World Trade Center prior to 9/11

Humanity is being ushered into an abattoir by highly irresponsible forces.

Monday, September 4, 2023 - 12:11

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To mark the twenty second anniversary of the 9/11 World Trade Centre incident, we take a look at how a cult of entropy has shaped society over the millennia. Many futurists and some might say 'prophets' have spoken to an end time scenario currently being unfolded. The precise nature of the destruction of the human race as we know it is shrouded in obfuscated layers of distraction. Fortunately there is one method which always proves successful when it comes to establishing motives and identities. The foundation of any pragmatic investigation is to follow the money.

Military Industrial Complex Secret Societies Depopulation Agenda Government Fiction NLP Perception management Social Engineering Corruption

According to several accounts heard in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 WTC incident, those who leapt from the offices of Marsh & McLennan and Cantor Fitzgerald were 'blown out'. Since then the thinking has changed to that of these people choosing to jump rather than be certainly burned to death. There also exists another opinion that these people were thrown out of the holes in the building by forces unknown.


911 Falling Man


The first two narratives represent a reality which is heinous enough but the latter is something quite different. If it's in any way accurate it means that there was a definite and profoundly malevolent agenda in play. The fact that Marsh and McLennan employees and associates were in the office to host a board meeting regarding their investigation of the Pentagons two trillion dollar defecit seems undeniably relevant. The questions raised allude to forces which did not need to use any elevators or stairs to escape once their grim work was concluded.

In the TEFLONRABBIT article 'Qaulity assurance in Neurual Linguistic Programming' we covered the final work of independent film maker David Crowley. Put simply, he produced  a highly controversial trailer for the purposes of fund raising. Unfortunately he was never able to put the script into production. Despite receiving commitments from various funding sources, he suddenly decided to shoot his entire family, his dog, his washing machine and finally himself.  The trailer has survived and many analysts have included it in scathing critiques of the clandestine aspects of the military industrial congressional complex.

To be uncompromisingly frank, Crowley appears to have been receiving information concerning a plan to drastically reduce the population of the USA. Currently we hear related soundbytes coming from various pundits in the global eugenics community. However these generally allude to using peaceful methods if possible. Grey State was a clear indicator that non violent methods will only go so far and that certain groups are quite prepared to resort to widespread culling to achieve their goals. Conspiracy channels have frequently pointed to FEMA camps and conspicuous federal rail infrastructure as evidence that this is not fear mongering and represents a serious threat to the future of the United States and in fact, the rest of the planet.

Open carry diner - USA


Due to the  forethought of the founding fathers, the USA is the only country in the world where the right to bear arms is justified through protection from tyrannical government. Other nations allow their citizens to own firearms for reasons such as hunting and self defence, but specifically not for use against the state. In reality, any American even considering using their weapons against the government usually come off quite badly. Nonetheless, there is a salient point to the continuation of gun ownership in the USA in that it provides a last line of resistance to the onslaught of overt totalitarianism. It is for this very reason that the North American continent is currently experiencing radical incursions into the social topography by forces who fear their capacity for resistance .

In the article 'Lies of the past, present and future' the reality of the trans-human agenda is explained as an intersection of ideological extremism and the promotion of a disguised, long term depopulation methodology. Unsurprisingly the broadly 'liberal' state of California is at the forefront of this highly concerning campaign. States such as Texas have enacted laws to prevent school boards from promoting homosexuality and transgenderism in the class room.  Nonetheless the spectre of a highly illogical mindset is rapidly engulfing the New World. The resistance is quite palpable with parents and concerned citizens protesting trans awareness in schools. The conspicuous usage of ideological arguments are everywhere on social media with the pro camp using phrases such as 'trans women ARE women'. Those who speak out against this trope (and the campaign in general) are labelled as conservatives and written of as transphobes. It is this precise resistance demographic which is portrayed as the most likely to become the victims of the aforementioned transport and detention infrastructure. 

The motivation behind those pursuing the depopulation agenda is advertised as being liberal and protecting the rights of so called 'trans children'. However the reality is much more likely to be material in nature. As seen with the mass psy-op known as Covid19, institutions are likely to benefit from successful applications of the promoted depopulation methodology. Care homes and hospitals have been outed in the alternative media as receiving cash payouts for any patients dying from Covid whilst undergoing treatment on their premises. This represents a profound divergence from the tenets of the hippocratic oath and the accepted goals of healthcare in general. The only institutions with sufficient resources to be underwriting such prolific subsidies would be the banking cartels and the secret groups controlling the financial sector. Groups such as the Committee of 300, the Corporation of London and the Bank of England would represent the only entities to be able to offer such extensive financial support for such a ubiquitous delivery vector. There is also the inescapable reality that since the financial collapse of 2008, many financial groups have been inexorably working toward the stated goals of the Rosicrucian manifesto detailed on the Georgia Guidestones.  Namely the reduction of the global population to half a billion.


Grey State executions


There is another potential reality depicted in the Grey State trailer. That being the exact inverse of the dystopian depopulation agenda. It is entirely feasible that what appears to be a cull of dissenters is actually a ruthless and uncompromising backlash against this ideological onslaught. Likewise it is possible that what we see in the Covid psyop is actually a cull of the most dangerous people in society. Put simply, the easily lead and the inherently corruptible, those who will go along with anything to secure a larger slice of the cake than they are entitled to. However, given the imagery employed by Crowley, it seems that he was quite sure that it is the pervasive secret societies who will be doing the culling.

The historical record is replete with examples of low quality mechanisms being employed by organisations who denounce the concept of accountability. The entire fabric of global society is infused with hierarchical systems based on tenure. They are not meritocracies and they do not place value in transparency. Their default operating criteria is based on elitism and protectionism. The agricultural / industrial revolutions and the fossil fuel paradigm gave rise to an alternative methodology whereby success equates to capability. This was always a threat to the established monopolies and feudal systems, but they tolerated it and engaged with it to ... get the best value. In recent decades the value that these organisations have derived from democratic capitalism has waned. As such they have leveraged economic power to bring about a reduction in the democratic aspect.

Currently we see a profoundly confused attempt to restructure human society based on a mode of thinking that was developed tens of thousands of years ago, if not longer. This mindset was (and still is) in no way democratic and was heavily predicated on exploitation. There is extensive evidence to indicate that those who initially disseminated the philosophy were not part of the same paradigm as the rest of humanity. Some would argue that they weren't even homosapien-sapien and that civilisation was deliberately hobbled to prevent humanity from achieving its true potential.  While this narrative could easily be written off as tinfoil hat mumbo jumbo, the evidence bears out. One only needs to peruse the mainstream narratives associated with the use of dense silicate to accept this sizeable disparity. During the hundreds of thousands of years of the stone age, mankind developed methods which have remained (to most) as total and utter mystery. This does not fit with our understanding of culture, epistemology, science, anthropology or even basic history. Therefore writing off contradictory explanations without adequate justification merely represents yet more of the bind protectionism mentioned previously.


Stalin signing papers (probably death lists)


The infamous death lists signed by Jospeh Stalin are (on the face of things) a heinous and brutal genocide committed by a government against their own citizens. However this can be perceived in quite a different light. The vast majority of those executed under Stalin's regime could be considered supporters of the Czarist mentality. In no way could the preceding Russian aristocracy ever be considered as altruists. They were unashamedly elitist and considered the population as a resource to be ruthlessly mined for their own benefit. As things turned out, many of them simply exchanged their sleighs and ermine muffs for Mercedes and party official uniforms. The corrupt elitist mentality did very well under the Soviet icons of the hammer and sickle. Nonetheless, the initial philosophy was primarily concerned with delivering the Russian people from an outdated and grossly disparate paradigm. It is not unreasonable to consider the Grey State depiction of people being rounded up, cable tied and guillotined as being the very ideologues we see promoting the depopulation agenda today. A cruel and selfish sector of society who consider themselves above the law and entitled to steer global populations into a two tier, feudal equivalent of a bronze age society.


Maui Fires


The recent widespread fires in Maui, Hawaii and across mainland North America have been explained away by politicians and the MSM as an unavoidable consequence of global warming. Social media tells a somewhat divergent story with claims of directed energy weapons igniting anything that isn't coloured blue, smart meter targeting and extensive, deliberate arson. In addition, fires started in Europe have definitely resulted in multiple arrests. In numerous instances the fires have been conspicuously selective in which properties spontaneously combusted. The massive attempts to buy up tracts of fire ravaged land in Maui have been touted as a signal that factions within the US commercial cartels are proceeding with the '15 minute cities' agenda. This idea is based in part on the societal structures created by the quasi communist government of China. As a leader in population control, the Chinese govt. has been instrumental in the defining of templates with which to micro manage substantial volumes of conurbation dwelling humans. Much of the alt justification for '15 minute cities' is based on the average citizen having no access to personal transport, thereby reducing their carbon footprint and saving the planet. Whether the reader believes the mainstream or alternative narrative, it seems that the totalitarian solution for all of mans ills can be summed up by a mass reduction in civil liberties.


Grenfell Tower


There is an uncomfortable comparison between the Maui fires and the 2017 inferno at Grenfell Tower in London. Hawaii has the most expensive real estate in the USA and Kensington is the second most expensive in London. Certain exopolitics commentators proposed that the Grenfell Tower disaster was a blood sacrifice necessitated by Britain leaving the European Union. While this is a challenging narrative, it can not be dismissed due to the overt pagan themes associated with many disasters and domestic terror actions. The 2015 incident at the Batatclan theatre venue in Paris was depicted across international media with a specific image of a pattern smeared in blood on the dancefloor. Apparently as a result of the bodies being moved by emergency workers, the pattern closely resembled an eye. The allseeing eye has long been associated with esoteric iconography from antiquity. Many of the pervasive secret societies at work today have roots in pagan cults which predate the rise of Christianity and even the Abrahamic faith system in general. To write these themes off as tinfoil hat mumbo jumbo, would be to assume that secret societies are not entrenched in society all over the world. Unfortunately the evidence that they certainly are, is utterly overwhelming.


Sodom and Gomorrah - Lot, family and 'Angels'


Trials by fire, flood and aerial bombardment are the stuff of myth but also recorded history. While interpretation of scripture is generally written off as the workings of infirm minds, the parable of Lot in Genesis (among others) speaks to a disparity between races. Using this disparity as a cipher, it is more than feasible that there was a time when those with vastly superior technology walked among us. Furthermore, this breakaway civilisation had survived various cataclysms and retained their technological development throughout. Their philosophies and cultural outlook could be considered as highly divergent from that espoused by the tenets of most organised religions. Deity archetypes from Sumer, Babylonia, Egypt, Greece and India, to those of the Norse, Celtic, South American and Far Eastern civilisations, all refer to this 'race' of highly advanced people. Many of them also refer to them being an aloof and vain race who thought nothing of pitting tribes of surviving hunter gatherers against each other. When Abraham was invited to slay his son, the entity communicating with him openly confessed to requiring such barbarism as an act of absolute obedience. In addition during the Exodus the Israelites were told to avoid making pacts with the Canannite deities because their god was a 'a cruel and jealous god'. While it has suited the subsequent Abrahamic faith systems to portray this irrational and petty behaviour as that of the creator of all things, it seems far more likely that Abraham and others hearing these voices were simply selected as convenient mind control victims of the day. 

This mass manipulation of homosapien-sapien survivors appears to have been a source of great satisfaction for these elite separatists. From the Greek pantheon war god Ares covering his bed with the skin of men, to Huitzilopochtli  the Aztec god of war demanding regular human sacrifices. Many researchers have written on the fundamentally cruel nature of the sacrifice system. Some go as far as to describe the method of gratification as being audio frequency based. In other words, the gods of old found the sounds of humans being butchered very pleasing. It is therefore not unreasonable to deduce that they were (and arguably still are) heavily committed to population control of what they consider a lower caste of humanity.

Such totalitarian methods have been taught to contemporary humanity in line with a great many other facets of civilisation which we never question and accept as always having been present. In the TEFLONRABBIT article The Style Council versus City Hall we covered the Sardinian festival of the Mamuthones. The procession of lumbering great beastly hominins speaks to an age when either Neanderthals or some form of Homo Erectus Africanus were enslaved by homosapiens and put to work building much of what we would call Etruscan architecture. With time, advances in cattle hauling and technologies such as block & tackle and ratchets lessened the need for highly dextrous beasts of burden. It does not represent such a great logistical endeavour to control herds of drive train cattle as it does to enslave exceedingly strong hominins. Shepherds and farmhands are much more accessible than the highly trained, military ranks of Isadores used to control the Mamuthones. Part of the festival ritual includes the lassoing of attractive women in the crowd by the Isadores. This illustrates part of the cost involved in employing this phenomenally capable construction resource. Replacing this complex and high maintenance, interspecies resource with a more simplistic agricultural based resource reduced the cost of construction. Keeping Enki-du type giants from running amok required men at arms, in turn these military men required frequent applications of wine women and song, to prevent them from also running amok. This negated the cost to the communities and states engaged in extensive construction projects. As a result, the remaining Mamuthones were exterminated as an undeniable threat to the civilisation they were instrumental in building. This was a highly sophisticated hunter gatherer race who had co-existed with homosapiens for many millennia. Due to catastrophic natural disasters, enslavement and technological advances their paradigm came to an end with the onset of the Bronze age. Furthermore the majority of information regarding the harnessing of their resource has been almost completely eradicated from the historical record as representing a forthright challenge to the concept of manifest destiny. Hardly anyone speaks about what these broadly austere festivals really commemorate. Were it not for stubborn reenactment (and conspicuously secret) societies in Sardinia and other Mediterranean locations, this exploitative aspect of their coexistence with homosapiens would have been completely supressed.     

Man made disasters such as the great fire of London and even the WTC 911 incident portray events which can be interpreted as humanity being locked into a catastrophist mentality. The thinking being that since humans survived various cosmic disasters in deep antiquity, we have been displaying symptoms of cyclical repeater syndrome. War and instigated disasters recreate the terror and loss of life while the management of them returns control to the victims. It is a profoundly damaging mentality which is used by psychologists to explain the most disturbing of all human behaviour. It is not unreasonable to interpret our current predicament as representing a managed cataclysm being rolled out by an incredibly disturbed  ideology. An ideology that is not indigenous to the nature of human beings, but one which has been forcefully perpetuated by various secret societies throughout recorded history.

The organisations mentioned previously in reference to the underwriting of the furlough schemes and the cash payouts for depopulation initiatives wield their power through wealth. Logically these groups will always seek to create additional gain wherever possible. They are in essence, utterly consumed by the need to ... get the best value. As such their motivation may not be purely financial, but speculative in ways which adhere to their altered value system. The fiscal returns from any large scale incident can generally be perceived as opportunities for a reallocation of wealth. Invariably this reallocation follows a standard formula. Private entities are implicated in large scale loss which is then balanced by subsidies from public funds. In addition, government contracts are awarded to chosen private entities to deal with the rebuilding and or clean up operations and yet more taxpayer funded allocations make their way into private hands.

This overtly unethical process represents a serious and deliberate subverting of democratic capitalism. As has been detailed by numerous economists, free market capitalism without socialism equates to fascism. Likewise socialism without free market capitalism equates to totalitarian communism. Neither of these situations can be associated with a population experiencing free will, informed choice and self determination. The entire concept of liberty goes straight down the toilet when either of these situations are tolerated. The events of 2019 - 2022 can easily be defined as representing a massive loss of liberty for the populations of nations that subscribed to W.H.O guidelines for the management of the Covid19 psy-op. 


Spiritual war


Such massive incursions into the well-being and happiness of the population are difficult to rationalise as representing a purely financial reallocation of wealth. This basic assumption combined with the relentless quest for value indicates that the motive is more esoteric than physical. While there is clearly major avarice in play, the majority of the gains are more logically interpreted as inhabiting the spiritual realm.

There is a school of thought among metaphysicians that there are forces active today who do not care for wealth or power, they have more than enough of both. They are engaged in a war for the very souls of mankind.    

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