No rivets, screws, nuts or bolts.

Get ready for yet another wave of disclosure grifters.

Monday, June 19, 2023 - 16:15

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Ever since devil rings appeared in Medieval crops there have been psychological operations invoking an other worldly presence. Vernher Von Braun claimed that the NASA accomplishments could not be claimed by his team alone. When asked more he replied that they had been helped by people of 'other worlds'.

Space Secret Space Fleet Secret Societies Perception management USA Britain Operation PaperClip WW2 Nudge theory UFOs

Every few years, the mainstream media get all hot and bothered about UFO's and the existence of unacknowledged aerial technology. The standardised methodology follows a similar course every time. A spokesperson with some form of credible credentials is chosen by persons preferring to remain unknown. These kingmakers look for specific traits in their puppets in order to appeal to as large an audience as possible. Over the years, various profiles have been favoured.

In the 20th century vaunted academics such as Carl Sagan lead the nascent field of 'UFO-logy'. Moving into the 21st Century figureheads such as Dr. Steven Greer would somehow be on the interview list for numerous mainstream pundits to parade on their social media channel(s). As with all disinformation, their output would generally include some form of tantalising and ambiguous grandstanding mixed in with the occasional factual detail. Anything of any substantial veracity was immersed in redacted files and establishment denial. Showing an overhead projector slide of an official document with 75% of the text blacked out would increase credibility, without providing anything tangible. As a con it employs one of the oldest methods in existence. The audience are distracted by the prestige of the valid source and forget that neither evidence of absence, nor absence of evidence mean anything whatsoever.

Moving forward into the 2010's the curious audience were suddenly presented with less academic puppets. The frontman of popular contempo beat combo Blink182, came out of nowhere and took centre stage, briefly. Mr. Thomas DeLonge of California announced that he was taking a hiatus from penning guitar based sea shanties and was instead embarking on a mission to deliver the world from dependency on fossil fuels etc. This is the exact same shtick that Steven Greer hocks around the alternative energy scene (minus the sea shanties). Curiously enough, neither of these two disinfo agents have ever delivered anything other than a load of snake oil. In many ways they can be compared to the 'scaling of space' puppets such as Richard Branson and Elon Musk. Endless amounts of PR exposure and enormous tranches of public funds are made available to these figureheads for them to deliver nothing that could be even remotely considered as innovative.

Elon Musk has massive support despite his idiosyncratic methods. He sits atop a gargantuan bandwagon of delusional cult of personality. Richard Branson was much the same during his attempts to take his brand into the offworld market. The public has an insatiable appetite for a glimpse of the spacefaring future. This guarantees any such puppet an almost limitless amount of exposure and consequently fund raising potential. There does also seem to be a demographic pattern. Much of the support for SpaceX and Virgin Galactic is based in the USA. Neither Branson nor Musk are Americans. Instead they are paraded as quirky foreigners who must be smart because of their accents.

Virgin Galactics wing launched shuttle craft and SpaceX's reusable rocket technologies are not actually new technology. They were both originally rolled out by US defense contractors in the golden era of space development. Chuck Yeager used wing launched, rocket powered aircraft to set his air speed records in the 1950's. Fast forward to the 1990's and McDonald Douglas prototyped the DC-X which was a slightly more conical shaped version of what SpaceX rolled out in 2015. This was actually after BlueOrigin accomplished much the same thing earlier in the year.

The latest flagship of popular UFOlogy is United States Air Force officer and former intelligence official David Grusch. The disseminator du jour has once again been proffered as a 'military whistleblower'. This method has been used numerous times before, from stars of the black and white screen such as Admiral E. Byrd and Mjr. Philip Corso to the ambiguous horseradish of Richard Doty and remote viewer Mjr. Ed Dames. These individuals are somehow ushered into the public consciousness as someone 'new' who can be trusted more than their discredited predecessors. After a brief reign, these hastily concocted puppets are challenged to produce anything of substance. They fail to do so and instead plug their book(s) and then they are relegated into the blowhard grifter category.

There is precisely zero difference in credibility between self promoting, unqualified hacks such as Nick Pope or George Tsukalos and uniformed authoritarians such as David Grusch. Both are relying on their quoted credentials to suspend disbelief among their anticipating audience. George Tsukalos relies on the fact that his trademarked TV Show 'Ancient Aliens' has an utterly massive viewership. Beyond that he's not an author, anthropologist, archaeologist, historian, architect or even a denizen of the hairdressing arts. Really the only thing impressive in his portfolio is Krix Beeble - his wife.

It's yet to be seen if David Grusch will deliver anything of any value. In regards to how attractive his life partner is, this is still a bit of a mystery. He might well be gay in which case George Tsuokalos is clearly leading in the hot wife competition. As a whistleblower all Grusch has really achieved is trotting out the same old trope about how the US. Government has been suppressing the reality of UAP's (rebranded UFO's). This isn't actually news to anyone at all. The 1980's saw a US Govt. plan for the domination of low earth orbit with the SDI inititative (AKA StarWars). This clearly announced the intentions of the United States war machine to move into a greater arena of functionality.

Obviously Grusch hasn't thrown himself on the pyre of martyrdom and spilled the beans about what happened to the SDI initiative. For that particularly challenging reality, questers will have to look in less mainstream outlets for satisfaction. The efforts to obscure the reality of what Ronald Reagan set in motion have been extensive. The SDI debacle is comprehensively covered in the TEFLONRABBIT article The Secret Space Fleet - Or is it?

There really is no other way to interpret the actions of these endless shills and disinfo agents. They're clearly owned by some clandestine groups who have a vested interest in obfuscating the reality of what major defense contractors are invested in. So disparate is the relationship between public perception and unacknowledged development that the consumer market is still dependent on technologies from over a century ago. In the 1970's the US military were providing Vietnam helicopter pilots with gyroscope sensing helmets. These helmets allowed them to operate heavy machine guns while still controlling the aircraft. The logical path of such implementation extends into motion sensing on a microscopic level. Today we see accelerometers built into commonly available smartphones. Clearly this technology has been refined over the past half a century. Despite this audiences at robotics expos still perceive shadow dancing automata as something they have never seen before and couldn't possibly have imagined. 

The motivation of those controlling these puppets can be considered as representing little more than ongoing perception management. It suits the control mechanism to have a buoyant market with which to parade their chosen vehicle of manipulating the uninitiated. Or as they are called in certain clandestine circles the profane. This prevents the public from looking too closely at what the MIC is actually doing in their highly secretive compounds. Clearly there are many, many more members of the public than there are MIC goons. Consequently the public could compel these groups any time to give up what they've been working on or see an end to the massive taxpayer handouts they are given. However, very few people have the presence of mind to even consider this reality. As far as they are concerned it's all about showing support for a new and uncharted initiative. Meanwhile they have learned not to rock the boat too much or it will be an end to their plans for their new anti-macassar set. Once again, the collective goals of mankind are ruthlessly sabotaged by the vain, self centered failings of the average punter.

Between 1974 and 1977 Wernher Von Braun voiced his opinions of the forthcoming contrived UFO invasion. The exopolitical community have been enduring shills such as Steven Greer and Tom DeLonge for decades. It has been established that the extensive research done by the self propelled rabbit hole divers will be the undoing of the forthcoming contrived spectacular. Since September 2001, the concept of Project Bluebeam has come into the public consciousness. Touted as the technology behind the impossible maneuvers performed by the so called suicide hijackers, Bluebeam is allegedly a holographic projection system which can generate three dimensional illusions. Some of the 911 'No Planes' theorists quote Bluebeam as the foundation of their objections. There are other schools of thought in regards to how this unprecedented incident actually unfolded. Most credible is the use of remote hijacking technology retailed by SPC International, a company owned by PNAC member Dov Zakheim.

Trawling the endless vaults of Youtube, it is impossible to miss the vigor of the religious right wing. Numerous videos on the subject of The Rapture and The End Times spew meaningless prophecies at the viewer with an enthusiasm that would rival their Zealot heroes. In amongst the frankly insane meanderings of the holy Youtube avengers, can be found the odd reference to forthcoming spectacles in the sky. Many will refer to the return of Jesus, Yahwe, The Prophet or whichever religious icon suits their narrative. Between those expecting something from Independence Day and those anticipating a 900 foot Jesus, the human race appears well positioned to have a master scam run on them. The most ironic aspect to this mass hysteria is who the detractors are. When it happens (which it certainly will) the very people calling it out as fake are the ones who do actually accept in the existence of hidden technology and 'people of other worlds'.

The simple truth is that there are groups within human society who have been confiscating innovative technology from those who created it. This has been a reality for centuries, if not millennia. Throughout history there have been deals done between these groups and the military or governments of the day. Such a technological watershed can be seen in the mysterious deal done on January 13, 1128 between the Knights Templar and Pope Honorius II. Whatever the Templars found at the Holy Mount, it gave them substantial leverage over the Pontiff. This was clearly a tumultuous time for organised control structures. The rebranded Roman franchise had enjoyed a monopoly since they abandoned Paganry and rolled out Christianity across their territories. Suddenly there was a shift in the balance of power and the Holy See had little choice but to enter into an uncomfortable working relationship with players who did not accept the hegemony of the old world. The former Holy Roman Empire was the equivalent of a one world government. Without democracies, nations were managed under the iron fist of a monarch. No monarch was above the Church and only ruled over their lands by holy decree.

On February 21, 1954 the 34th President of the USA Dwight D. Eisenhower apparently did another deal with someone offering hidden technology as their sales pitch. Apparently Dwight acquiesced, signed the treaty and ushered in the next half a century of accelerated technological development and elaborate perception management stunts. It seems that President Eisenhower developed some major misgivings about the terms of the deal and sought to warn the world with some highly alarmist language used in his unprecedented exit speech.

The misgivings of the Holy See were much less bureaucratic. Instead of issuing a warning  to the people, they simply denounced the Templars as a bunch of freaky homosexuals who had unhealthy interests in the occult and the worship of a disembodied head. After the Church conducted some welching on debt repayments, high profile applications of the Iron Maiden, turning of thumbscrews and loading the ubiquitous funerary pyre, the remaining Templars ran off to various places that didn't care much for Latin hegemony either. 

To get into some truly left field discussion, the works of certain artists throughout history have included imagery that can't really be mistaken as anything other than machinery in the sky. For Steven Spielberg, portraying anti-gravity technology has been very lucrative, but for 17th century oil painters, depicting flying machines was something akin to spirituality. This raises the question as to exactly what they were representing in their paintings. Many debunkers will claim something to do with stylised representations of the sun and moon. These explanations are so paltry that they only satisfy the most ideological of interested parties.

There is a narrative subscribed to by a group of new agers that was popularised by a man by the name of Benjamin Creme. Basically his narrative extended to being approached by shadowy individuals in the 70's & 80's who informed him that he was being contacted by one of 'the masters'. He then goes on to describe a process whereby he was initiated into a group who follow masters that have become ascended humans. They are apparently able to drop into anyone's consciousness, view reality through their eyes and control their actions, thoughts and speech. It would be very easy to write off Benjamin Creme as an ardent bullshitter or a victim of concerted efforts in mind control. However, when he describes the historical activities of master 'Maitreya' he drops in certain facts which can also be found in unrelated art from the 17th century. Namely the overshadowing of the birth of Jesus Christ and also the crucifixion. The concept of people who can morph into other people's consciousness fields forms the basis of the Matrix science fiction series. The inclusion of a technological platform in the storyline serves to obfuscate the occult nature of the underlying narrative.

In the TEFLONRABBIT article USAP technology and creative marketing we covered the reality of mind control methods which rely on digital technology to achieve exactly what Benjamin Creme announces as the techniques of 'ascended masters'. However the existence of the underpinning  technologies such as RF have only been known in the public arena for less than a couple of centuries. Pulse code Modulation has only been available to the public since the late 1970's. If this technological approach accounts for the historical anecdotes, this indicates that someone has been using RF and PCM technology for a ludicrously long time. So long in fact that it potentially explains a whole load of anomalous architecture seen all over the planet.

The current UAP frenzy is no more likely to result in the disclosure of mind control, holographic or anti-gravity technology than it is likely to reveal the whereabouts of Where's Wally. To consider the periodic stirring up of the sci-fi audience as a move toward transparency is just plain stupid. The whole point of hidden technology is to create a gulf between those who know and those who do not. Disparity equates to value in the collectively insane minds of the clandestine community. As such they are exceedingly unlikely to jeopardise their advantage.

The concept of visitors from outer space plays into a insidiously clever con. Imagining the technology reported in the skies as having originated millions of light years away, lets the clandestine community off the hook. The activities of defense contractors have been leaked numerous times. However society in general still perceives the fossil fuel paradigm to equate to our global level of technology. The last thing the average punter wants to hear is that not only are we not alone, we're not alone in this galaxy, this solar system or even this planet. Furthermore there is sufficient evidence to make a case for massive deception. Not only are the mysterious events in the skies nothing to do with 'aliens' but those responsible blatantly live among us. This is as relevant now as it was in the time of Ezekiels Wheels. For these people to deliver their hidden technology into the popular consciousness, they would logically seek to control every aspect of the process.

There have been opinions voiced that those possessing such technology fear reprisals for the many wrongs done to the rest of humanity as a result of maintaining their disparity. Consequently the chances of them being open and honest about a cultural shift of such a paradigm shattering nature, appear to be rather slim. Instead we will be invited to witness the evidence in the sky and place our faith in the governments and military to protect us from the intent of mysterious visitors from outer space. Meanwhile the pathetic remnants of our civil liberties will be thrown directly into the sewer as we are plunged into the most dystopian vision of totalitarian, global technocracy.

The uninitiated of the human race only have one conceivable weapon in the forthcoming ideological conflict. Everything these 'people of other worlds' believe in revolves around choice and the illusion of it. This is why the power of deception is so important to them. To simply force their will with totalitarian methods, somehow devalues their goals. However an unwitting audience who capitulate with consent based mind control have apparently not been forced into anything. According to the insanity of this mindset, they have chosen invariably negative outcomes of their own free volition. Thus the only logical thing that anyone can do is to withdraw their consent.

Make no  mistake, the people responsible for the mysterious events in the skies over the past several thousand years have no intention of humbly handing over their technology, offering a limp wristed hand and saying 'no hard feelings, dude'. They're much more likely to use their technological advantage to remake global society into something akin to their false memory of a bygone epoch. They anticipate a glorious age of utopian abundance, leisurely consuming ambrosia while they toy with what's left of humanity.

Just make sure you remember where their Achilles heel is.

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