Critical Thinking skills - a rare thing, becoming even more rare with every passing day

Why aeroplane computers don't run on Windows

Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 12:14

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Managing systems which have a bearing on well-being and the preservation of life is a field known as 'Systems Critical'. The subject incorporates elements such as 'real time' systems and error correction. In this months technology giveaway, TEFLONRABBIT examines the application of this mindset to the domain of sociology.

Perception management Psychology Sales Mind Control

The holy tau of systems critical social interaction is defined as:

  1. If something is important, don't leave it to chance.
  2. Never, ever, ever accept retroactive payment. Back end money is worthless.
  3. If someone is being evasive about their agenda, the chances of there being anything good in it for you are slim.

This forms the foundation of the requirements for conducting critically important operations that depend on aspects of human interaction. Many acronym agencies would belittle the simplicity of the tau. But as everybody knows, they just fuck shit up all the time anyway. As such they're the last people who would be trusted to know the first thing about systems critical application.

Take any conspicuous event in the historical record (contemporary or otherwise) and expose it to the above tenets. Failures at one or more points can often illuminate the motivation of the architects and the limitations of their delivery methods.

For the purposes of this article we will focus on a mainstay of capitalism, that being direct sales. In most cases, the products or services being sold are not required. This is why direct sales is being used to vend them - because nobody needs them. In order to part with their money these prospective customers need more than a billboard or a jaunty Spotify jingle proclaiming lifestyle advantages.

Everything about direct sales is dependent on confidence trickery. This is actually an arena that the aforementioned acronym agencies inhabit in great numbers. From the opening gambit, the customer is perceived as prey. Whoever they are as people is only relevant as a mechanism with which to leverage a sale. In every regard this is a speculative financial endeavour. Any human interaction is conducted through a veil of falsehood or mask.

As seen represented throughout many indigenous cultures, symbolic masks have been utilised for millennia. Caricatured features denote personality traits or modes of behaviour. Through exaggeration, these traits imbue the mask with the psychological profile of a specific spirit. A war mask will logically have stern and primal features. Fertility ritual masks will still appear very primal but are less negative in their countenance.

Today we see masks being used in various walks of life and many are still used in tribal ways. In the TEFLONRABBIT article The Style Council versus City Hall we covered the use of various contemporary wardrobe ensembles to signal tribal information. The use of physical masks for ritualised purposes has dwindled in contemporary times. In it's place we see the wearing of virtual masks as a form of live action role play or LARP. The recent response to the Covid19 pandemic encouraged the wearing of masks for seemingly irrelevant purposes. This also served as camoflauge to obfuscate other agendas behind the mandating of face coverings. Much of this has already been discussed in the articles High octane emotional energy and The flotsam and jetsam of a toxic tide.

Any direct salesperson will develop a variety of masks in order to effectively hoodwink their victims / customers into parting with their hard earned money. The various steps in the process of making a sale require different mindsets. While canvassing for new work, the mentality must be buoyant but not too forceful. While closing a deal that has taken a week to develop, there is little latitude for any erroneous handling of the customer. These two mindsets represent different tool sets for the manipulation of the customer. The first is essential to justify the existence of the salesperson, without fresh work coming in any salesperson is completely superfluous. The second is critical for revenue generation and invariably includes some form of upselling. When a showroom salesperson sells a washing machine, the third party warranty is often worth more commission than the white goods cost price. Consequently it is not abnormal for the salesperson to lie their ass off in the last phase of the sale. This escalation of pressure is applied in order to secure an extra tranche of commission on top of their sale. When a customer has been successfully lured into making a purchase, they are more susceptible to further sales. Professional salespeople who rely on commission only are working on a similar level to professional hypnotists. Both are exponents of forcing their will on their clients.

Aggressive Sales

Unfortunately the methods of direct sales stem from an established philosophy which has plagued mankind for longer than anyone can remember. The ability to force others to accept concepts that they would normally consider incompatible with their needs, is considered by many to be a skill. This is witnessed daily in the works of professional politicians and their numerous vassals in the civil service. This has escalated to the point where most civil servants (and the employed in general) are not primarily concerned with serving the needs of the public or their customers. Instead they seek to assert dominance over those they interact with using a variety of toxic narcissism methods synonymous with public school syndrome. When the processes they are subverting have a systems critical nature, the lives of human beings are often irrevocably altered in some profoundly negative ways.

Mr X. has decided to build an extension to his house which will create an extra bedroom and a car port. In order to gain the necessary permits, he is compelled to interact with the local council's planning department. Certain guidelines need to be observed including the percentage of the land used and the impact on neighbouring properties. Due to Mr X. not having yielded to a seemingly unrelated preceding incident such as a motoring confrontation with Mr. Y, he finds himself in a morass of bureaucracy which becomes an insurmountable barrier. The connection between the motoring incident with Mr. Y and the intransigence of the planning department are not obvious to Mr X. and as such he does not connect the two. Regardless someone in the planning department has been influenced to the point that they will do everything they can to prevent Mr X. from commencing with the construction of his intended extension. The simple truth is that Mr. Y is a member of a secret society which seeks to represent the interests of their members through nepotism and corruption.

This blatantly corrupt methodology has existed in most cultures since a time before widespread democracy. Generally speaking it is considered as a default situation in third world countries or those ruled by a dictator instead of a democratically elected government. In many Eastern European countries, democracy is still considered as a novelty. Older members of the population can still remember life under the soviet regime(s) which replaced the feudal systems. As such many of these nascent democratic states have major corruption issues. It is accepted in countries such as Romania and Belarus that the organised crime syndicates do not concern themselves with drug running or prostitution. Instead they are the organisations providing critical infrastructure such as roads and hospitals. Consequently if you have a traffic snarl up with the wrong person, you may find that your next hospital visit does not result in the delivery of effective healthcare.

This type of negative cultural philosophy is accepted by those promoting tourism and immigration for these nascent democracies. Browsing estate agency sites for properties in Eastern Europe or Turkey can often feature banner advertisements for security chauffers and 'guards'. Travel shows promoting travel to India have advised travelers to keep their bribe money in a separate pocket from their spending money. This exact situation unfolded on an episode of UKTV's 'This Morning with Richard and Judy' in the 1990's. After the break Richard Maidely went to some lengths to explain that the Foreign Office had just been on the phone and asserted that no British tourists planning a trip to India needed to be concerned about paying bribes. This was emphatically denounced by the in house medical expert Dr Raj Persaud who stated that he had traveled in India many, many times and that this was critically important advice. Richard Maidely looked awkward, Judy Finnigan wrung her hands and the cookery section was rushed forward.

While this type of corruption is considered commonplace in such countries, first world nations such as the UK pride themselves on a 'sense of justice and fairness' permeating their highly sophisticated societies. Unfortunately the corruption is still very much present but great efforts are made to conceal any evidence. Accountability is perceived to be the enemy, not the corruption itself. This concealment is facilitated through secret societies which have dominated the civil service and also the private sector. Consequently for Mr. X there exists a considerable challenge in terms of gaining an extra bedroom and shelter for his affordable saloon car. The fact that he has worked hard and saved the thousands of pounds required to increase the value of his property, is utterly irrelevant. This is where the  impact of such corruption becomes detrimental to the common good. In order for a democratic capitalist society to advance economically, the 'trickle down' system must be supported and encouraged. Those subverting the process such as Mr. Y and his society colleagues are working directly against the goals of the society they inhabit. This has gotten worse in recent decades with innumerable people becoming extensions of somebody else's will. Invariably the individual(s) placing obstacles into the endeavours of persons such as Mr X. are unaware of the overall agenda. They are literally blind to the motives and simply accept that this is necessary for them to retain their position as a link in the bureaucratic chain. Over time this type of behaviour has become not only tolerated by first world employers but has become a pre-requisite for employees to keep their job.


Haters of the free market


The secret societies enforcing this exact type of discriminatory bureaucracy defend their actions by claiming that they operate in the interests of control, facilitation and economic growth. However by definition, bureaucracy prevents economic growth by subverting free market forces. As a result what starts as Mr Y.'s ego being dented becomes a financial deficit amounting to a not insubstantial sum. Planning permission is not granted, materials are not purchased, builders are not hired and Mr. X reluctantly sells his house for less profit and moves to an area where a less bureaucratic council care less for the whims of a cult of personality. The claims of the secret societies are revealed to be utterly meaningless and any perception of their integrity suffers proportionately.

For this type of pointless bureaucracy to become the default, the governmental infrastructure must not only permit it, but directly facilitate such counter productive methods. When this dysfunction permeates into system critical environments there are serious ramifications. If health services are subjected to such corrupt practices, invariably people die needlessly. If emergency services tolerate such ego based meddling then again, people die needlessly. This is completely unacceptable for any so called civilisation which collects taxes from it's citizens for the purposes of providing critical infrastructure. Furthermore if left unchecked it supersedes the mandate of any organisation subverted by it. Employees settle for lower paid jobs based on a desire to become more influential in the secret society. Over time the bureaucratic method becomes the reason for them showing up at work. This lowers the quality of their professional output as they force their illogical agenda into the lives of their customers, clients, colleagues and members of the public. Their value system is replaced and they believe themselves to be part of some great 'cause'. The fact that they have zero visibility on the true agenda does not concern them.

This is the situation in play today, all over the world and since the Covid19 pandemic debacle, it has eclipsed the sociological goals of every country on Earth. Mankind entered into the age of reason decades ago and it is now subject to the totalitarian agenda of a cult of entropy. Conspiracies such as PNAC and Agenda 2030 are attempts to subvert the evolution of mankind and return humanity to a feudal existence. The disparate activities of various secret societies have been galvanised into a single mechanism with which to prevent humanity from achieving greater enlightenment on a global level.  Not only has the human race been thwarted in it's journey to become greater than it was, but the ruling elites have implemented an aggressive assault on the liberty of every single human being alive on this planet today.

This has all happened before


Perhaps the most depressing part of what we see unfolding is the fact that this is not the first time this has happened. According to ubiquitous texts from antiquity, humanity has been deranged many times before and will most likely be deranged many more times in the forthcoming millennia.

There exists a cult of entropy pervasively woven into the fabric of global society who seeks to capitalise on the onset of global cataclysm to .... get the best value.

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