death of the Pharaoh Caesarian at Golgotha. Since then, Christianity became the dominant form of organised religion all over the planet. It has endured for over two thousand years and is accepted as representing the fundamental values of numerous Judaeo-Christian societies and nations. If the Pharaoh Caesarian was indeed seeking to create an Empire which exceed that of his world famous parents, it seems that the current scale of the Christian world would indeed indicate that he was massively successful. So successful in fact, that it's hard to perceive as the organic actions of any single individual. Never mind a common part time fisherman / carpenter from the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

Looking through a somewhat conspiratorial lens, it could be interpreted that everything about the life of the Pharaoh Caesarian was completely deliberate. Especially the narrative surrounding his immaculate conception. Prior to her wedding to Julius Caesar, Cleopatra had a ritual performed to rededicate herself as a virgin. Being somewhat more in the public eye than the average bride, she also took the opportunity to include the association of the goddess Isis with her rededication ritual. Julius Caesar had been proclaimed as a 'Living God' by the Roman senate for his illustrious career in the expansion of the Empire. As such, the idea of the Pharaoh Caesarian being the son of God and the son of a virgin has more than a hint of hidden meaning attached to it.

The constant political turmoil associated with both Egypt and Rome would have made for a particularly volatile climate. In order to control both, it seems that certain interest groups required a new approach when it came to ruling vast areas incorporating numerous nation states.

Perhaps the most successful Pagan temple culture in the Greco-Roman epoch is represented by the followers of Apollo. The knowledge held by this group extended to highly advanced cartography and even geomancy manifested in the sculpting of the natural environment. Temples dedicated to Apollo have been discovered in archaeological digs all over Europe. It was a ubiquitous belief system, occurring throughout many parts of the ancient world. Comparable with the worship of Ra in Egypt, the followers of Apollo undoubtedly represent the lions share of what we consider to have been the prototypes of European monotheism. The arguably disconnected peoples of the ancient world had achieved something approximating parallel development. Numerous cultures had moved away from worshiping multi deity pantheons and instead focused on a singular creator icon. This provided a fertile ground for a convergance of belief systems. Prior to these seemingly independent moves toward monotheism, numerous animist religions had flourished across the ancient world. Groups such as the cult of Mithras and the Mandeans were quite radically different. Mithras was a clandestine belief structure, focusing on secret concepts of an all powerful Persian God of the Zoroastrian faith system. Mithraism was popular yet heavily guarded. The followers in 4th century Rome would always meet underground and had numerous secret signals to denote membership. Mandeanism could be likened in many ways to the Abrahamic faith system, however the have disdain for the Abraham figure and instead focus on the works of John the Baptist. Egyptian religions evolved through polytheism and animism and even included remnants of cattle cults beliefs as represented by Hathor.

The success of the cattle cults is synonymous with Pagan fertility worship and the survival of humanity. Since the Aurochs had underwritten humanities survival of the ice age, the cattle cults of deep antiquity had evolved into flourishing religious frameworks. Of all the mammals on earth, northern European blood is closer to that of cows than that of other animals including primates. Millennia of animal husbandry and the consumption of cattle has proved the old adage;

You are what you eat

As a result of the numerous collapses of Egyptian dynastic civilisation, the worship of Hor-em-akhet or (Horus in the Horizon) emerged as a dominant belief structure. The infamous 'heretic' Pharaoh Akhenaten is associated with the establishing of monotheism in Egypt. After spending a couple of decades studying in what we now refer to as the 'Serapeum' at Saqqara, Akhenaten embarked on a concerted effort to return the dynastic people to the glorious time of 'Zep Tepe'. As both Pharaoh and presumably a priest of Amun, he spared nothing in his drive to shift the Egyptian people away from polytheism. So pervasive was this sect that it essentially created a template which came to define Judaeo-Christian beliefs for successive millennia. This template was administered to the masses after the union of Egypt and Rome by the priesthood of Amun. Anyone familiar with the name Amun will know that everything about this priesthood was kept secret and hidden. The name is translated as "The Hidden One". This resulted from specific ethnic groups having infiltrated dynastic royalty and positioned themselves as hierophants and pharisees. Throughout the numerous upheavals and reformations of Egyptian society, the priesthood of Amun endured in secrecy. It is therefore, not unreasonable to deduce that it was this very priest class which acted as the kingmakers in the delivery of a messianic figurehead with which to control the union of Rome and Egypt. Evidence of how important the Amun belief system is / was to the subsequent followers of Judaeo-Christianity still remains in the monuments of the city states which came to dominate the civilised world.

Many towns and cities feature sizeable stone columns in their ecclesiastical or fiscal centres. London, Rome and Washington have become the most iconic metropolitan locations of obelisks outside Egypt. Cleopatras Needle on the banks of the Thames has recognisable Amun hieroglyphs. While it and the obelisk in St Peter's Basillica are original Egyptian stonework, the equivalent in Washington D.C was manufactured in 1848. The looting of Egypt specifically for the obelisks was big business. According to various accounts, Emperor Constantine had numerous large monuments removed from Egyptian locations such as Tanis and Elephantine island. Apparently they made for impressive obstacles in his much appreciated sport of stadium chariot racing. The exact motives of the obelisk looters are not common knowledge. What we can be fairly sure of is that they all have an association with Amun, authority and control. A more esoteric examination implies the harnessing of ambient aetheric energy by the single piece dense silicate 'spires'. This energy could be traveling skyward, having been collected from the people milling around the base of the obelisk. Alternatively it could be working in the opposite direction, capturing energy from the aether and distributing it into the surrounding land. In any event, both the old kingdom architects and the dynastic peoples considered them to be of immense importance. Consequently relocating them to key urban centres of power had a substantial esoteric value attached.

The conquests of new territories by nations aligned with Rome is most notable in the case of South America. The replacement of traditional Inca and Mayan values with those of the Catholic church has been recognised as some of the the most brutal proselytization that the peoples of planet Earth have ever endured. With a false piety justification and a virtue signalling army of Conquistadors, both Spain and Portugal ransacked the South Americas materially and culturally. Gold was stolen, slaves were taken and Catholic churches were built atop Mayan and Olmec pyramids. The history of the this continent prior to the European invasion is not that of a glorious Utopia. Some of the practices and beliefs of the indigenous tribes are considered to be equally if not more barbaric than those of their invaders. Perhaps the most ironic part of the South American historical narrative pertains to the welcoming of the Conquistadors as the return of Viracocha / Quetzylcoatl. Having experienced at least one messianic arrival of highly sophisticated Caucasians, the Inca believed that their Gods had returned to save them again. After their return to human sacrifice and even cannibalism, they believed that their Gods had deserted them. Before 'walking out across the Ocean' with his colleagues, Viracocha issued a final piece of advice to the Inca.

Beware of false men who will claim to be us

When the bearded, technically advanced Europeans showed up, the Inca assumed that they must be the same people who had delivered them from their previous death-cult paradigm. Unfortunately they were quite incorrect and the Conquistadors butchered them in the name of their Catholic God, Caucasian supremacy, manifest destiny and unsurprisingly - gold.

Exactly how much permanent damage was done by the European conquest of the Americas is impossible to estimate. By many accounts, several races of abnormally large indigenous peoples populated both the American continents right up until the European invasions. Accounts from the first Europeans that landed in Patagonia speak of discovering people who were 8 to 9 feet tall. There are even accounts from British expeditions who attempted to capture breeding pairs 'for the repair of our species'. In North America, the Mound builders of Cahokia created a city which homed more than a million people. It is believed that the early cities of the old world were incapable of growing beyond a few hundred thousand inhabitants as result of sanitary limitations and fire. Whoever the Cahokians were, they seemingly overcame these limitations despite only utilising earth works and wooden construction methods.

In the article The Black Sea Diaspora we covered what would seem to be the earliest construction campaigns in Egypt. This profoundly sophisticated construction philosophy was implemented by hominins quite radically different to Homo sapien sapien. The pictograms of Akhenaten and Nefertiti allude to the fact that their particular genotype was closely related to these earlier 'old kingdom', master builders. Consequently this raises the question of who this race was, where they came from and how exactly they came to control homo sapien sapien through the use of monotheistic belief structures and a cult of hidden authority. 

In the forthcoming article "OH NO HERE COMES MARS AGAIN", we will apply the quintessential TEFLONRABBIT razor of rationale to the arrival of very tall people who didn't speak, smile or use writing, yet built the most incredible structures the Earth has ever witnessed.   

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