Lunar Excursion Module disengaged from Command Service Module

No more Terra Nullis chaps, time to hoist the solar sail.

Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 11:13

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Considered the pinnacle of technological achievement, the logistical tour-de-force known as The Apollo 11 Lunar Landings has become a meter of mankind's accomplishments. Accredited to the combined works of numerous civilian US government agencies, NASA's most prestigious endeavour has survived numerous attempts to debunk the science of the narrative.
WARNING: This article may contain hidden meaning. No guarantee is made concerning the veracity of quoted information.

Space USA Government Military Industrial Complex Secret Societies Civilisation Technology UFOs

Despite incisive cross examination by designated representative of Britain, the astronomer Royal Sir Patrick Moore, the three NASA astronauts on the stage of the 1969 press conference presented an infallible picture of heroic composure.  When questioned as to their ability to 'see stars in spite of the glare from the solar corona' they were unanimously in agreement that they didn't see any stars unless they were using the optical viewing devices. This has stuck out in the narrative with many skeptics claiming that an inability to view stars from the zero atmospheric viewpoint of the lunar surface does not make sense. However what these skeptics are failing to incorporate into their rationale is the fact that the moon probably does have an atmosphere. Admittedly it is unlikely to be of a density resembling Earths atmosphere, stratosphere and ionosphere, however clouds have been recorded by many lunar observers. Browsing moon footage uploaded by youtube creators reveals numerous anomalies. The reduction in price of mass manufactured, high magnification telescopes has been augmented with advances in digital capture technology. Some creators have captured highly intriguing events such as lights in craters and undocumented space traffic transiting the moons surface.



Alan Shepherd tees off


The cynicism of the internet age has created a palpable doubt in regards to the 1969 NASA narrative surrounding the Apollo missions. The ability to analyse frame by frame footage has blown many false memories to pieces. One such memory would be the golfing scenes featuring Alan Shepherd using a five iron to send golf balls soaring over the horizon. The golfing certainly seems to have happened but the trajectory was definitely not captured by the fixed camera depicting Shepherd in portrait aspect. Consequently many people have developed a false memory where their imagination has inserted scenes that were never captured or broadcast. There are those who claim that this is explained by the so called 'Mandela effect'. Unfortunately this so called phenomenon is little more than a fabricated construct designed by the clandestine community to interfere with the collective human memory. Regardless, the lack of horizon defeating golf supremacy does nothing to detract from the expansive scenes of astronauts traversing the lunar surface.

There have been further questions raised by qualified critics as to the veracity of some of the Apollo footage. Dr Steven Greer of the CSETI foundation has regularly stated during his late afternoon interviews words to the effect of:

The Apollo landings were real. My uncle worked on the designs for the lunar module - I don't know if you knew ... if you were aware of that. But some people have said that some of the footage was a bit ... hinky. Well .......

Skeptics have claimed that not only was some of the footage 'hinky' but had in fact been completely fabricated by various media moguls including but not limited to Stanley Kubrick and Walter Cronkite. The argument being that much of the broadcasts were hopelessly uninteresting technical depictions with very little compelling content. Consequently to ensure ratings stayed high, various scenes were staged in studios in order to placate the fickle audience and prevent them from turning the channel to a rowsing episode of Mr Ed. Whether this is true or not is a matter of personal opinion. Those who worked with said media moguls are divided in their opinions. Kubrick's daughter has stated that he worked obsessively for years on the CSM and LEM footage. To the point where he neglected his family responsibilities. This has been quoted as the inspiration for some of the insane behaviour displayed by Jack Nicholson's character in the 1980 movie 'The Shining'. Namely working on a manuscript for weeks which comprised nothing but a single sentence repeated thousands of times:

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Apollo 15 Lunar Rover


Cronkite's apprentice and regular space grifter Richard Hoagland tacitly admits that some of the footage was fabricated but invokes the ratings defence and states that it was purely to augment the authentic footage. The narrative enforcement divisions of various governments are highly active on social media. Often they quote the Lunar Rover footage as representing irrefutable evidence in the scenes of rooster tails of regolith spiraling up from the wheel spins. When faced with robust criticism, this scene is generally their defacto truth with which to defend the authenticity of the narrative. 

There is an unattributed quote which has been circulating in the debunker community for some decades which alludes to the fact that the Apollo missions were real, were successful, but were by no means the first presence of humanity on Earth's closest neighbour.

Why are we here on tricycles when the military are here in sports cars? 

This highly challenging counter commentary represents an opinion much closer to what TEFLONRABBIT.COM would consider to be a plausible reality. The Moon represents such a phenomenal tactical advantage that it seems exceedingly likely that humans would expended any and all resources available in order to secure a presence there. Given the historical efforts by militarised bodies invested in pioneering exploration, it's also quite likely that a substantial loss of life was incurred in the process. The USA and presumably other nations allocate space faring responsibilities to their Naval forces. Organisations with extensive knowledge of critical systems and steel fabrication would logically be the most qualified to make such forays outside of the safety of the atmosphere. In the article The Secret Space Fleet - Or is it? we covered the fabrication of sealed steel hulls with electro gravitic propulsion. Ultimately the engineering requirements necessary to create a vehicle to traverse the depths of oceans are not unrelated to the requirements of a vehicle designed for traversing a vacuum. There are of course, no qualified commentators who have been sanctioned by any military group to openly confess this most feasible of narratives. It is therefore mere speculation, at this time. Until these groups make an unreserved admission of their activities, the Saturn 5 rocket, CSM and the LEM are the only known vehicles to have transported human beings to the Moon. 


Fisher Space Pen


The economic boost to US industry and global commerce as a direct result of the Apollo missions can not be understated. Due to the massively commercial nature of the campaign, companies ranging from battery manufacturers to air craft parts manufacturers and ball point pen makers did very well during this era. This has been grudgingly accepted by debunkers. Many of  whom maintain that the Apollo missions represents the only conspiracy by the US government (and mankind in general) which has a positive aspect to it. Believing that humans are capable of such an extraordinary feat of logistical prowess is highly empowering to the average punter. It inspires everyone from children to pensioners to have faith in their government(s) and their combined capabilities.  Consequently to perceive Neil Armstrong and his Freemason colleagues Edwin Eugene (Buzz) Aldrin and Michael Collins as anything but American  heroes would be to deny that which is most important to all Americans and a critical tenet of the works of the founding fathers.


The mysterious mind controlled Umbrella man


There are opinions that identify someone who did not do very well from the Apollo missions. That being 35th president of the United States, John F Kennedy. Cited as a major driving force behind the decision to go ahead with the lunar exploration campaign, his assassination has been claimed to have been a retaliation by unknown forces for dabbling in matters outwith his remit.  Perhaps his most relevant quote in this regard would be:

We will go to the moon in this decade and we will do the other thing. Not because they are easy, but because they are hard.

Speculating on this statement leads to the question of what exactly was 'the other thing' and did it get him killed? He had already signed off on Starfish Prime which was arguably an intercontinental EMF weapons test quite and represented a seriously ambitious project. His replacement 36th President Lyndon B. Johnson was a notoriously machiavellian leader. He is reported to have organised meetings in line with his bowel movements, purely so he could dominate the attendees by defecating in his private office lavatory, whilst continuing the meeting with the door open. Many critics have accused Johnson of plotting against Kennedy while he was the Vice President. It would not be unreasonable to think that the Apollo missions were an attractive political football with which to pursue such an agenda. In any event, the chronology of Kennedy's demise does indeed fit with this narrative. It is also riddled with conspiratorial accusations and enduring debate as to the logistics surrounding the assassination.     

There is an unavoidable issue which plays into the questions surrounding a human presence on the moon. The evolutionary timeline espoused by the mainstream narrative is extremely misleading.  Analysis of the works of authors such as Zacheria Sitchin has become a popular method in recent decades to explain the gaps in the theories such as Darwiniasm and the 'Out of Africa' theory. In addition, the Central Intelligence Agency have corroborated many opinions with their research into the timelines associated with scripture and mythology. A quote from Douglas Aircraft scientist William Tompkins is highly compelling in terms of historical lineage:

What you need to remember is that there have been five floods since the time of Noah

As covered in previous TEFLONRABBIT.COM articles, the Black Sea inundation has been widely accepted as representing the most viable event to explain the flood legends in the vicinity of the Mediterranean. However every culture on Earth has flood myths, most of which are conspicuously absent of specific chronology. The creation of the Bosphorous strait happened somewhere around 6000 BCE, however the Zanclean flood occurred over 4.5 million years prior. There are references contained within Greek mythology which indicate that the creation of the Mediterranean was no accident. In addition there are certain anomalies in the vicinity of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea which go some way to corroborate these highly challenging references. Put simply, there is substantial evidence to indicate that events in the human timeline are much closer to the Vedic texts than they are to the works of the British Library or The Royal Society. This puts technologically advanced life on Earth millions of years into the past.


Chang 'e and Jade Rabbit


There is a myth which was chosen by the Chinese military to label their 2013 unmanned lunar Chang'e 3 mission. Basically it goes along the lines of a giant, clever green rabbit who lived on the moon getting bored and coming to Earth to elope with a princess. As fantastical as it sounds, it is not outwith the confines of a terrestrial timeline which includes technologically sophisticated geo-engineering millions of years ago. Obviously the evolutionary state of rodent life on Earth is currently not that high. However looking at Marsupial evolution in Australia, it could be imagined that in several million years, Kangaroos may be capable of feats of endeavour somewhat greater than mere pugilism. To ancient observers a sentient bipedal Marsupial would indeed appear to be a giant rabbit.  The fauna of the Antipodes has ever been somewhat of a thorn in the side of Darwinian theory. This is probably what motivated the concerted effort to drive the Thylocine into a state of actual or very near extinction. An animal which appears in most regards to be a Canid, but is actually a carnivorous Marsupial does not fit with the basic premise of the accepted evolutionary model. Furthermore it speaks to evolution actually being a process whereby life will evolve along similar lines, wherever it occurs.  The most viable candidate to control this evolutionary template is the central source of energy in any given solar system.


Day of Brahma timeline


Accepting that there  have been numerous cataclysms in Earth's history is no major issue. To assume that our current fossil fuel paradigm represents the pinnacle of sentient evolution is hopelessly naive. Consequently what occurred on the Lunar surface on July 20th 1969 may not have been an entirely unprecedented great leap for mankind. In fact it could be likened more to the long jump pit in the local sports stadium. Indeed many local record breaking feats of traversal happen, but in terms of a unique historical occurrence they do not represent such a phenomenal entry in the global record.  

In summary, whether any of the 1969 footage was augmented or staged is basically irrelevant. Mankind has clearly been on a journey of discovery for much, much longer than the mainstream narrative asserts. This journey has been limited only in the awareness of the masses. For some, the true accomplishments of our species would be measured more accurately with an F1 racing track than a municipal long jump pit. 

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