Mind control is a process by which individual or collective freedom of choice and action is compromised by agents or agencies that modify or distort perception, motivation, affect, cognition and/or behavioral outcomes

Controlling external factors with the mind also includes Electro-Encephalography. Essentially using a technological intermediary between the brainwave output of one or more individuals and the control of outcomes in the physical world. This method can be applied in conjunction with other technologies such as ELF-INT and MAS-INT to achieve effects which appear to the uninitiated as an inexplicable force or in lesser terms 'magic'.


Mr X. is casually walking along the street when he notices a speckled dove landing directly in front of him. He thinks little of it, until the exact same thing happens the next day. At that point he considers there to be a pattern which does not fit with his understanding of the chaos of nature. Mr X. will then be on the lookout for any speckled doves that he sees in future and will be sensitive to their behaviour, considering it to have some form of significance. What has actually happened is that he has been the subject of an elaborate psychometric process. In order to control the actions of this speckled dove, one or more clandestine operatives have used remote electroencephalography conducted via radio frequencies to control the behaviour of the otherwise innocuous animal. All animals brains are sensitive to electromagnetic interference and the dove can be influenced by the thoughts of the clandestine operatives. Mood control technologies have been used by farmers to call cows in for milking since the 1980's. It represents a considerable cost saving for farmers to purchase a suitcase sized device rather than permanently employ a shepherd with a dog.

Effects of EMF on human body


Being a conventionally educated individual, Mr X. knows perfectly well that doves, pigeons and other animals do not normally behave in this way. However with the repetition of the behaviour, he is unable to rationalise this apparent delusion of reference. He accepts that some unknown force is attempting to communicate with him and discounts his own suspension of disbelief. He is also aware that were he to discuss this dove interaction with any of his peers or authority figures, he will be perceived as having suffered a detachment from reality. At this point the clandestine operatives have essentially created an unaccountable communication conduit with Mr X. He does not question the process and is therefore primed for further communication. The repetition continues and is complimented with other covert technologies such as EMF disruption while he sleeps. Due to the electrical conduit running down the wall behind his bed, he can be targeted with electromagnetic pulse code modulated information which interferes with his dream state. Alternating Current or 'AC' power lines create a harmonic field of electromagnetic radiation which can be disrupted with a targeted radio frequency broadcast. The disruption  is calculated to interrupt the sleeping brainwave output emanating from Mr X.'s skull. With the full range of technological circuitry in his environment having been mapped by a MAS-INT scan, other delivery vectors such as hyper sonic sound (HSS) can be utilised to effectively program Mr X's unconscious mind with information. In addition, the use of psychological mechanisms within the unconscious can create further scope for communication and control.

Pickled vegetables, the Achiles  heel of Mr. X


Mr X. has a penchant for root vegetables pickled in vinegar and enjoys nothing more than settling down in front of the television to watch sports and savour his vegetable based snack with a couple of beers. This represents an anchor for a reward based psychometric control method. Whilst dreaming one night, he perceives a supermarket isle similar to the one where he generally purchases his favourite pickles. Ultimately most supermarkets stock their pickled products in a predictable manner and consequently this imagery is not difficult to source. There he subliminally observes a man wearing a speckled waistcoat who is displeased with the supermarkets offerings. This imagery has been designed to create a connection between the speckled dove and the acquisition of his favourite TV snack. Mr X. briefly remembers the dream after awakening and considers it to be all very abstract and of little significance. That is until he is approached in his workplace the next day by his supervisor who just happens to be wearing a speckled waistcoat. His supervisor asks Mr X. to go outside of his conventional remit and deliberately sabotage one of the accounts he has been working on. Being an individual of conscience, Mr X. would generally seek to deliver as good a job as possible on all of his accounts. However with the complex reward based psychological programming, he now feels compelled to carry out this highly unconventional and inexplicably unprofessional action. In addition he is reluctant to report the activities of his supervisor to the general manager because he perceives his supervisor to be working with the forces which have controlled his unconscious state, the speckled dove and his reality in general. At this point Mr X. has become a valuable tool for a team of clandestine operatives to impact commercial operations for their own nefarious purposes.

This model focuses on a consumption / reward based mechanism, however that is but a single psychometric profile. Others cover the entire spectrum of human emotion, including guilt, anger, love, envy and so on. The capacity for Mr X. to be influenced by any one of these emotional vectors is predicated on his psychological make up as a human being. The many millions of individual social and personal stimuli he has been exposed to over his lifetime can be harnessed to effectively program him into compliance. This forms the basis of most pro-active HUM-INT activity being conducted by the clandestine community today. Unfortunately they are less focused on seemingly inoffensive emotions and go straight for psycho-sexual vectors. It has long been accepted that the basic need to procreate represents one of the strongest motivational factors exhibited by human beings. Due to the brain size of humans, individual proclivities cover a wide range of stimuli which are both cognitive and subconscious. Psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Melanie Klein based substantial sections of their careers working in this precise area. 


Woman eating pickles


While Mr X. may be entranced by imagery of a statuesque blonde eating pickled gherkins, his supervisor may be quite differently motivated and prefer the attentions of burly mustached men in the toilets of his local department store. Likewise Mr X. may be a parent and as such finds imagery of harm to children to be disturbing, whereas his supervisor is not a parent and is more impacted by an irrational guilt complex stemming from his traumatic experiences as an alter boy.  In either case the clandestine operatives will seek to co-opt these proclivities / vulnerabilities and ruthlessly exploit them for the purposes of controlling their minds and therefore their actions. The indicators of which specific themes to pursue are collected throughout the lives of Mr. X and his supervisor by unscrupulous clandestine operatives operating behind a veil of secrecy and illusion. Said operatives are less concerned with the accuracy of their proposed themes than the compatibility with existing and proven datasets of proclivity and vulnerability. They employ the technological methods detailed previously to compile extensive angles of attack which are then subject to commercial factors. In other words they amass data specifically for the purposes of buying and selling. This raw data does not become information until it has been processed via delivery to the target. Unlike most commercial processes, the absence of checks and balances or regulation fosters an attitude of complacency in regards to performance. To combat this inherent flaw, the operatives working on Mr X. and his supervisor are also the subjects of the methods detailed previously. They are lead to believe that their goal is to acquire yet more Mr X. profiles and then at some indeterminate point in the future, they will have earned enough to purchase their freedom. This cascade of psychological leverage is the stick that drives the entire process. Unfortunately for these operatives, their carrot of freedom is just as much of an illusion as Mr X.'s fantasy of a gherkin eating Aphrodite. 


Rupert Sheldrake - Consciousness research and philosophy

Anti mind control

Dr Nick Begich - Author of angels don't play this HAARP

Preston Nichols - Montauk Project whistleblower

Richard E Hall - UK Journalist exposing media manipulation

Paul Baird - Surveillance Issues

Cheryl Welsh - Mind Justice

Paolo Dorigo Association against mental and neurological control (Italy)

Soleil Mavis - Peace Pink

Stop Mind Control - Japan

James Marino - 911 Mind Control

Microwave Terror - Germany

Richard Perlmann -  Citizens Against Human Experimentation

Rudy Andria - Electronic Harassment in Argentina

Peter Mooring - Stopeg Foundation

Dave Case - Anti Tinnitus (Audio jamming & Brainwave regeneration)

Mark M. Rich - Author & Targeted Individual

Sabrina Wallace - Networking professional researching covert HCI (Human to computer interface)

Pro mind control:

Dr Ewen Cameron - Grandfather of mind control

Tavistock Institute - Developers of the 'Three response system'

Controlled opposition:

Miles Johnson - 'Super soldier' investigator


Informative resources

The RF Radiation Dosimetry handbook (Version 5) - Technical guide detailing the hazards to the human system from the irresponsible use of directed energy weapons.


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Signals Intelligence, Measurement and signature intelligence, Human Intelligence, Electromagnetic Low Frequency Intelligence

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60's Paranoia

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What can the individual do to protect themselves

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From the Bow Street Runners to Blade Runner

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Alteration of value systems to suit an economic agenda

10 October, 2023
If a specific date is commemorated or celebrated, the chances are that it has also been rebranded at some time. It isn't even questioned any more that the Christian festivals were hijacked by organisations more interested in acquisition than spirituality. From Easter being the Pagan spring festival of Astora, to Christmas being the traditional winter harvest, most Judeo-Christian holy dates have been co-opted. However at some point, it was decided that these isolated events did not represent (sigh) ... the best value.

The illusion of the heirophancy

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When control relies on unswerving obedience the hierarchy can be subject to vulnerability. Numerous conflicts throughout history have illustrated the basic fallacy of supreme command. From Emperor Nero strumming his Lyre to the accompaniment of explosions and crashing beams, to Adolf Hitler cashing in his chips and catching a U-Boat to Patagonia (allegedly).

Corruption in intelligence and the desperate attempts to hide it

27 August, 2023
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When mind control appears in deep antiquity, it's time to pay attention

20 August, 2023
Much has been discussed in these pages on the subject of contemporary mind control methods. The use of electronic circuitry for the purposes of mood control and surveillance is well documented. However, we are but the latest expression of terrestrial hominin life. Prior to the Christianisation of Europe, a highly sophisticated Pagan population harnessed subtle energies in ways that contemporary humans do not broadly accept. Perhaps the most compelling example is seen in Egypt and forms the basis of an entire global fascination with the arcane.
The return of the GRIFT!