UK Government Spending

Delusional Dick Tracy's

Thursday, January 25, 2024 - 15:50

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The official narrative from Wikipedia contains a lengthy list of organisations that have so called 'Police like' investigative powers in the United Kingdom. Exactly who they are and what they are allowed to do is deliberately obfuscated. TEFLONRABBIT takes a look at what exactly some of their double speak mumbo jumbo actually means.

Society Britain Legal Politics Police Military Industrial Complex Secret Societies Security Corruption

The below quoted text is lifted straight from Wikipedia and represents the official narrative in regards to surveillance agencies in Britain. What it does not indicate is how many people are unregistered informants. That figure is literally in the millions.   

Communications data

The type of communications data that can be accessed varies with the reason for its use, and cannot be adequately explained here. Refer to the legislation for more specific information.

TEFLONRABBIT is of the opinion that the disclaimer at the beginning of this list can be translated as follows:


These agencies have the ability to intercept your communications. With modern smartphone usage the concept of wiretaps also includes additional data acquired and communicated by the hardware. This can include bio-metric data such as fingerprints, voice pattern, facial recognition and heart beat. If the user installs apps without reading the T&C's they may well have installed applications which enable specific features and sensors by default. This can include location information, transaction history and proximity to other devices. Most users do not, consequently their smartphone represents a major surveillance opportunity. Both for surveillance of the user and of their environment including other smartphone users. Smartphone microphones are sensitive enough to detect background conversations, environmental audio and perhaps most concerning of all, electromagnetic information emanating from the human neurological system. This information can be intercepted, decoded and even re-transmitted. In effect it is feasible to fake telepathic communication with such unacknowledged use of consumer technology. However the nature of surveillance is not two way, consequently the end result is less about telepathy and more about having your train of consciousness hijacked by those monitoring your mobile phone. 

As has been detailed in previous articles, the sensors of the phone can also be accessed outwith the cellular network. Both WiFi and Bluetooth represent data transmission which can be intercepted and decoded. Beyond this, there is also the emergency mobile phone system which doesn't even require an active SIM to facilitate monitoring by any agency with access to the emergency cellular network. This undoubtedly requires agreements between the government and the mobile cell tower hardware providers such as Sony Ericsson and Huawei. The mobile networks represent yet another layer of surveillance access agreements with other agencies. Some agencies require a warrant signed by a sitting magistrate but many do not. Consequently any UK citizen's mobile phone can be monitored at any time by literally dozens of the agencies listed above without sufficient cause and without their knowledge or consent. This is not science fiction, the only silver lining to the cloud is that those agencies that do not require a warrant are unable to present any intercepted data as evidence in a legal setting. There is also the fact that they like to keep the citizenry in the dark as to the legal ramifications. Nobody working for the council is going to admit that they can't use their illegal psychological surveillance to convict a serial dog fouler or fly tipper. Instead they will use euphemistic terms such as 'acting on information received' and 'one time offer of a fixed penalty' for the purposes of profit and perception management. This is very much a vulnerability in their attempt to con their targets. In much the same way as the TV licence enforcement like to claim right of entry, many of these agencies utilise a one shot pistol of confidence trickery. Once the target is aware of the legalities, any agencies relying on an overstated impression of assumed authority really don't have a pot to piss in. 


Directed surveillance and covert human intelligence sources.

The reasons for which the use of directed surveillance & covert human intelligence sources is permitted vary with each authority. Refer to the legislation for more specific information.

Directed surveillance

The reasons for which the use of directed surveillance is permitted vary with each authority. Refer to the legislation for more specific information.

Definition: Covert surveillance carried out by police and other law enforcement bodies that isn’t in a residence or private vehicle. It includes covert monitoring of a person/people of interest’s movements, conversations and other activities. This is fully defined in the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 Part II.

Again, the euphemistic terminology used in these texts can be generally be summarised as follows:


' Directed Intelligence' is a highly ambiguous and euphemistic label. It can realistically encompass the criteria listed above. This means not only conducting surveillance on citizens but also controlling their environment using a multitude of other methods. It is no longer enough to simply know what someone is doing. So called 'intelligence gathering'  has come to include inserting people into situations they have no prior knowledge of and expecting specific outcomes. This can be achieved in numerous ways including Neurolinguistic Programming and other forms of blatant mind control. These methods may or may not come under the classification of ELF-INT. This has come to form a substantial amount of the clandestine work conducted by all the organisations listed above. 

As ever Wikipedia can be used as an effective reflection of the mainstream status quo. Additionally there's often an occasional humorous note:

Similarly, Brian Binley, Member of Parliament (MP) for Northampton South has urged councils to stop using the law, accusing them of acting like comic strip detective Dick Tracy.

Several decades ago, the British government committed to the dissemination of technology from military contractors to the organisations listed above. One of the first milestones was the auctioning of the radio frequency spectrum.

The current boom-town mentality being seen in the partnership between commercial and state surveillance has been on the cards for many years. As far back as 1971, steering groups have been working with predictive data sets to gain a glimpse into the future of global economics. The 'Club of Rome' is but one of the groups that have been working toward controlling the outcome of unsustainable economic practices.

Unsurprisingly, groups made up of un-elected individuals without any form of meritocratic philosophy invariably come up with similar proposals. The concept of both macro and micro management of the civilian population using militarised methods represents a must have for any and all totalitarians. This explains the apparently unnecessary bloat seen in the number of organisations listed above. When an attempt to alter social policies is implemented, it is generally working toward goals which are decades into the future. This means that most who inherit any form of responsibility for seeing the plan through to the next hand-off, will not feel any ownership. As such they'll probably do a fairly half-assed job. After all it's something from a previous administration and they've already taken all the kudos. The best anyone can hope for is an opportunity to try and stamp a minor amount of authority into the processes required to maintain the project trajectory. This can often necessitate the creation of busy work and otherwise unjustifiable additional personnel. This has zero practical value in terms of the project but it is always great for political purposes. Next thing you know, growth is good and performance means very little. The goals of the project become lost in a cascade of additional cruft which ultimately renders the project pointless. 

The classic model for this highly inefficient bureaucratic cancer is the complete and utter disaster that was the commissioning of the Bradley 'Fighting Vehicle' by the US military in the 80's. Design by committee and ill conceived legacy decisions produced a vehicle that was less than impressive in the field.  

The list of UK organisations also includes some rather unusual departments. It's difficult to imagine how the Charities Commission could have any justifiable rights to run elaborate and malevolent operations on members of the civilian population. The reality of these groups is so horrifically irrational that they could well be going around setting up bizarre scenarios to see how 'charitable' the British population are. If you don't help the old lady across the road because you suspect her to be a rather confused agent provocateur then you are therefore 'uncharitable' and you need to be kept an eye on. This is Britain after all.

The inclusion of the Pensions Regulator implies that there is so much pension fraud going on in Britain that it requires it's own investigative department. This is designed to display authority in terms of looking after the modest income of old Ms Miggins. However Mrs Miggins relies primarily on her state pension and as such would be 'protected' by the DWP's investigative efforts. Therefore the Pensions Regulator must be primarily responsible for regulating the private pensions market. There is very little scope for end user fraud with the financial product of a pension. However there is (and always has been) enormous scope for administrative fraud. This explains the numerous pension plundering scandals that have littered the headlines over the decades. From this we can deduce that a great many people have been running private pension fraud scams in Britain over the past few decades. Those who have been caught are generally senior employees from the City who then end up in an open prison for several years to 'protect society'. By all accounts they revert back to the way they behaved during their acclimation to the 'way things are' in fee paying schools. 

The main entry for the military is wrapped up in the title 'Armed forces'. This probably accounts for over thirty organisations all on it's own. The number of MOD police departments is extensive and in addition many of them intersect with other government departments. It would also be reasonable to assume that these particular organisations have access to technologies which have yet to be disseminated to other RIPA groups. This would probably include greater access to ELF-INT and associated methods of mind control

Exactly how each of these groups fits into the greater clandestine freak board is difficult to know. However we can make a few confident assumptions as to their methods. The intelligence industry is notoriously averse to embarrassment. They are also considered to be highly treacherous. Consequently outing any opposing groups counts as major territory incursion and creating situations which backfire on their opponents is big business. Having their actions exposed to public scrutiny is the equivalent of being hit by an asteroid. The vast majority of them have no actual training in conventional policing yet they are permitted to use 'police like powers' in the pursuit of their goals. We have what is essentially a morass of control obsessed gangs consisting of insufficiently skilled people conducting activity which has no justification. They're all affiliated with a section of local, national or global authority and they all use perception management. Not necessarily to produce results, but to ensure the perception of need that justifies their existence. 

As covered in previous articles, there is also an issue of ideological mania at the core of many of these groups. They all inhabit a particular niche in the so called 'intelligence community'. The individual ideologies span all manner of demographics. Race, creed, colour, gender, employment and pretty much every other criteria of human activity has some clandestine group that focuses on their specific attributes. 

We live in a time where belief structures outweigh economic value. The currency of belief structures has always been of value to these agencies. They consider the weaving of other people's realities to represent a greater value than any material gain ever could. They also consider aggressive alpha behaviour to define leadership but they lack anything approximating rationale. As has been mentioned previously on these pages, these people are totally insane and there are literally fucking millions of them.  

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