Rodney King overpowering six policemen

The Police Cops, Pigs, Feds, Filth, 5-0, Dem Babylon, The Man, Po Po, Rozzers, The Old Bill, Plod, Heat, Fuzz & Peelers


Law enforcement in the United Kingdom is organised separately in each of the legal systems of the United Kingdom: England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Most law enforcement is carried out by police officers serving in regional police services within one of those jurisdictions. These regional services are complemented by UK-wide agencies, such as the National Crime Agency and the national specialist units of certain territorial police forces, such as the Specialist Operations directorate of the Metropolitan Police. Police officers are granted certain powers to enable them to execute their duties. Their primary duties are the protection of life and property, preservation of the peace, and prevention and detection of criminal offences. In the British model of policing, officers exercise their powers to police with the implicit consent of the public. "Policing by consent" is the phrase used to describe this.


Er .. the police do great work.

Three cheers for King Charles, huzzah, huzzah, huzzah.



Police Officer: "I'm arresting you for illegally downloading the entirety of Wikipedia, which is against the Terms and Conditions."

Man: "Wait I can explain everything."

Delusional Dick Tracy's

25 January, 2024
The official narrative from Wikipedia contains a lengthy list of organisations that have so called 'Police like' investigative powers in the United Kingdom. Exactly who they are and what they are allowed to do is deliberately obfuscated. TEFLONRABBIT takes a look at what exactly some of their double speak mumbo jumbo actually means.

What is TEFLONRABBIT - Intro

17 January, 2024
Many articles on TEFLONRABBIT.COM detail the activities of capable individuals who have been co-opted and (to some degree) controlled by the clandestine community. However they are the ones who make it into the media.

Shirking responsibility is a sustainable industry

30 March, 2024
In the latest episode of the series 'What is TeflonRabbit', the Babushka Doll is emptied. With all layers open but for a solitary, diminutive capsule we take a step back to perceive the true layering of a thirty year conspiracy.

The industry of public perception management

8 March, 2024
Every commercial organisation requires sales. This means clients, account managers and a whole heap of bureaucracy. But when the product is an emotional fear based concept designed to be consumed by the masses, the meaning of value is easily obscured. When the global attitude of fear shifts in line with a new bogeyman (or terrifying virus) these organisations must adapt or die. Over time, they become obsessed with market share and focus on ring-fencing resources to secure their future.

The one stop shop for everything you need

5 March, 2024
Much of the analysis contained on this website can be perceived in negative ways. The world is going to hell, our leaders are all criminals, the price of new kitchens is too high and so on. However for those caught in the tumultuous rapids of shit creek there is a paddle in sight. In less figurative terms, it's about working out exactly where you are in the greater scheme of things.

The picture of the future, delivered by interested parties.

28 February, 2024
Keeping an eye on developments can also require looking backwards. Increasingly things are moving at such a rate that it doesn't require turning the clock back too far. A mere decade ago things which we take for granted now seemed ludicrous. Unfortunately the greatest impact has been seen in the reduction of what were considered inalienable liberties.

Signals Intelligence, Measurement and signature intelligence, Human Intelligence, Electromagnetic Low Frequency Intelligence

22 February, 2024
A one page overview of contemporary technological 'Directed surveillance' methods - Asymmetrical Psychological Electronic Warfare

Remote working takes on new meanings in the murky world of INT surveillance

14 February, 2024
Hundreds of individuals all over the world are making accusations of electronic warfare being waged against them. There appears to be a correlation among those bold enough to speak up. In among those affected is a percentage with the technical understanding to accurately describe what they are experiencing. In a psychological war, this is the voice of the resistance.

When the scammers get scammed

1 February, 2024
"With the KJV in the Right hand and Scottish Rite FreeMasonry in the Left, the New World was forged"
Unfortunately much of what was produced could only ever be described as counterfeit. Among the least tangible exports would be a facet of the 'Special Relationship' between the UK and the USA. The clandestine connections between the two have existed since before Columbus burned his ships.

What can the individual do to protect themselves

3 November, 2023
Many TEFLONRABBIT.COM articles (and related content available elsewhere) detail the methods used to control the population. Most of these methods are highly unethical and morally bankrupt but do not leave any incriminating evidence. This is how the intelligence industry is able to harass the citizenry with impunity. They operate using covert methods of oppression and encrypt their activities with hidden technology. Because much of the industry is facilitated by the state, they know the law and know how to effectively work around it or blatantly disregard it.