A Murder of Crows

Outstanding achievments in the field of excellence

Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - 09:36

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Since the early 1900's and the heyday of information containment, such high profile operatives such as Eric Arthur Blair have crafted high quality narratives for public consumption. The relentless self aggrandisement of the overseas efforts have depicted dashing individuals, weaving masterful deceptions and dispatching foes with superhuman capability. The truth however, is somewhat different from the PR output. Brace yourselves for an uncompromising and far reaching expose as we delve into the inner workings of Britain's clandestine terrain.

Bad practice Lockstep Communication Bovine Excretia Corruption Britain Spying Blackmail Mind Control State control Web Internet

Countless Cons


To begin this journey, we must first address some of the factors which have lead to the current situation. At the most fundamental level there are many contributing factors which represent bloated legacy from antiquity. There have been clandestine groups seeking to mold public opinion since the worship of the con became more important than the worship of the construction. The dynastic Egyptians managed to convince their subjects (and subsequently the entire known world) that they constructed the Giza complex to house the dead bodies of their leaders. The number of glaring contradictions in this facile narrative are frankly incalculable. Since then, various pragmatic researchers have pointed out these glaring contradictions and proffered alternative theories which are much more able to withstand robust scrutiny. Put simply, the question regarding the means of construction has been something along the lines of:

Well we don't know exactly how they did it and we haven't been able to recreate their methods. But it must have been some incredibly primitive and simple method, because compared to us, these people were incredibly simple and primitive.

The staggering lack of anything even approximating logic in this frankly asinine explanation is only outdone by it's mind boggling arrogance. This exact type of hubris and circular reasoning forms the foundation of the contemporary clandestine mindset. In many ways, the dynastic Egyptians created an empire of the mind that endures to this day. However, the word 'empire' indicates something far reaching, well organised and impressive. Generally speaking humans do not perceive gargantuan lies to be either far reaching or impressive. That is, unless they are fanatically obsessed with deception and grift. Which brings us barrelling into the de-facto philosophy of the 21st century. Today the entire planet is fixated on short term cons and a highly unimpressive adherence to distraction. The concept of value added products or going the extra distance to create a high quality service simply doesn't exist. Instead exponents of the grift spend their entire waking day embroiled in pointless activities designed to avoid doing any real work and instead seek to assert dominance over as many people as possible. However, because these grifters invariably subscribe to some form of public school syndrome mentality, their output outside of the grift represents an unsurprisingly low wattage. Put simply;

These people are not builders.


Cold War Mad


During the post atomic cold war paradigm, the military industrial complex rode high in their saddles and essentially called the shots. However sometime around the early 1980's, their blind enthusiasm for monetisation unleashed the TCP/IP protocol on the global population. This will stand in perpetuity as the most hilarious example of shooting oneself directly in the face, never mind the foot. The ARPANET distributed system which was designed to protect the mutually assured destruction deterrent of the USA's nuclear silos, was re-tasked and merged with the academic networks of the USA's academic networks. This replaced the restricted dial-in bulletin board technologies and gave birth to what we now know as 'the internet'. Throw in some creative hardware solutions cooked up by sun worshiping pot-head Californians such as Xerox, a few visionaries such as Tim Berners-Lee and the highly mercenary actions of such misanthropic outfits as Microsoft and .... voila - the 'world wide web' arrived.


Net Censor


For the first time in human history, people from all over the world were able to exchange ideas and discuss theories outside of conventional communication methods. This gave birth to 'The truth movement' which spared nothing whatsoever in it's uncompromising assassination of the half baked, piss poor, short con, nudge theory, dimwit narratives which form a vast percentage of our historical paradigm. This emerged as a result of the millions of years of collective expertise contained within the minds of the global population. The average punter knows very little about the symbiotic hydroponic aquaculture of cetaceans or the aerodynamic properties of Sycamore leaves. However, experts in these and any other field were able to spread their expertise using this one-to-many, mass communication medium. No government or clandestine group in the world could ever compete with this all-encompassing repository of high level output. Consequently, this epistemological revolution began to raise the awareness of the entire global population. Various knee jerk reactions from totalitarian governments ensued. Today there are various countries in the world who have sought to restrict their citizens in their accessing of this unsurpassed and completely unprecedented resource.


Straight down the rabbit hole


One of the greatest threats to the establishment mindset being debated and discussed online was / is in the field of 'New Age' philosophies. This facilitated a tumultuous learning curve which came to be known as 'going down the rabbit hole'. Consequently obfuscated knowledge which had previously been coveted and suppressed by secret societies was suddenly available to all. Up until this time any questing individual would have to submit themselves to the overbearing conditions of some clandestine organisation in order to discover these paradigm busting truths. Suddenly freed from such constraints, anyone could now go online and consume unlimited knowledge unfettered by hierarchical intransigence. In order to stymie this landslide of freely available knowledge, the govts and clandestine groups used their widespread influence to try and discredit this information. The most disreputable agency in the world re-animated their 1970's pejorative lexicon and seeded the hackneyed label of 'Conspiracy Theory' back into the popular consciousness. The original purpose of this label was about discrediting whistleblowers from RocketDyne circa 1972. But that's a whole other (related) story - for another day.




In addition to these centralised efforts, the vast reach of those who worship the con as opposed to the construction was employed to drag as many people back into the ideological fold as possible. Subsequently what was once an elitist group of nepotists became the default philosophy of the average punter. However this con worshiping paradigm relies purely on a foundation of leverage as opposed to one of incentive. Basically these people don't get paid to be ideologues. Instead they are able to take advantage of some minor gratuity in the form of a concession here and an advantageous financial error there. In real terms, what we see is unqualified people going around knowingly trying to force an ideology on others in return for such insubstantial remuneration as a free Amazon Prime gift voucher. Official support for the ideology comes in the form of organised narrative enforcement from governmental groups and their external affiliates. However, once again we see that the output of these groups is of insufficient quality to amount to anything other than an admission of ideological enforcement. The traditional response to propaganda and the commonplace counter to narrative enforcement constitutes something like:

 If this horseshit was actually true you wouldn't need to go around bullying people into believing it, would you?

So now we see that those professing to be 'the best in the world' are in fact some way from being the best at anything whatsoever. Really, it's not particularly surprising that people who aren't getting paid don't go very far in their efforts to provide a high quality service or product. Furthermore the concept of control through leverage is inherently flawed. Anyone who knows anything about strategy, conflict resolution or or confrontation theory knows that the stick is far inferior to the carrot. Especially in terms of motivating the general public. The stick has become the preferred method, however it generally relies on weaponized information. In other words - blackmail. The main problem with using blackmail to incentivize people is that it's a one trick pony, a one shot pistol, a single note tune or a solitary deterrent. The last thing anyone holding such information wants to do is actually use it because as soon as they do, they have no stick left. There is also a considerable risk in this method as it regularly suffers catastrophic failure when the victims break their social and psychological conditioning. Several of these catastrophic failures have been documented in the 'Persons of Interest' section of this site. Therefore the stick wavers are trapped in a dichotomy, attempting to use perception management to force compliance from their target whilst hoping that their target doesn't call their bluff. This has created a philosophy of using the most egregious method as the default. The greater output of the British (and probably global) clandestine control method relies purely on perception management. This low hanging fruit methodology combined with the fundamental lack of material incentive creates operatives who really don't give a hoot about performance. As far as they are concerned, they just need to go through the motions and prove that they have followed the process. In this way they can claim to have fulfilled their obligations and avoid their controllers applying the stick.




Focusing on process rather than performance is a quintessential hallmark of civil service bureaucracy. Consequently we could reasonably deduce that the low wattage output of the greater clandestine community has percolated down from those who are actually paid for such work. The number of people engaging in worship of the con in Britain is in the millions. Conversely the number of people who are salaried in this field number in the low thousands. There are those on the inside and there are a great deal more on the outside. Those on the outside are constrained in what they are able to engage with. For the most part there are very few top secret dossiers changing hands under the clock at the train station. Instead there are everyday people being blackmailed by their peers, neighbours, work colleagues, family members and unrelated strangers for an irrelevant (and normally ongoing) financial payment. The payment itself isn't even the main purpose. Instead it's the control that is the prize. Due to these outsiders generally having precisely zero experience in conflict strategy, they rely on the aforementioned perception management manifested in the form of live action role-play. Ambushes become a walk on bit part, threats become heavily disguised statements made to others within earshot and operations consist of everyday scenes contrived to produce some form of meaning which can only be interpreted through the medium of delusions of reference. The only way to subjectively interpret communication via delusions of reference is to basically abandon cognitive process and instead adopt a mentality which can only be described as toxic narcissism. The operative must assume that every single conversation that they may have with friends, family, random shop assistants, bus drivers and generally everyone they ever have contact with, contains coded messages designed purely for their consumption. In this way, those who worship the con have created (and perpetuate) a contagious and destructive mind virus which only exists to grow the numbers of dominated individuals who suffer from toxic narcissism. In addition it creates a self censoring reality, in that it's practically impossible to articulate how you may know something without looking like a completely insane person.

Well that is unless you're an uncompromising, analytical, communicative, non ideological, erudite son of a bitch like this author :o)

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