Daisy Duke - Dukes of Hazzard


Ubiquitous denim trousers first developed by Jacob W. Davis in 1871 and patented with Levi Strauss on May 20, 1873.

Since then jeans have become a cultural benchmark. From Cowboys to 20th Century Americana icons such as James Dean, Marylin Monroe and Marlon Brando. At least one pair of Jeans has featured in the wardrobes of most of the first world citizenry of Earth, Their appearance in popular culture dates from invention through to turn of century New Wave icons such as Depeche Mode.

As a relatively modern garment, there are of course region specific limitations when it comes to the wearing of blue denim trousers. Many licensed premises prohibit the wearing of jeans and patrons may find themselves subject to unexpected discrimination. Certain markets may show disdain unless their consumers desist from wearing denim trousers after 1800. 

That is unless they are offset by an effeminate blouse.  

One business doorway, two revelers and a walkie talkie

9 January, 2024
Alcohol can make people do things that they would normally never do. While this often has the potential to degrade into a situation requiring the involvement of the Emergency Services, sometimes it doesn't.

Alteration of value systems to suit an economic agenda

10 October, 2023
If a specific date is commemorated or celebrated, the chances are that it has also been rebranded at some time. It isn't even questioned any more that the Christian festivals were hijacked by organisations more interested in acquisition than spirituality. From Easter being the Pagan spring festival of Astora, to Christmas being the traditional winter harvest, most Judeo-Christian holy dates have been co-opted. However at some point, it was decided that these isolated events did not represent (sigh) ... the best value.

When the semitiotics of apparel are predicated on ideology (Profanity warning)

16 June, 2023
Over the past couple of decades there has been an marked increase in the amount of utilitarian clothing being worn by the average person in the street. From men purchasing 'workmen' trousers to do gardening in, to women purchasing hi-viz jackets to cycle in. Neither have any occupational capacity and both have delusions of responsibility.

England, as it always has been

3 October, 2022
Poet Laureate (nominee) pleases crowds with flashy moves.

The Georgia Guidestones - PAY ATTENTION