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When the scammers get scammed

Thursday, February 1, 2024 - 15:02

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"With the KJV in the Right hand and Scottish Rite FreeMasonry in the Left, the New World was forged"
Unfortunately much of what was produced could only ever be described as counterfeit. Among the least tangible exports would be a facet of the 'Special Relationship' between the UK and the USA. The clandestine connections between the two have existed since before Columbus burned his ships.

Secret Societies Corruption Legal malfeasance Military Industrial Complex Government Police

According to any major search engine, Britain has (per head of capita) more FreeMasons than most other countries in the world. A couple of nations with greater populations such as Brazil and the USA have greater reported numbers. However quite how accurate these reported numbers are is impossible to estimate. Undoubtedly many of these FreeMasons subscribe to the Scottish Rite as opposed to the York Rite. Scottish Rite has become much more prolific in the USA thanks to the founding fathers having been of that particular Masonic persuasion.  While many perceive FreeMasonry to be some form of Rotarian Society that only involves itself in high level corporate shenanigans, this is far from the case. So interwoven in the fabric of everyday society is this secret society that it is literally impossible to find a single community on the planet that has not been impacted by it in some (often negative) way. As usual the most prevalent motivator is money. The bold Masonic imagery found on the US dollar bill goes some way to illustrate exactly how entrenched in society this philosophy has become. 

Behold - the eclipse is nearly upon us!


Possibly one of the greatest single tenets of Masonic thinking is the weaving other peoples realities. There is some evidence to indicate that the practice may have also existed in Druidic practices. Part of the training for a Druidic acolyte apparently involved travelling to a different community and conning them into believing a whole load of straight-up horse shit. Unfortunately disseminating this methodology to everyone in the country hasn't necessarily created a whole load of sophisticated Magi. The economic thinking behind this drive is quite difficult to rationalise. The entire basis for the Druids utilising this method was by way of training to be effective advisors to the clan or tribal chieftains. War has always been associated with conquest and progress as well as misery and death. Consequently to be an effective advisor, any Druid needed to be able to hijack the common sense of the entire clan. To believe that nobody goes to war on a lie would be to ignore history. 

Someone in the Masonic structure managed to convince the rest of their sphere of influence that having as many 'advisors' as possible would be a good thing. One individual walking over the hills to con an entire community became impossible because there was nobody left who hadn't been conned. They'd been conned so many times, they'd even been conned into becoming con-men. These inhabitants who were once located far away over the hills became everybody in every community. As the ratio has dwindled it has become very much the case that an entire community only walks as far as the next street to con a single person, even if only for a single second. This represents the state of FreeMasonry and by extension, the broader scope of all clandestine culture today. 

The parasitical model goes some way to explaining the proliferation of so called 'fake news'. Conning someone is considered a display of power. If you can con someone then you have proven that you are entitled to con them. This is how the frankly debased minds of the collective network function. Consequently there is now a substantial currency in being able to convincingly assert that narratives are real regardless of their accuracy.    

Such behaviour has become the norm due to the conspicuous emphasis placed in the cult of dissociative personality. It has been co-opted to serve the purposes of division. What were once tools to manipulate those outwith the cult have now been turned on those within it. In terms of the parasitical model, this would be the point where the maggots are actively consuming each other. 

One could draw comparisons with the eunuchs of the Emperors palace, the courtesans of the Crown or the endlessly bureaucratic channels of the clergy. At some point, all parasitical ecosystems reach a critical mass. When the entire modus depends on perception management, gaming the system is an inevitable reality. Corruption becomes the mainstay of activity and protecting the greater right to engage in corrupt practices becomes critically important. This is as a result of a systematic and quite inherent flaw. The plain and simple truth of it is that no host can support an infinite number of parasites. Eventually the parasites consume their environment and or each other as a result of diminished resources. In terms of the currency of belief, this end point of destructive consumption has reached a frenzied level. 

One need only look at the recent incursion into the global populations belief structure. The entirety of the human race was immersed in a series of highly confusing and quite counter-intuitive public health messages. The entire resources of nation states were ploughed into convincing as many people as possible to believe in the Covid hysteria. They were relentlessly pummeled into accepting that they were potentially carrying a virus that could kill both themselves and other people. The evidence did not support any of the claims of the media or authority, yet this was all explained away with even less plausible sub narratives. Entire populations were convinced to hide their faces from each other and the resulting social damage will last for decades, if not even longer. 

As the country with the third greatest number of FreeMasons per head of capita, the UK took a central role in the dissemination of Covid hysteria. The UK exists in what could be considered a legacy based paradigm of go along to get along. There is also substantial evidence to indicate that those promoting one nation under a single con are not primarily working in the interests of Britain or the British people. More likely that they represent a supra-national effort which also has representatives in places like Switzerland, the USA, France, China and the entirety of the CommonWealth. In fact since the onslaught of the so called 'pandemic' it's fairly safe to assume that these supra-national interest groups could well be made up of Masons from pretty much every country in the world. Except possibly Belarus.


Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry


If these people are incentivised by material gain, there must logically be a mechanism for them all to recoup the expenses incurred weaving their perception management. While bespoke funding may cover some of the outlay, it's not generally considered a license to print money. The imagery of the US Dollar is a bit of a giveaway as to where this fund could be located. Without getting into specifics, TEFLONRABBIT has reason to believe that the US supreme council of Scottish Rite Freemasonry has been providing a fund for FreeMasons from all over the rest of the world to 'progress the human race'. Estimates as to the scale of this fund are difficult to establish. In the same way that the Corporation of London is outwith the remit of any auditor, it's unlikely that any accountancy firm is ever going to publish precise details in this particularly secretive sector. However the Corporation model is valid here. Their modus operandi is exceedingly Masonic and their assets are estimated to be in the region of Trillions of pounds. It may also be that these estimates have been made using the old UK standard of what constitutes a million. Therefore it could actually be a thousand times greater than these estimates indicate. The US fund could well be in the vicinity of tens of billions of dollars. 


Masonic Lodge - London


Britain has clearly pursued a policy of expansion in regards to the clandestine industry. Several previous articles have clearly referenced the RIPA explosion. A policy which has essentially blown smoke up a whole load of civil service assholes and made them believe that they are expected to behave like The Famous Five, Secret Seven, Nancy Drew, Dick Tracy, Inspector Jacques Clouseau and the gang from Scooby fucking Doo. The quite challenging logical ramifications of the 'growth is good' concept is impossible to ignore. If over seventy million people are expected to go through this quasi Druidic process of initiation, where is the community that they're supposed to con? When it was a single Druid training, they would be sent over the hills to find a community that was sufficiently removed that nobody knew who they were. How exactly does that translate when it's supposed to be happening to the entire population? Well first things first, many of the seventy four million people in Britain are minors. Children are undoubtedly getting conned all the time by various adults who should really know better. In addition a sizable percentage of the UK public suffer from learning difficulties. Again a perfect option for the aspiring latter day Druid who can't quite manage to find anyone over the hills to convince of anything at all.. Instead of walking for a day to reach an isolated community, the contemporary initiate simply opts for those closest to them who are less experienced in fantastically bizarre perception management rituals. 

There should be a mention of the quite prolific insanity displayed by most of the clandestine community. When researching the financial motivators it is impossible to avoid the least logical aspect of these people. For many of them, the concept of value is not necessarily related to financial gain. Many of the actions conducted by members of these secret societies are just straight up cock-blocking. This highly irrational method undoubtedly has it's origins in the public school system. For those isolated in a same sex environment with nothing to spend their money on, the concept of value can become hideously distorted. To the point where many psychotherapists have now included Public School Syndrome in their advertised services for treating psychological dysfunction. These services are only ever taken up by those with enough fortitude to detach themselves from the established cult of toxic narcissism AKA the old school tie network. 

The further up the hierarchy, the greater importance is associated with actual finance. Just as with every criminal organisation the world has ever seen, cash flows up and shit flows down. Thus when the the average journeyman on the clandestine way reaches a milestone or coach house they are compelled into managing cock blockers instead of doing the clock blocking themselves. This is reflected across all industries which utilise these methods and can even be seen in companies selling burglar alarms. The new start employee goes door to door attempting to secure leads for a professional salesman to then close the deal. Once they have learned the ropes and proved that they won't run away when it starts raining, they are tasked with running their own team of door to door canvassers, First they con the public, then they are promoted to the job of conning those who con the public. It's called pyramid sales for a reason. 

Unfortunately overpriced home security is far from the only example of this necrotic mindset. Most detrimental is the existence and concerted proliferation of it in the intelligence industry. The entire planet is being thrown into a pervasive campaign to bring about a global surveillance paradigm that is most comparable with the totalitarian socialist disaster that was East Germany in the 1950's. Everything about it is the same. The average citizen is considered to represent nothing more than an intelligence resource for someone who is a 'party member'. Those who are on board with the policies receive some minor gratuity and believe themselves to hold favour with their unaccountable controllers. Those who are not on board are either incarcerated, harassed into suicide or risk their lives attempting to escape. To make things even worse, the illusory incentive of material gain is the modern concession with which to sweeten the deal of an antiquated and rigorously debunked totalitarian and dystopian social policy. Those being encouraged to get their minds right and get on board the gravy train are lead to believe that there will be some commercial gain for them if they do so. In all probability they will receive yet another minor gratuity. If they persevere they may manage to accrue the equivalent of ten percent of their salary. This reality is obfuscated because who would actually be prepared to throw their lives away for an extra few thousand a year?

Exactly how the financial aspects play out is kept as dark as possible. In all probability, there could well be countless shell corporations and bogus legal outfits that move the money around and make sure that any paper trail is utterly erased. This precise mechanism has allegedly been used to minimise visibility on fraudulent life insurance policies. These policies have been taken out in the names of those used as unwitting informants by clandestine groups. The plight of the RIPA CHIS informants has been covered in several previous articles and constitutes a substantial drain on the taxpayer. To imagine that those involved in the chain of obfuscation are not members of some form of secret society, would most likely be quite inaccurate.

Curiously enough, the Swiss have a lot of experience when it comes to secret banking, as does every financial centre in the world. Once again the Corporation rears it's jewel encrusted head with a mechanism of covert financial processing that is literally world class. Between the Corporation and their fourteen offshore tax havens, the scope for hiding financial accountability is literally enormous. Locations such as Jersey, Bermuda, Turks and Caicos, Belize and the Isle of Man (to name but a few) serve clandestine activity incredibly well. They're infamous for the number of spurious financial services firms that constitute little more than an office, a computer, DSL and a dolly bird to answer the phone. The rest of their portfolio is based purely on financial transfers with their assets being the equivalent of seed funding alone. What better place to obscure the dolling out of expenses payments to aspirants, apprentices, journeymen and adepts?


1902 Full Dress Meeting somewhere in Europe


The political hot potato that was / is 'Brexit' could well have negatively impacted this financial processing convenience. The EU tax investigators were apparently breathing down the neck of the UK government for a decade prior to Britain's secession from the European Union. Since exiting the EU, Britons have been distracted by the pandemic, austerity measures, political wranglings and of course the succession of a monarch.  It would not represent the most outside of the box thinking to connect a need to obfuscate Brexit and the gusto that the UK put into the Covid-19 response. 

There is also a concerning ideological campaign being waged in the USA. This has been commented on in previous TEFLONRABBIT articles and includes extreme elements of the #DepopulationAgenda, The deliberate and calculated destabilising of the US political system is impossible to ignore. The 21st century has seen the USA go through some highly transformative processes. Polarisation of political opinions has given rise to popularism which has become the defacto method for political success. 

All in all the pandemic represented a convenient day to bury a whole load of rather bad news. 

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