Tap O' Noth - Aberdeenshire

No it's a giant stone space ship

Sunday, October 9, 2022 - 10:10

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Aerial supremacy in antiquity is the stuff of the wildest, tinfoil hat meanderings. Nonetheless it is a subject which has confounded some of the greatest conspiratorial minds that have ever lived. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself shuffled off this mortal coil with a single question still gnawing away at his rationale. His many years of research into the unexplained phenomena we see around us, never reconciled the mystery of vitrified remnants of hilltop enclosures in Aberdeenshire.

Aerial phenomenon Mystery Flight History Mesa Verde Varatharajaperumal temple Blast furnaces Michael Cremo Nazca Lines Hot Air Balloon Pueblo people Chateaux de Lastours Nimrod Fortress Arthur Conan Doyle Vitirification Hill forts Aberdeenshire UFOs

The mainstream narrative asserts that the vitrified stone ruins found all across the planet were simply a result of arson attacks or sieges. Archaeologists will opt for the war explanation or the natural igneous process to explain otherwise contradictory evidence we see on every continent (not withstanding Queen Maud Land).

Skelling Michael


The recent Star Wars productions drew attention to an island a few miles off the coast of southern Eire - Skellig Michael. The stone beehive dwellings and rock cut stairways made for particularly compelling scenes. However, this also speaks to the tradition of Lucasfilms and their possible whistleblowing stunts. Prior to this popular scifi production, very few people had ever heard of Skellig Michael as it raises some far reaching questions as to who actually constructed the building, stairways and other infrastructure. Long accepted as a retreat for medieval monks seeking solitude, the island has remained preserved as a snapshot of antiquity. Possibly the most difficult to rationalise is the vitrified landing area. Again the mainstream explanation insists that the process occurred during the Viking sieges of the island. Indeed the Vikings were known for laying waste to monastic facilities around the coasts of Britain and this is accepted as being somewhat historically accurate. However, the idea that an invading force would build fires capable of reaching such massive temperatures is highly fallacious. Recent experiments (2016) by the University of Buffallo in casting igneous rock, required temperatures in the thousands of degrees in order to turn solid rock into molten 'lava'. The researchers had access to contemporary electric furnaces with which to achieve these massive temperatures. As sophisticated as the Vikings were, it seems unlikely that they had 3-phase portable electric furnaces or even traditional, bellows driven furnaces of such a scale that they could melt entire jettys. There is also the inconvenient reality that building enormous fires in the sea would be quite tricky.


Rock chains India


The possible casting of molten rock in antiquity is not without parallels in other countries. Most notably the phenomenal stonework seen in India. Many ancient temples display stone artifacts which defy contemporary methods and any attempts to recreate them. Perhaps the most compelling example would be the Varatharajaperumal temple which features stone chains which link into balustrades. As impressive as stone chains are, the work features fastening points which are sculpted from an entirely different type of rock. There is no way to achieve this incredible feat with conventional stone carving methods. The only conceivable method would require the sourcing of raw materials which existed naturally as enormous layered strata. Even if this were a reality (which there is zero evidence of) the practicalities of extracting said strata are massively elaborate and labour intensive. Conversely, heating igneous and clast silicate to melting point, then casting them in sand molds appears to be entirely achievable in ancient times. Evidence of blast furnaces being used in the Levant have been documented by archaeologists in multiple locations.


Yeah it's totally nothing to do with air travel


Unfortunately this self explanatory method clashes with the historical narrative. As far as the academic institutions are concerned, history in India started 800 years ago when the British rocked up and developed a penchant for tea. Prior to that everything is myth and everyone was incredibly primitive. This type of pompous hogwash accounts for the popular interpretations of all lands previously controlled by the British Empire and now referred to as 'the Commonwealth'. Therefore if we lend credence to the incredibly detailed texts left by cultures with a recorded history stretching back several millennia, we see that there are numerous instances which can only be described as lost ancient high technology. The works of Michael Cremo go into incredibly detailed analysis of the Vedic texts and propose that humanity has a history dating back millions of years. Some supporters of Cremo's work would push the envelope and state that these thousands of millennia are not limited to having occurred on this planet. However, for the purposes of this post we shall restrict any hypothesis to occurring on this particular blue rock, caught in the wake of our local star as it barrels around the boondocks of the Milky Way.


ancient Nazca Balloon tours


The standard explanations regarding the creation of the Nazca lines in Peru are painfully inadequate. Consequently they have attracted major controversy and a lot of heated debate. Put simply, how can anyone create complex scoured diagrams covering several kilometres of land without the ability to view them? There have been numerous attempts to account for the Nazca lines including left over campsite floorplans for the attendees of a good old jamboree in the desert. A proto 'Burning Man' perhaps. Also spirit icons drawn whilst in a trance state and even the classic explanation of post agrarian civilisations utilising their newly found free time by creating massive and really quite funky art installations. As mentioned, these explanations are woefully lame and have been soundly rejected by critical thinkers at every turn. The only plausible explanation (to date) refers to the use of large scale, envelope shaped hot air balloons. There is evidence of huge fire pits in the area which would indeed facilitate the lifting of sizeable balloons. This only represents one aspect of the mystery surrounding the lines however. There is still the logistical issue of communicating the aerial perspective to the workers on the ground busily scratching shallow grooves on the desert floor. Did they have some kind of crude telecommunication method incorporating ye olde baked bean cans and hundreds of metres of twine? In addition, the acceptance of this narrative would fairly slaughter the accomplishments of the Montgolfier Brothers and potentially even the Wright Brothers. There are also some other 'brothers' who may have issues with this narrative gaining popularity.


Mesa Verde


Staying with the Americas for the moment, there is another major indicator of aerial supremacy found in Mesa Verde, Colorado. The dwellings built underneath the overhanging cliffs by the Pueblo people, apparently date back to the 1190's. According to local knowledge, the Pueblo people were being persecuted by an aggressor on the plains above. Consequently they took shelter underneath overhanging cliffs and built extensive defensive structures to protect their community. However, the identity of these aggressors is never elaborated upon beyond some evidence of cannibalism and said defensive construction. First impressions can often misdirect, but likewise they can frequently reveal the most elegant explanation for mysterious evidence. Viewing images of the Mesa Verde buildings could speak to the fact that these people were hiding from something at a higher elevation than the plains atop the cliffs. Bearing in mind that this was happening a thousand years ago, how do we explain a force of such sophisticated technology that it essentially owned the sky?


Cathar Castle


Much has been written about the Cathar Castles in the Languedoc region in France. Without delving into the massive political ramifications, the Cathars were excommunicated as enemies of the Roman Catholic Church. Suffice to say that the 12th century Cathars / Albegensians flourished as an autonomous and gnostic sect of Christianity which clearly became a threat to the hegemony of the Vatican. The relevance in regards to aerial supremacy can be seen in the ruins of various castles including Chateaux de Lastours. Similar to the massive destruction seen at Nimrod Fortress in Northern Israel, Chateaux de Lastours appears to have been subjected to some fairly astounding force(s) from above. Many of the Cathar castles were rebuilt by regional aristocracy seeking to protect their fiefdoms. However some of the preceding destruction was of such a scale that the evidence can still be seen in the areas which were not rebuilt.


16th Century Painting reveals aerial phenomenon


At this point there is a clear and relevant pattern emerging. Throughout many periods of antiquity, communities have built incredibly complex, stone hilltop structures. These structures have been subjected to overwhelming destructive forces which seem extremely unlikely to have been purely as a result of any land based aggressors. There is also the often overlooked factor of chronological relevance. Much of this destruction appears to have happened sometime between the 11th and 13th centuries. Anyone familiar with the history of Europe can associate this period with the activities of some very clandestine groups.    

Anyone possessing any corroboration on this subject is keeping their cards very close to their chest. Obviously such paradigm busting information would represent some fairly contentious content. Consequently any speculation on such revelations can only be considered as sensationalised pseudoscience

However, it's often a very short journey from woo woo to w00p!

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