Clandestine cover up

Corruption in intelligence and the desperate attempts to hide it

Sunday, August 27, 2023 - 20:26

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Following on from the recent articles on the global trans agenda and the UK RIPA scandal, we examine the causality behind the highly concerning trend of parents coercing their children into transitioning. What has been openly condemned as outright abuse has roots in the insanity of the clandestine community.

Social Engineering Government Media Trans agenda RIPA Human rights Medical malfeasance Childrens rights Secret Societies Mind Control Society Societal Collapse Britain USA Corruption

As discussed in the TEFLONRABBIT article 'Cisnormativity, Cisgender privilege & all out Terf wars' we currently see a profoundly challenging move by parents throughout the English speaking world encouraging minors to transition. This bizarre and frankly jarring behaviour is dressed up as concern for children who have allegedly been born into the wrong bodies. The fact that private medical organisation such as the Tavistock clinic are signing off on these highly concerning decisions speaks to an involvement with the depopulation agenda. Logically if the age of consent marks a level of understanding sufficient enough to make decisions about physical intimacy, it also marks the age of gender awareness and responsibility. Regardless, primarily left wing and liberal parents are being facilitated by medical groups and governments in blatant brainwashing. These virtue signalling parents are encouraging their children into making life altering decisions far in advance of any age of consent. From estrogen and testosterone prescriptions to surgical procedures all rushed through with a profoundly worrying absence of ethical diligence. 

The resistance seen on social media is fundamental, including rifts in the LGBT community. Videos of placard waving concerned citizens accompany hashtags and slogans which are viscerally opposed to the blatant disregard for childrens rights. As usual the filthy hidden hands of the clandestine community are smeared all over this debacle. When a situation jars the conscience and evokes a reaction which can only be considered as deeply emotional, there's a good chance that some bunch of ethically bankrupt secret societies have been heavily involved.

In the article  'RIPA that which you sew' we examined the subject of the baseless misconstruing of possible criminal activity. This is done to create justification for ongoing surveillance, regardless of any actual evidence. It has become a cornerstone of highly unethical behaviour in the British civil service. The average contemporary civil servant could care less about doing their job and is primarily concerned with maximising their profile as what can only be described as a clandestine slave trader. Despite slavery being completely illegal in every country on the planet, there are secret societies who were always ardently anti-abolitionist. Being forced to give up the blatant trade of human lives, merely compelled these societies to operate behind a veil of secrecy and encrypted interactions. Over the past half a century these societies have been enabled and directly facilitated in Britain through the Regulatory and Investigative Powers Act. Things have reached such a widespread level of serious dysfunction, that the population has become hopelessly entrenched in a system of surveillance by default.

Instead of the classic and somewhat outdated notion of a criminal informant selling incriminating evidence to the police, we now have Mrs. Miggins spying on the rest of Acacia Avenue looking to make up anything at all about any of her neighbours. In previous centuries, it would have been Mr. Miggins who was a member of a pervasive secret society and he would have alluded to a suspicion of his male neighbours being evil homosexuals. His overtly false information would have been favoured by the religious right wing town elders for the purposes of creating a false portfolio of suspected heretical activity. Today it's more likely to be the activities of Mrs. Miggins which are cause for serious concern. The stereotype of Mrs. (or Ms.) Miggins is an eager grass who has been absorbed into this pervasive secret society since they opened their doors to women. As this pervasive secret society has normalised homosexuality, her go-to for suspicious behaviour is now child abuse. Consequently the entirety of Acacia Avenue and every other street in the country has a ludicrous clandestine portfolio which basically contains a whole load of highly fraudulent fit-up details. In addition, this pervasive secret society also have access to ELFINT and HSS mind control equipment which facilitates the forcing of false flag information into the minds of their targets. Being a lowly grass, Mrs. Miggins is merely a spotter. The false flag activity is conducted by others, at a distance in order to protect their numerous degrees .. of separation.  

This disgraceful situation has now been ongoing for several decades and has resulted in numerous instances of malevolent violence and even deaths through suicide and homicide. All as a direct result of the mindless application of the informant model in a blatant war on the civilian population. A war which is directed by the upper echelons of a pyramid scheme, sanctioned through the RIPA legislation. While Mr. and Mrs. Miggins are not even civil servants, they report to someone else, who reports to someone else who is. This civil servant has, in addition to their normal duties, obtained a position in some form of security team. These desk jockey, wannabe cops have zero public order training, no concept of actual investigative technique and all their informants are even less qualified, civy street flunkeys . The only framework which underpins this gratuitous malevolence is the frankly insane machinations of the aforementioned pervasive secret societies. 

This is the defacto state of so called 'intelligence gathering' in Britain today. There's no reason to believe that it's not the same in practically every other country on the planet. Given the ubiquitous nature of these pervasive secret societies, it is certainly the case throughout Europe and the Commonwealth nations. As the W.H.O have appointed themselves as overseer for the healthcare aspect of this state sanctioned sector of the intelligence industry, this malevolence is now active in every UN signatory state. The only possible exceptions being Belarus and Lichtenstein. The former is the last openly self confessed dictatorship in Europe and probably has their own insidious surveillance situation. The latter is practically just a vassal state of Switzerland, which has long been considererd the base of the European mafia elite.

As this sickening situation has developed over the decades, these low level grasses have been encouraged to use their own and other peoples children as props in their disgusting activity. This has created literally millions of fraudulent suspicions and a corresponding number of totally false victims. The entire system relies on never actually verbalising the suspicions, keeping the children in the dark and leveraging perception management to it's maximum potential. Regardless of this accountability evading practice, there are still records being kept. In order for the RIPA payouts to take place, there has to be corresponding case notes and authorisations for surveillance. This means that despite never having been a legitimate candidate, Mrs Miggins neighbour now has an entry in some branch of the civil service which identifies them as a potential predator and a 'person of interest'.

It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see that this situation is egregiously bereft of practicality. However there's even more dysfunction the further it is examined. Every once in a while, these deranged civil service cliques need to prove that their activities are capable of producing results. This involves creating the very stereotype of a predator that they use in their perception management stunts. Consequently much of what is seen in the news by way of prosecutions and incarcerations has come about as a direct result of mind controlling people into committing the most heinous of crimes. As sickening as this is, it has become a standard method of manufacturing crime and more importantly the perception of criminal activity.

Due to the requirements of the pervasive secret society, all the tiers of spotters and civy street flunkeys are required to be under the cosh. In order to be assured capitulation, those trickling down any value must be confident that if their subordinates do not do what they're told to do, they can be intimidated into compliance. This means that those seeking to gain advantage in this utterly broken sociological disaster are required to commit crimes which can then be used to intimidate them. Given that the average Covert Human Intelligence Source is not actually any kind of accomplished criminal, this leaves digital offences as their easiest entry point. In other words, they are compelled into browsing indecent images of children. This creates a footprint of criminal activity which can be proven easily through the ISP logs and forensic examination of hard drives. Due to the advances in directed energy weaponry, hard drives can be written onto remotely if they support Direct Memory Access. This has been one of the motivating factors in the rise of USB bootable operating systems which boot fresh instances of the OS and never write to the internal HD.

The elaborate nature of this morally bankrupt system is only matched by the colossal ineptitude displayed by its inhabitants. The average so called 'operative' is now so accustomed to their targets automatically complying that they assume that all they have to do is make some form of an implication and they will have succeeded. Obviously anyone familiar with the process of bringing about a successful prosecution knows that this is utter nonsense. Unsurprisingly these 'operatives' will therefore seek to avoid actual criminals in favour of targeting conventional members of the public. There have been several instances where those targeted and absorbed into this ghastly malaise have actually been accomplished purveyors of ultra violence. This explains the infamous 'third direction' cases which have resulted in the torture, rape and murder of individuals most likely to have been the ones making implications and expecting payouts. Again, those seeking to pursue this frankly debasing 'career' tend to avoid recruiting such candidates as they probably perceive there to be less value in being tortured, raped or murdered. Especially when many of those conducting these vicious crimes against the person, have not faced any punitive measures. Instead they have walked out of court under the premise that covert human intelligence sources are permitted to break the law in order to retrieve intelligence.

In a somewhat bizarre move, the militarised sections of the UK government responsible for overseeing this nightmare have taken measures to protect themselves from the unavoidable challenges from sections of the legal community. Instead of dismantling this utterly broken and ethical catastrophe, they opened it up to even more sectors within the civil service. This concept began as informants selling legitimate information to the police and accountable government employees operating under cover in society. It has become a situation whereby the civil service considers serving the public to be an irksome inconvenience. For the most part, they would rather expend their efforts trading in CHIS assets and making encrypted implications toward the members of the public they are paid to assist. 

In order to protect the utterly false activity perpetrated during decades of Mr and Mrs Miggins pursuing their informant payouts, the identities of their props needs to be obfuscated. Especially when there have been no actual crimes committed and no actual prosecutions. This is due in part to the incomprehensibly vast numbers involved in this satanic lie of a social paradigm.

Some members of these pervasive secret society who have been props (or even genuine victims) fake their own deaths. This isn't actually illegal and is highly effective in removing their physical identity from the databases available to prospective civil servant RIPA handlers and their corresponding informants.

For others, the egregiously dysfunctional experience inclines them to declare themselves as a different gender than the one they originally identified as. Again, this is highly effective in terms of 'killing off' their previous identity. So effective in fact, that parents who have used their children as props are increasingly inclined to encourage them to 'transition'. Whether their so called 'operations' have resulted in actual prosecutions and incarceration is irrelevant. If they have, then there is an argument to say that killing off the identity of the victim is incredibly important. Should any appeals be lodged, solicitors will conduct discovery in order to establish the veracity of the victims statement. If this has been completely fabricated, the investigation will be called into question and any prosecutions overturned. This is a total disaster for the department which conducted the so called 'investigation' in that they will be made to look dishonest and incompetent. While the courts will often overlook mistakes, the Crown Prosecution Service is notoriously intolerant of half baked fit ups being put in front of magistrates, judges or jurors. The punitive financial awards to victims of major miscarriages of justice are great sources of shame for the CPS and they really don't like it.

In the event of the so called 'operations' not resulting in prosecutions but merely increased justification for ongoing surveillance, there is an even greater requirement to remove the identity of the so called 'victim'. As long as the alleged victim can be found, other teams working against the interests of the team kicking the can down the road, can use the fraudulent nature of the alleged criminal activity to their advantage. The clandestine community are notorious for backstabbing and double crossing each other. However because they're such toxic narcissist cowards, they use victims and targets against each other rather than using anything approximating a 'tete a tete' method in their ongoing, perpetual vendettas. This infighting actually accounts for much of what the dispensable spies of the current paradigm do with their lives. The chances of them ever being involved in operations more serious than perception management are minimal.

This widespread clandestine fabrication of intelligence appears to have been a major factor in the current drive to push trans gender awareness on teenagers. The pervasive secret society encourages parents to effectively use their children as resources in any way they can. It's not surprising that an anti-abolitionist organisation is perfectly okay with the exploitation of minors. If Mrs Miggins has been using her children for the purposes of perception management operations against her neighbours, she probably doesn't want any lingering suspicion of falsified intelligence following her around. Ultimately, the secret societies value operatives who can convince people to do things that they would never normally do. If they can convince someone to transition, they have scored a major victory in terms of being a competent weaver of realities. If Mrs Miggins can convince her son into transitioning early enough, he effectively ceases to exist and everyone who ever perceives him as a boyish looking woman has effectively been manipulated by Mrs Miggins. It also negates any questions about intelligence fabricated against her neighbours which involved her son. Finally it also provides a default and profound secret for her son to carry around for the rest of his life. This provides a leverage point for others who would seek to control Ms Miggins, formerly Master Miggins Esq.

There is also an intersection with secret societies and not so secret organisations who are emphatic about the need for depopulation. The LGBT community are recognised as a major factor in preventing population growth. Therefore creating more LGBT people is working in the interests of these fanatical groups. These groups are not without resources and will potentially reward those who pursue their interests.

This has become a major issue for our global society, right now. It's not going to go away on its own and it's only going to get worse if it is not challenged in a robust manner. There is resistance emerging and it behooves anyone with a conscience to raise objections wherever they see minors being used as perception management weapons or coerced into making irreversible decisions about the rest of their lives.



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