Venus transit across new moon

The opening ceremony for the grand spectacle

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 17:23

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Reports of Project Bluebeam and other high jinks by the public servants of illusion have intrigued the exo-political community for decades. The potential for psychological operations utilising large scale optical methods definitely exists. Exactly how often it is deployed is somewhat less known.

Perception management Psychology Religion Social Engineering Secret Societies Secret Space Fleet Government Military Industrial Complex Politics Exo-politics

Whenever the sky above exhibits unusual characteristics, the average human response is to seek out an explanation. This exists across all cultures and has been perplexing humanity for as long as it has actually existed. From the Cosmic Wheel appearing to everyone on earth over three millennia ago, to reflective helium balloons above Mexican towns. Studies of astrology and astronomy have shaped the course of events on planet Earth throughout recorded history. Unwritten knowledge handed down by fishermen and the anecdotes handed down among isolated tribes, illustrates quite how obsessed with the heavens we mere mortals truly are. As as result of this fascination, we are primed for the co-opting of our skies by those seeking to influence our actions.

Anyone who has investigated the historical reports of aerial phenomena is generally left somewhat dumbfounded. There is no part of the human record that does not at some point allude to fantastical events in (or outside of) our atmosphere.  Many of these events have been astrological in nature and were recorded as legends. Others are so bizarrely specific that it is impossible to interpret them as anything less than out of place artefacts. Ancient cave paintings and figurines depict many scenes that are highly challenging in terms of our historical overview. The TEFLONRABBIT.COM article Is it a bird, is it a plane? examines evidence which points to aerial supremacy in deep antiquity. It is not unreasonable to speculate on many of the doomsday prophecies and legends that have existed for thousands of years. 

Generally the motivation for dropping everything and staring into the sky for any amount of time, would be clarity of vision. If there's a major amount of cloud cover, anything visible would generally be automatically considered as being terrestrial in origin. As such it demands less attention and generally receives less comment. This complacency can be used against the idiosyncratic behaviour of the human mind. It does not represent any great shock to consider that the night sky can be as unpredictable as the daytime equivalent. Observing celestial objects in one part of the sky and not another could be as a result of cloud cover or light pollution. However when we consider that technology exists to simulate cloud cover, it becomes less of a constant. Fortunately the miracle of affordable mobile computing affords consumers with the resources to know where any particular celestial body should be at any given time. Star charts have formed an integral part of astrology, astronomy, navigation and even agricultural management. It is therefore potentially disconcerting during an observation of the clear night sky, to notice that certain objects are demonstrably absent.


Moon and Venus


The image above displays the orbit of Venus approaching that of the Moon. On November the 10th, 2023 people living in specific locations of the northern hemisphere will see the new moon inset by Venus. It is much more significant a spectacle than the the image above represents. The ideal viewing location changes during the years according to orbits and precession. A complex series of astronomical terms are used to describe the interaction. Basically the moon, the earth and Venus are all caught in a vortex left by the sun as it ploughs around the Milky Way.

The most densely populated area with the best view is New York city. Like an eclipse the Moon / Venus transit has been historically recorded as the works of deities. It occurs according to a predictable frequency and forms an integral part of the Muslim identity. Islamic religious calendars are lunar based and this accounts for the uncertainty regarding the beginning of fasting which is a subject most practicing Muslims take very seriously.

People staring at the sky


There are approximately three quarters of a million Muslims living in New York City. There are twice as many followers of Judaism and additional numbers of the unobservant that identify with either on an ethnic basis. To the vast majority of them, the inset of Venus against the New Moon at 6:21 ECT on Friday the 10th of November 2023 will serve as an auspicious moment. Given the current conflict in Israel and Palestine, it is not unreasonable to perceive this as a feasible environment for one or more psychological operations. Obscuring either of these celestial bodies would cause some consternation among Muslims with a potentially inverse amount of emotion felt by supporters of Israel.  

Unfortunately TEFLONRABBIT.COM didn't work this out until Tuesday the 7th of November. Consequently it doesn't represent the most impressive predictive intelligence on this website. Obviously if it doesn't become a major geopolitical snafu, then there's no harm and no foul. On the other hand, if it does, then you heard it here first. 

Any technology which could be used to obscure celestial bodies has allegedly been in existence for some years now. Various social media users have captured cloud formations which are very difficult to rationalise as having formed naturally. In addition the science of bending light around objects has been disseminated into the commercial arena by MIC contractors. There are products available now which utilise refraction methods to create a light sensitive camoflauge. The marketing of these products includes riot shields which obscure anyone using them while depicting an empty space behind them. 


Drones create optical illusion of airliner


One of the most controversial subject in the exo-political community is the concept of a forthcoming fake UFO invasion. It is so entrenched in conspiracy culture that has inspired drama series. Several have been released on Youtube and Vevo which are dedicated to this very subject. Most concerning is the number of people this psy-op is predicted to impact. Suspending the disbelief of billions of human beings in regards to dominance from the skies is no small undertaking. Consequently it could only ever be interpreted as the work of organisations with extensive resources.  The forced behind the Cold War used this very methodology in their relentless propaganda. The psychological weapon known as Mutually Assured Destruction left every one in fear of extinction raining from the sky.

Since the Military Industrial Complex gave ground to the Medical Industrial Complex, the use of narratives has radically outpaced the use of munitions or ordinance. Likewise the MIC has begun to dedicate more resources to psychological warfare than to the production of sophisticated instruments of mechanised warfare. With the holy YouTube Avengers creating a towering messianic fervour, it seems that its users are being primed for aerial spectacles of some scale. 

With such detrimental decisions being made all over the landmass, the perceived value of the aerial environment becomes a new frontier. Many articles on TEFLONRABBIT.COM. detail the territory based incursions into the psychological domain. The astral and terrestrial planes, the RF environment, the magnetosphere and ionosphere have all been subject to pioneer mentality. A goldrush feeds a city for a decade but a tranche of the human experience fuels an entire paradigm.


Pinball arcade


Half a century ago video games extended to lights on a pinball machine and some boffins in educational institutes producing the first 'Pong and Breakout games. Nobody would ever have conceived a future where computer based gaming outsold music and movies together. As the years progressed home computing and console gaming came to define an entire culture. Numerous additional spin-offs have come about due to the substantial influence this revolution had on the human race. Likewise auctioning entire sectors of the radio frequency spectrum has fueled a revolution in communication. Online interaction now accounts for entire working weeks of peoples lives. The vast majority of human beings interact with digital devices on a daily basis.

All of these markets were considered ludicrous in nature prior to certain investors spotting a potential market. A modicum of research on such entrepreneurs often indicates that they may have been at an advantage, somehow. Social media spares nothing in it's wax and wane of favour for the latest tech wizards. It is however notoriously fickle. The fashionised cult that has grown up around such fervent hero worship, is accepted as being highly political. Consequentially it is also highly profitable for those who have financial interests attached to such high profile personas. Interconnected digital products have become a relatively new paradigm of commercial activity. As will any under exploited section of the human experience.

If indeed there are forces at work that can manage such a highly technical illusion, it would seem that it's only a matter of time before it is considered as a viable business environment. If it hasn't happened already.




According to the mainstream media, the NYC occultation of Venus happened exactly on schedule and was a jolly old success.  An image of the ingress is shown here courtesy of 'Ranger4' of

Well whaddya no....


However, the clouds which covered the egress were probably faked. This was most likely achieved with a complex mechanism of highly classified technology. This technology has been around for much longer than it seems. It is undoubtedly the fingerprint of dictators, megalomaniacs and probably ogres.

Truth is what TEFLONRABBIT.COM is all about. But what exactly constitutes the truth could be anyones guess. Apparently truth is very much like poetry in that most people fucking hate it.

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