Crowd of Masked protestors

Cultural events of global significance carry substantial fall out.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 11:47

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Increasingly the global population appears to be exhibiting traits and characteristics which could be described as less masculine and more feminine. From a rise in popularist female 'figureheads' such as Hillary Clinton, and Oprah Winfrey to the inescapable emasculation of traditional male role model stereotypes.

Covid Mind Control Perception management Gender Politics Public Health

In the mid 1990's the US military made a commitment to replacing human troops with mechanical systems. The anticipated time frame extended to a quarter of a century, after which time upwards of 75% of deployed defense solutions would be represented by non human infrastructure. Due to the nature of US economics, the development budgets for this transition were exceedingly large. As a direct result of this policy shift, the number of males inducted into the armed forces in most NATO nations was logically reduced. Simultaneously an inclusionist and unashamedly 'affirmative action' orientated campaign sought to increase the number of women employed in any militarised capacity. Moving into the 21st century this inclusionist policy became intertwined with the goals of an ideological movement referred to in contemporary times as 'The Deep State'. Representing a self professed left wing mentality, government departments and their private sector partners promoted the concept of non gender binary inclusion within the hiring mandate. Despite affirmative action having been proved as a counter productive methodology, ideological goals will always be well served by discriminatory practices.

This policy direction has been attributed to a retaliatory measure against the over militarisation of government departments conducted throughout the cold war, peaking with the hurriedly rolled out 'DoHS' immediately after the WTC incident in 2001. Departments with precisely zero military duties were given budgets for equipment from approved suppliers. Faceless alphabet agencies were increasingly encouraged to purchase tactical equipment and uniforms. Raids by representatives of the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agency, the Federation against Copyright Theft, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other federal agencies were conducted by municipal employees in full tactical attire. Generally these raids would require the local police or the FBI to be in attendance. People who would otherwise have been the only militarised body on site.

In the ever present spirit of 'getting the best value', the growing power base of the deep state sought to capitalise on the grounds gained in the drive to militarise govt departments.  This was reflected in the media by enlisted transgender personnel making public statements condemning the discrimination from a male dominated patriarchy. The disparity between trans athletes and their non trans counterparts has become a serious bone of contention. With increasing representation in the public sporting arena, a somewhat confused status quo has emerged. This confusion can be seen in conflict between trans activists and female anti-trans activists. Women protesting the co-opting of femininity being violently attacked by bands of trans women. Given the natural difference in muscle mass and bone denisty, the female anti-trans protestors invariably came off worse. All in all it's become really quite a complicated and awkward reality. Virtue signalling has reached a hitherto unprecedented level and ideological tub thumping has become the default methodology with which to create a viable narrative.

The historical attitude toward male role model stereotyping traditionally involved orientation toward authoritarianism. Mid way through the 20th century a concerted effort to alter the orientation of male role models occurred within the confines of the alternative community. The late 1950's onward ushered in a mindset of rejecting violence as a solution for anything. All very commendable from a culturally progressive perspective. This wave of the 'new age' was encapsulated by the flower power movement and the free love, pot smoking hippies of Woodstock / Glastonbury. As time passed, it became quite clear that this seemingly altruistic movement had been ruthlessly co-opted by the clandestine community. Numerous anti-establishment icons were revealed to have been blatantly positioned by figures in the intelligence and security industries. Jim Morrison, frontman of The Doors was the son of a prominent career US Intelligence officer. Likewise the post punk British band 'The Police' were managed for a time by the brother of Stewart Copeland the drummer. Their father Miles Axe Copeland Jr is quoted in numerous media releases as a spokesperson for the C.I.A. In addition to manufacturing controlled icons for the new age movement to idolize, the clandestine community also engaged in experiments in pharmacology. According to numerous opinions, Timothy Leary was compromised by law enforcement early in his career as an icon for consciousness expansion.

By the 1990's many of the new age trail blazers had shown their true colours and sold out to big business. The Silicon Valley phenomenon produced vast revenue for SME electronics manufacturers. As proponents of new age ideas, these visionary technologists had all been influenced by the zeitgeist of the permissive Californian environment they inhabited. Extending their outside of the box thinking into the commercial realm produced some of the most savagely capitalist business practices ever witnessed. The licensing of proprietary software and the rise of the EULA still follow these incredibly avaricious principles. The perception of IT gurus shifted from that of peace loving, pot smoking pony-tailed boffins in sandals to that of suited, thriving and ruthless capitalists single mindedly leveraging service level agreements for maximum profit.

Without exception the existing role model stereotypes for men and women were systematically dismantled during the last decades of the 20th century. This paved the way for a far greater investment in ideological enforcement. In the 21st century this co-opting of gender disparity was augmented with the empowerment of line management and service sector occupations. In preceding generations, there were few 'account managers' and zero 'recruiters'. Head hunters had certainly existed for decades but had been restricted to working at the highest levels of corporate staffing. The decades following the affirmative action womens liberation movement had created a complex arena of gender based conflict in the workplace. This contentious arena had (once again) been ruthlessly co-opted by groups invested in creating emotional and political footballs. As espoused by Jordan Peterson, the idea of equality in the workplace really has only existed for less than a century. In the evolutionary history of mankinds lifetime, it represents less time than it takes to blink. Despite the blatantly experimental timeline associated with workplace equality, the contemporary attitude is that of having rejected male dominated patriarchal society long ago in favour of some politically correct utopia. The fact that the human race is now entrenched in ideological mind control has unsurprisingly escaped the average citizen. As the dean of a clinical psychology faculty, Mr Peterson is probably qualified to offer the following quote:

"Generally speaking, men are more concerned with doing what's right and women are more concerned with everyone getting along."

Extrapolating this incredibly simple yet highly controversial statement, we see that from a female perspective, lack of conflict is the number one priority in every regard. While this appears laudable, it belies a greater issue. Over the past century, there have been major changes in the distribution of policy making responsibilities. Previously considered to be entirely the remit of educated men, policy decisions are now split between both genders. Affirmative action has lead to a disproportionate number of women and minorities being promoted into policy making decisions. This 'course loading' policy has continued inexorably. Regular political confrontations have arisen from the bypassing of other suitable candidates. Many of whom have offered more qualified experience considered suitable for the role. The reduction of conflict in the workplace is undoubtedly a positive direction, as is minority inclusion. However the desire to avoid confrontation can easily become a reluctance to face reality. Policy decisions based on avoidance rather than ethical footprint represent a profoundly detrimental situation. If they aren't tackled and rectified immediately, a laissez-faire attitude will invariably lead to seriously erroneous policies being enacted.

The concept of non gender binary inclusion in the deep state co-opting of over militarised departments has historical precedent. During Greco-Roman times, specific military units were encouraged to practice same sex relationships. The thinking being that committed fighting units comprising of men in relationships, facilitated more cohesive and committed soldiers. This has been reflected in widespread homosexuality within the armed forces ever since. Like every other facet of human behaviour, this has been ruthlessly co-opted by those seeking to control large groups of trained, capable individuals. If a superior has knowledge that a certain subordinate has same sex proclivities but has not openly disclosed them, there exists a control method which the superior can exploit. Consequently, promoting an environment of closet homosexuality provides a convenient method of widespread control. We see this today manifested in many civilian equivalents. The perception of closet sexual persuasions has been at the core of British politics for many, many years. From the Profumo scandal to the husband of the home secretary putting porn films on the expenses sheet.

In 2012, the British Prime Minister David Cameron was ambushed in an interview with media journeyman Philip Schofield. Without warning, Mr. Schofield  embarked on a line of discussion surrounding the many child abuse scandals that had disgraced Britain throughout the 1970's and 1980's. The Prime Minister was quick to try and close the subject down and move on to more prosaic matters. Undeterred, Philip Schofield pressed the matter and produced a list of suspected individuals currently working in various roles within Westminster. Faced with this unannounced interview tactic, Mr Cameron refused to even look at the list, argued that the entire issue could well represent a 'witch hunt' and backed it all up by stating that

"Many of the people on the list could be gay, Philip ... so ..."

This statement fairly sticks out as representing some galloping ideological cognitive bias. What exactly is the Prime Minister of an elected government doing when he refuses to consider accepting information because it could lead to civil servants being outed? This happened in 2012, not 1202. The pink pound has been established as a major revenue source for decades. Homosexuality was legalised in Britain in the 1960's. The idea that public servants have the right to immunity from investigation based on a perception of a private personal life is some truly egregious equivocation. It's also sloppy politic-ing, but then this is the PM that had to go tell the Queen that he couldn't make the government work. All in all it was a total disaster in terms of the public image of the Palace of Westminster. However the greatest failure is in terms of casting unwanted light on the methods of control operating within the two houses. It looks very much like the PM dropped a truth bomb right there in the middle of This Morning's studio set. His reaction was extreme enough to advertise the galloping fear contained beneath his Moss Bros clad exterior. In no way could the PM accept the list, the topic or even the concept of what was being suggested. It could lead directly to a light being shone on every single name on the list and the details of their sexual proclivities would be forthcoming. Any organisation using such information to control it's members is rightfully concerned when it comes to anyone else accessing such information. The value of the control mechanism ceases to exist. In fact it's much more likely to be that without the organisation having such information on it's members, it can't control them and does not want them in the organisation in the first place. The value of the whip system has come into question more times than can be counted. Therefore it seems beyond plausible that any political party will always seek to leverage other methods in the control of their party members.  

There is perhaps something more to the PM's statement in terms of Philip Schofield being married at the time with children and an otherwise conventional family life, despite coming out as gay in 2020. As the leader of an elected government, Mr Cameron would have access to personal information on any interviewer provided by some eager Satans little helpers at the security services and intelligence services (MI5 & MI6). It would not be out of character for these little helpers to have thrown Mr Schofield directly under the bus in 2020, which was when his proclivities were made public, his career abruptly ended and his personal life trashed.

Since the 1980's, Britain has been a constituent part of something that has been likened to the Kalergi plan. While no public official will ever admit to it, the British state does very well from a steady influx of foreign nationals eager to please the hierarchy of their new homeland. Not capitulating with the requirements of the immigration dept, the local council, the police and the spirit of Boudica herself is just not an option. Any foreign national actively working against the clandestine representatives of the aforementioned organisations will be categorised as a potentially hostile foreign agent. As a result they will find their status on this diminutive island nation reduced to levels they do not care for. This makes them the perfect flunkies and lackeys for all of these governmental bodies and many more that are not listed. Since the five eyes brain fart of the 20th century, surveillance of citizens has generally been conducted by foreign nationals from other Commonwealth and or NATO countries. The idea being that most states have legislation preventing citizens from spying on each other. However any government using foreign nationals for this precise purpose is considered somehow perfectly legal. This method was so popular among the international clandestine communities that five eyes became nine eyes, became fourteen eyes, twenty two eyes and then forty three eyes. On one level it could be interpreted that the W.H.O has bought some form of magickal telescope and become the single, all seeing eye.

The potential for disaster represented by a single control group basing it's policy decisions on partnerships with big pharma, is not inconsiderable. However, the recommendations made by the W.H.O in regards to ending lockdowns, were not broadly followed by governments who had quoted W.H.O doctrine to deploy worldwide lockdowns in the first place. Most conspicuous in this regard was the continent nation of Australia. So sustained was the totalitarian response from the AU govt that at one point it looked very much like the beginnings of a post apocalyptic fascism previously only seen in Mel Gibson films. It seems that no matter how magickal the W.H.O telescope, it only provides information for the eye to send to the brain. Then the instructions have to travel through the neurological system to the motors and sensors of the hands. Unfortunately all of these functions have been compromised by a serious pathology, a terminal condition synonymous with mind control

Affirmative action for minorities and the simultaneous mass co-opting of foreign nationals has lead to a disproportionate number of compromised individuals representing both groups. Consequently Britain and other nations now see a major upswing in the number of foreign, minority inclusion individuals working in clandestine roles without any framework of transparent accountability. There are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of long term residents in the UK who still have foreign national status. Even those have paid over a thousand pounds and had to sit an insane citizenry test to gain 'naturalised' status are still considered to be 'dual nationality'. While this extends them similar rights to a British Citizen, they are not considered a national unless they relinquish their original citizenship. These are people who speak with distinctly regional accents, have extensive knowledge of British culture and appear for all intents and purposes as having lived their entire lives in Britain. In reality most of them have. Some were born elsewhere and entered the country on their parents passports. Others were born in Britain, have lived here their whole lives and only speak English fluently. However because their parents weren't naturalised then (by default) they have the same foreign national citizenship as their parents. As a system, it's far from anything even remotely resembling logical.

In the United States, a cultural phenomenon has evolved to inhabit the substantial gaps in the affirmative action policy. Increasing numbers of opportunist con artists have faked some form of minority status in order to exploit loopholes. These gaps in affirmative action are vulnerabilities in a system designed to facilitate preference for inclusion purposes. This stands as prima facie evidence of several profoundly dysfunctional trends within the ideological or 'woke' community. Posing as someone of minority status is an action which fairly murders anything approximating credibility. It's a blatant devaluation of the many sacrifices made by genuine activists in the minority community. Pretending to be black in the USA to get a job in local council is exploiting the deaths of all the black people killed in the USA while engaging in acts of apartheid resistance. The actions of individuals such as Jessica Krug, BethAnn McLaughlin and Rachel Dolezal clearly outline an overbearing philosophy of 'grift' being considered acceptable by persons with less moral fibre than Haliburton. There is also an uncomfortable yet unavoidable issue in these three cases, that being that they are all women. Assuming that they're not blatantly faking their gender as well as their afros.

The UK Windrush scandal represents a perfect model to illustrate the established malfeasance operating within this control mechanism. Casting a conspiratorial eye over this utter debacle, it could be interpreted as a blatant action by opposing groups within the clandestine community. The sheer number of colonial migrant workers that rebuilt Britain after WW2 would have placed a substantial number of individuals into the 'indefinite leave to remain' control mechanism. This undoubtedly created a substantial portfolio of HUMINT assets which could be effectively managed by anybody able to fudge the gap in individual immigration compliance cases. Having a huge number of these potential surveillance assets taken off the board just before the horribly unpredictable Covid-19 pandemic, could well have represented a distinct value for certain agendas.

The previous multi cultural tolerance exhibited by British nationals has been ruthlessly co-opted by groups like the rebranded former BNP. The mentality promoted by UKIP and their less polished siblings (the EDL) has grown proportionately to the number of minority inclusion ideologues operating across Britain on a daily basis. The idea that this is an ongoing battle between polarised factions within the global clandestine community is highly convenient. More likely is that they're all just yet another load of tub thumping con victims. Fervently pursuing goals they don't understand sans reason or rationale. How their actions play into the greater picture is not their concern. They lack the motivation, capability and above all courage, to even begin to question their trickle down, oppressor issued mandate. They must comply otherwise things don't go so well for them. The fact that their lives have probably been deliberately crippled so that they can be completely controlled doesn't seem to deter any of them from doffing their caps and dutifully doing their bit - for the cause.

All of the above political and social issues have extensive impacts on the lives of the British citizenry. Furthermore every single one of them came to bear in 2019. The global perception management campaign rolled out by various international Covid-19 response management teams in 2019 was (and continues to be) a clandestine jamboree. The empowerment of line management and blue collar service sector workers ushered in an alternative control mechanism. One which is labelled as new, exists all over the world and focuses on public order. A mechanism delivered by an authority quite separate from that of any single state. A series of policies designed to coerce the public into following guideline enforcement provided by call handlers, supermarket check out staff and coffee stall baristas. The message was literally proclaimed from public transport tannoys and repeated on television channels on a minute by minute basis. Sentiments of support for healthcare workers and other 'essential' workers fairly bombarded the senses during a relentless tirade of campaign bolstering narratives. Highly questionable business closure policies were accompanied by widespread acceptance of state handouts through the work furlough system. Every single aspect of the Covid-19 response was designed to erode the autonomy of the individual.

As discussed in the TEFLONRABBIT article High octane emotional energy, the enforcement of non surgical mask wearing can not be considered as effective in the ways which were explained to the public. Whether masking the population prevented any infections from SARS-COV2 will always be a matter of opinion, visibly absent any verifiable data. However the probable implications for a generation of people with learning difficulties represents a much more visible and verifiable matter. In conjunction with this disadvantaged generation there is also the damage done to levels of trust between the vast majority of humans. Several years of being denied regular interactions predicated on micro facial expressions will carry a substantial negative equity in terms of mental health, productivity and global well-being.

This raises a question as to whose agenda this really was. Given that the populations of several far eastern nations acquiesced to widespread masking over a decade ago, it would be logical to assume that the data they collected has been considered valuable by the governments of western nations. Every single government seeks to control their population as effectively as possible. China has proved that it can control it's population unilaterally and as such stands head and shoulders above most other nations in terms of dominating their citizenry. However, there is a vastly different mindset in the West, mainly due to abandoning openly totalitarian dictatorships as effective forms of government. Since the collapse of Franco's far right Spanish junta in the early 80's and the collapse of the USSR and the Iron Curtain shortly thereafter, Europe has (on the face of things) turned its back on totalitarian forms of government. Belarus would be an exception and represents the last true dictatorship in Europe, however due to their desire to be accepted by the EU, their political mechanisms will be forced to change.

In 2021 - 2022 the global policy of widespread vaccination suddenly shifted and focused on 'frontline' workers. This meant that the very people promoting the big pharma vaccines to the public were now faced with getting vaccinated or getting fired. This created a backlash against the healthcare workers who had (according to their explicit instructions from line management) been promoting the uptake of vaccines and the wearing of masks. Naturally enough, many healthcare staff had serious reservations when it came to accepting experimental MRNA vaccines. In many ways, healthcare workers were thrown under the bus of public scrutiny by this policy. At some point in the future, those who endorsed the conditions promoted by the response teams may well be cast under the very same, unforgiving wheels of public outrage. However by that time, there will be extensive collated evidence which will certainly illustrate the levels of damage done by the experimental vaccines, illogical mask enforcement and overbearing lockdown policies. While the backlash against healthcare workers was primarily based on outrage at a blatant double standard, the political backlash will be based on clear evidence of societal impact.

The interpersonal dysfunction of a generation encumbered with learning difficulties is certainly going to be a source of multiple social problems within the next couple of decades. The condition has symptoms comparable with a range of developmental conditions. This generation have been deprived critical developmental interaction as a result of their primary carers being hidden behind the pandemic masks. When the causality emerges into the public consciousness, those who enforced mask wearing would logically be among the first to feel the brunt of any rightfully vehement response. If there's one subject that will trigger an emotional response from everyone it's deliberately targeting their and other peoples children with hostile intent. It's difficult to consider this foreboding backlash and the probability of subsequent civil unrest as any kind of unforeseen consequence. This inescapable possibility indicates that those involved in forming the public policy must have considered the full ramifications of their decisions. To go ahead with policy enactment with the advance knowledge of such potentially detrimental outcomes doesn't look like anything accidental.

The actions of non state authority in regards to public health issues has become an increasingly sensitive subject. While the WHO may have reduced the number of slash marked men walking the streets of Strathclyde, the fall-out from the massive incarceration policy will be felt for decades to come. Likewise the natural resistance to predatory and antisocial behaviour has been proportionately undermined. All good and well for incoming investors, but not so good for the spirit of the unchained Unicorn.

During a time of highly dubious and arguably oppressive policies being delivered into the public consciousness, the one thing we can clearly learn from the recent past is that nothing we take for granted will ever be the same again. Not due to any form of natural evolutionary process, but as a direct result of deliberate and agenda driven activity in the realm of mass perception management. There has never been a more dangerous time for the individual to relinquish self governance. Currently we are experiencing an increasing temperature in a climate of sociological dominance. While confusion reaches unprecedented levels the population is being ruthlessly compelled to place their blind faith in a hierarchical and totalitarian control mechanism.

The purpose of this drive toward full spectrum dominance of the homo sapien-sapien species is (at this time) not exactly clear. However, history is full of prophecies regarding an 'endtime' scenario whereby mankind is subjugated by an oppressive force. Unfortunately humanity is also gripped in an eternal battle with psychological catastrophism. Therefore the human condition is a viable environment for an inherent pathology of entropy.

Those of the human race(s) who have retained fragmented knowledge of the preceding epochs are fully aware of the scale of the paradigm changes this planet has witnessed. Therefore they are among the most pronounced of the catastrophists and play a definitive role in the delivery of our current transition.

Some of them are in fact, the architects.

When the Viracocha abandoned the Inca, it's probably because they'd seen it all go wrong many, many times before.

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