Oh say can you see, or are you fuckin blind, yo.

From battle patch ideologues to woke firebrands, the infrastructure is failing.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - 10:44

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Since the release of the TCP/IP protocol, the establishment has been desperately scrabbling to keep up with society. In years past, a strangle hold on information provided governments with an iron fist of perception management. If a narrative contradicted that of the state, the state simply shut down the outlet and nobody else would be voicing concerns about the narrative. The commercial delivery of technological products such as live streaming have altered the interface between the state and the citizenry in fundamental ways.

Common Purpose Police Government Perception management Violence Society Internet Secret Societies Military Industrial Complex War Mind Control

The pages of the Common Purpose website go to some length to promote their activity as being beneficial to the citizenry. This is some egregious spin designed to justify and promote the reality of manipulating society by any means possible. In order to fully understand the intended functionality of such a mechanism, we must examine the contributory factors.

Many articles on TEFLONRABBIT refer to an illness which has come to dominate society over the past decades. This phenomena can best be described as an out of control ideology which has completely compromised the infrastructure of national government. Rather than confront this problem head on, the establishment has actually promoted this illness as a means to control the population.

Common Purpose used to emblazon their website with the slogan 'Leading beyond authority'. This has been changed to read 'Lead with a difference'. This edit alone speaks to a concerted effort in the field of perception management. Several citizen journalists have publicly decried Common Purpose as using some highly questionable ethics in the training of civil servants.

For administrative employees, a 'program' of unconventional clerical practices is recommended. This facilitates outcomes considered positive to the goals of Common Purpose. The concept of 'leading beyond authority' quite clearly outlines the attitude that any practice is valid so long as it produces the desired outcome. For members of police forces, this translates into a two week training course in Israel delivered by the IDF.

It doesn't take a member of the ethics committee to perceive risk in such a practice. The IDF is well known for extensive human rights breaches in their policing of Palestinian residents in Jerusalem and the West Bank. This has lead to extreme policies and methods becoming entrenched in a culture of urban occupation.

The controversial May 2020 incident in Minneapolis which lead to the death of George Floyd has come under scrutiny for the use of unnecessary force. The restraint technique used by officer Derek Chauvin can be directly linked to the methods employed by the IDF. This illuminates the critical difference between the police and the military. The Geneva Convention was devised (in part) as a way to limit the number of human rights infractions committed by the military against enemy combatants. The concept of using the military as a policing body is inherently incompatible with the advance of sociological goals. It is a cornerstone of democracy that the police and the military are kept quite separate. The purpose of the military is to defend the state from it's enemies. The purpose of the police is to defend the people from themselves. If this critical difference is not kept in focus, then invariably the people become the enemy of the state.

Many books and articles have been written on the subject of the people as the enemy. Despite the enduring and quite obvious reality that the military policing civilians is a symptom of a totalitarian regime, this practice exists across the entirety of the planet. Furthermore with the state tolerating such policies as those encouraged by such organisations as Common Purpose, things can only get worse. It's dangerous for uniformed police officers to perceive their duty to be control by any means possible. When this attitude is reflected by municipal workers in public infrastructure an environment of totalitarian fascism is impossible to avoid. The perception of goals justifying methods can be seen in the overtly authoritarian response to Covid19 protests. In Australia, the local government of the city of Melbourne sought to impose highly controversial restrictions on the residents. Anyone using social media to communicate concerns about the Covid19 response could be arrested. The hastily contrived justification of 'incitement' meant that under emergency public health legislation, people's liberty was at risk for publicly expressing doubts about the government. This aggressive suppression of resistance to the Covid19 response was also seen in other countries. In the UK the sacred location of Speakers Corner was closed to the public. This was an unprecedented action by the UK government and sparked numerous confrontations with the police.

The use (or misuse) of emergency powers is something that political interests consider highly valuable. The conspicuous philosophy of manifest destiny is quite apparent in this political pro-football. If group X. can control the behaviour of a large section of the population, then they have proved that they are entitled to. As a result, a viral clip showing a mum being handcuffed for posting on facebook lead to major protests in Melbourne. The resulting conflict between protestors and police facilitated the use of militarised tactics and equipment. This stepping up of response methods was seen all over the world. Currently France is experiencing more civil unrest and once again, the state is seen to be using more heavily militarised response methods. All justified under emergency powers which were previously reserved for use primarily during times of war.

When the US state department replaced enlisted troops in the middle east with private military contractors, it sent a clear message to anyone paying attention. Constantly having to defend the deployment of military personnel had become too inconvenient for the US political system. The number of veterans returning to civilian life and requiring healthcare as a result of their deployment was increasing beyond what the state cared for. There is also the issue that many veterans became profoundly disillusioned with the political apparatus and their focus on profit. When these veterans voiced their concerns, it represented seriously negative PR for the political machine.

The American public have frequently done the patriotic thing and sent their sons and daughters off to do their bit for the military. During the Vietnam conflict this commitment was severely tested. The voter base was alienated to the point where popular culture presented a vehement backlash against such policies as McNamara's Morons. Folk singers galvanised the public with poignant lyrics which spared nothing in their depiction of the Pentagon and the state department as callous murderers trading American lives for political collateral. Various re-education attempts ensued and by the time the first gulf war rolled around, much of the protest philosophy was forgotten. As a result of the returning personnel being impacted by PTSD and the effects of chemical weaponry, enlistment figures plummeted.

As an attempt to turn the clock back on this nation wide war fatigue, the government of the USA made a solid and public commitment to "Re-educate the American public predicated on a fear of terrorism and international drug trafficking". Cue multiple operations in the South & Central American HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) and of course, yet more 'freedom protecting' incursions into middle eastern, oil producing nations. This culminated in the deployment of the Project for a New American Century. Basically a massive con to protect the goals of the Military Industrial Complex for a hundred years. Fortunately good old fashioned American incompetence prevented the PNAC ideology from achieving much more than two decades of sustainable fear mongering. In addition, the flagship of 911 really only facilitated the creation of the inter-agency Department of Homeland Security. However the damage done to the global image of the USA is literally incalculable.

On an international stage however, the resulting surveillance fervor has created a truly unprecedented and extremely negative situation. The five eyes brain fart turned into twenty two eyes of surveillance pact member states. It became business as usual for English speaking people all over the world to be spying on their international counterparts. The damage done to international relations on a granular level is enormous. Prior to the PNAC debacle, the world looked to the USA as a hi-tech purveyor of opportunity. As a direct result of 911, half the planet considers the USA to have deliberately facilitated an act of war on domestic soil. An act of war perpetrated by members of a dysfunctional separatist group within society whose only motivation is profit.

Currently we see a movement being expressed primarily in the United States which seeks to amp up the idea of :

It's all simply a case of business as usual

The deliberate devaluing of the political system has become impossible to ignore. The Bush dynasty took the office of POTUS to some previously unseen levels of amoral commercial activity. Given the illustrious history of the Bush family it is not entirely surprising. Between Donald Trump's highly pantomime method and Joe Bidens idiosyncratic method, the office of the presidency is in grave peril. This very much suits the interests of the NWO architects. In order for humanity to embrace a new paradigm, it must first sever ties with the old one. This means burning their saints, meeting their heroes and basically rejecting everything they once held sacred.

For those who perceive themselves as the shepherds of humanity, the creation of highly contentious subject matters is key to everything. Their desire to remain hidden and obscured means that controlling the movements of the herd is critical. While massive violence in the form of mechanised warfare has proved effective, there are those who perceive greater gain in using a more granular method. This involves using the herd against themselves as opposed to showing up with tanks and telling them what to do.

Mr. X has a desire to gain control of the agricultural productions in the next valley. He has the option to use conventional commercial practices but does not subscribe to them. Instead Mr. X uses underhand methods to compel individual farmers in the next valley to set their prices according to Mr. X's policy. Over time the individual farmers acquiesce to Mr. X's requirements and all accept the situation as representing the status quo. The next generation of farmers also accept that things have always been this way and so on. No tanks were used, the farmers do what they're told and the herd move in the way that Mr X. wants them to.

It turns out that Mr X. is just as much a herd animal as the sheep of the farmer. There are literally millions of Mr X.'s all over the planet, all busily applying leverage against farmers, doctors, mayors, mechanics, candlestick makers and so on. This is what underpins the society we all take for granted. The political template superimposed on this elaborate network of control is being deliberately devalued through the classic application of the strategy of tension. In the same way, the average global citizen does not accept feudal control as being a modern mentality. Instead they consider the democratic process to define the way humanity organises themselves. The plain truth is that capitalist democracy was always an illusion. A crude hybrid between monopoly control and savage commercialism. Since the 2008 currency collapse, this illusion has been failing. The signs that mercenary methods have risen to the fore can be seen in the increasingly erratic actions of political figureheads.

Capitalist democracy is a relatively recent phenomenon and one which does not exist unilaterally. Not only does it not encompass all geographic regions but neither does it extend to the secretive world of agenda driven societal control. There are inter-generational plans being implemented every day all over the world. The Chinese government openly admit to conducting fifty year social and economic plans. Some of the forces behind European and American politics adhere to plans which are arguably much greater in duration. As has been referenced many times by TEFLONRABBIT, there are those who move among humanity whose greatest goal is still the scattering of their languages. While it can't be ruled out that they may be a sophisticated clique of reptilian shapeshifters, it seems more likely that they're just like everyone else. The only thing separating them from the rest of society is the level of their clandestine involvement.

The scattering of languages can be interpreted as the focusing of people's time on the minutia of daily routine. This prevents them from working together to improve their collective experience. By preventing this organic, inevitable and inexorable process from occurring, those who do the scattering can control the direction and milestones of the collective experience. If they control the collective experience they can gain from disparities arising naturally or even those which are contrived.

An example of the collective experience being dictated can be seen in the rise of camera enabled smartphones. Today nobody thinks twice about the ubiquity of front and rear facing, multi megapixel cameras as part of the mobile phone. This is a very recent phenomenon and one which has radically altered society. Numerous attempts had been made to market camera phones during the 20th century. The technology had existed for home camera phones since the 1960's. The simple truth is nobody wanted them in the first place because they valued privacy over novelty. Brands such as Amstrad pushed video phones at the home market in the late 1990's but the average person just didn't give a shit about them. During this time the surveillance industry was rapidly evolving, as was the philosophy of nudge theory. Two distinct conduits to the forthcoming totalitarian agenda.

This change in the societal use of technology was predicted by privacy activists in the late 1990's and early 2000's. Nonetheless more and more phone owners upgraded to smartphones. This transition was heavily encouraged by the manufacturers and networks. Populations had been quite vocal about their telephonic experience remaining the way it had been for over a decade. Their opposition created a disparity which was countered with heavily subsidised camera enabled handsets. Steadily they acquiesced to the price point targeting and a milestone in their telephonic experience was reached. In the two decades since then, HD camera phones have become the default video capture device. When faced with a suspiciously fake TikTok video, a Twitter debunker claimed;

"Oh right and they just happened to have another phone with them to film it"

With the advent of TapToPay and NFT technology, female shoppers need only carry their mobile phone with them when they leave the house. This is something that would be considered highly unusual to the same demographic of twenty years ago. As with the move to videophones , the sanctity of the handbag market has been disrupted by smartphone payment technology. It could be argued that women have in fact been liberated by the innovation in device based payment gateway interfaces. Ironically this salvation from the fashion fascism of the obligatory handbag, comes at the cost of being a walking surveillance drone. Something unimaginable two decades ago has become so entrenched as to radically alter the behaviour of a substantial section of the population. All of it has been accomplished using nudge theory and all of it has contributed to our current predicament.

The proponents of nudge theory are so satisfied with their results that they now consider global behaviour to be within their remit. As a result we see massive influence being wielded by organisations such as the Council for Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Common Purpose, the WEF and the WHO. All are supranational in that they do not answer to any of the individual governments who subscribe to their policies. While this situation has been increasingly apparent for some time, over the past decade we have seen a committed drive to advance the goals of such unaccountable groups.

There is another side of the coin. The advances in societies use of technology have increased scrutiny of authority. The wave of 'auditors' sweeping YouTube proves that a couple of hundred pounds worth of additional equipment can produce broadcast quality surveillance of the authorities. This auditing has raised awareness among many and has also challenged the impartiality of conventional news outlets. Faced with social media viral clips seriously contradicting mainstream media coverage, various outlets have started including independent journalist content in their reports.

Unfortunately the vast majority of citizen journalism relies on activity which occurs in the public realm. This leaves the lion's share of malevolent clandestine activity safely in the dark. As such, much of the exposure of highly unethical behaviour is retrospective. While this can be successful in embarrassing state sanctioned agencies, it fails in terms of providing an effective deterrent. The clandestine world focuses primarily on short cons. Consequently any embarrassing debacles fail to change policy because they can be abandoned and suppressed without extensive repercussions.

Ongoing intelligence rackets such as the disgraceful activities of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, receive extensive support from acronym agencies. This long term support prevents these profoundly immoral activities from prematurely expiring. The currency of blackmail is protected by those who perceive the greatest value in its ongoing production. There are many critics who assert that Jeffery Epstein is no more dead than is James Le Mesurier. In addition there have been many questions asked as to why Ghislaine Maxwell has not been compelled to give up the details of her decade long operation with Epstein. Clearly the revenue protection goons of the acronym agencies value the resulting leverage from the operations to be greater than any disclosure. While society would undoubtedly be compelled to progress as a result, the high profile passengers of the Lolita Express will not be held to account any time soon, if ever. This blatantly evil mentality is being rolled out every day in countless situations all over the world.

Currently there is an active suppression of suspected high profile activity occurring in Hampstead Heath in London. It's not difficult to connect the rise in major sub level development in this area with the RF based surveillance and mind control methods detailed in numerous TEFLONRABBIT articles. There is an opinion in the exopolitical community that the Hampstead Heath situation is not even to be tabled for discussion due to the involvement of extremely powerful and dangerous people. However, the very people espousing this opinion have their own issues when it comes to integrity. Pundits such as Myles Johnston have been blatantly exposed as running intelligence operations of their own.

Ultimately the global population will be unlikely to indefinitely put up with the increasingly brazen activities of such vile operations. It seems that a massive backlash will be completely unavoidable and may be witnessed before the end of this decade.

One of the more controversial opinions expressed by TEFLONRABBIT is a prediction that such malice portends a return to witch burning. The visceral horror of burning humans alive has been used to great effect throughout history. Any malevolent network which relies on a top down, hierarchical dissemination of instructions is inherently vulnerable to such extreme measures. When those at the lower levels of the network witness others being targeted with such inconceivable violence, they soon seek to protect themselves by giving up any and all contacts they have within the network. While breaking rank in a low level involvement carries a penalty, it's unlikely to outweigh the fear of incineration. 

For the record, TEFLONRABBIT does not endorse this type of barbarous extremism. 

Any student of anthropology that can perceive the evolution of public order methods can attest to the wax and wane of totalitarian methods. History is littered with examples of societies which have collapsed as a result of overly malevolent actions by those with the resources to commit them. Invariably the forces which replace them are exceedingly reactionary in their punitive measures.

If humanity wishes to avoid such brutal social reform, it has no choice but to rescind the privileges extended to the clandestine world. This is not entirely without precedent among the historical management of these groups. It's proved to be a relatively frequent choice by incoming governments in many nations. Thanks to major initiatives in information sharing post 911, the intelligence community is now a a much more integrated multinational conglomerate.  A restructuring of the industry could happen simultaneously in multiple markets and could realistically manifest itself at any point.

The main question is quite how malicious the clandestine world has to become for the population to finally push back.

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