Linaza cafe, Harlington UK

Failures in actionable intelligence and the shortcomings of the PNC database

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - 13:30

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There's absolutely no doubt that this Laidi Benomor SNAFU reeks of some major mismanagement. The changing of his name and the illusion of him being Iraqi is very suspicious. This story was distinctively unusual when it emerged in the news. In fact, it stuck out like a naked man with his hair on fire. Men in suits generally do not go on unarmed rampages in West London at 4:30 AM. If they did, I imagine that the authorities would be compelled to do something about it by way of prevention. Perhaps making everyone wear tracksuits or primary coloured overalls or something.

Mental illness PNC database Heathrow Harrington West London Justice Murder Violence Kickboxing Inquiry Deportation Persons of Interest Mind Control

Media story

NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Health Authority Report

The unarmed factor in this story speaks more than volumes. It's extremely conspicuous. Further on in the inquiry document it explains how the South West Yorkshire Mental Health Trust (since rebranded) knew about his enrolment in kick-boxing classes.

Rather than raising the unarmed combat skillset with the police, the South West Yorkshire Mental Health Trust decided to encourage it as it appeared to assist with him managing his condition. Now let's not ignore the way this looks. It's more than probable that this information was entered into a database at some relevant juncture. It's quite likely that such databases are regularly accessed by undeclared personnel.

So what we see is a powerfully built, 6ft tall kick-boxer who was about as stable as a box of fireworks in a microwave. According to media reports he was considered as 'the most violent man in HMP Belmarsh'. According to an excerpt from the report linked above, Benemor was notorious for attending Heathrow airport. During one attendance he attempted to board a flight to Rome without a ticket. When questioned as to his motives by Heathrow police, he explained that he wanted to go to the Vatican to see the Pope as he is the only person who has an authentic copy of the Qu'ran. As preposterous as this sounds, Benemor was of the opinion that 'something very magical was happening'.

Magic can be defined in various ways. The most plausible in this regard comes from the generally implausible works of Arthur CIA Clarke. According to his third rule;

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

The technology available to the clandestine world is comparable to that available to the military. As covered in other posts, the disparity between consumer technology and military technology is no longer considered in decades but in centuries. Consequently it could be reasonable to assert that Benemor was being influenced by sophisticated technological means which played into his mystical paranoia. With the advent of real time mobile phone tracking it seems feasible that Benemor was actually a player in a high verisimilitude simulation framework as depicted by the 2016 TV series 'The Runner'.

How did it play out? Was Benemor already being managed by one group and then another got involved without approval? However it went down, this was an egregious cluster-fuck. It could be interpreted in a way which implies that the 'random' passers by weren't actually random at all. It was 04:30 AM, a time of morning which could hardly be considered as conspicuously busy. Such an inconvenient time of day that most people haven't even had their porridge yet. Who the hell is this 'Gary Webb' guy who just happens to be in the vicinity on a motorbike?

In all probability, the 60 year old Asian man from Southall (Suryakant Patel) who died in the most heinous way, was probably not just some kind of coincidentally passing, insomniac motorist. Instead it seems much more likely that he was sent blind, into a situation which cost him his life. This goes well beyond a failure in actionable intelligence and represents blatantly throwing people under the bus. The fallout from such decisions creates even greater fallout than the loss of the human intelligence. Anyone who knows about operatives or assets being deliberately thrown under the bus then has leverage over those who did it. When those who did it carry official ID, this shines a light on the methods endorsed by their employer. A light which undoubtedly lead to the introduction of the RIPA (2000) act and reform within the process of informant handling.

Possibly the least suspicious appearance was by 69 year old cabbie Peter Dennison, who sustained brain injuries from the serious attack and died several years later. The nature of clandestine activities means that there will never be any official explanation as to why all these people happened to converge on Harlington High Street, at a truly anti-social time of the morning.

How many other high collateral fallout meltdowns have been caused by blatant mismanagement of genuinely ill people? It's very difficult to see how it can possibly be justified with tired cliches such as security of the realm. I mean you're talking about the lives of a great many people being profoundly affected by these extensive failures. Beyond this, many otherwise healthy individuals will have been made genuinely ill as a direct result of such colossal mismanagement. In fact it becomes apparent that incompetence alone does not encompass the full scale of such negative outcomes. Therefore they are not based on mistakes, but deliberate actions.

The use of CHIS (Covert human intelligence sources) has been criticised in recent times due to the massively corrupt nature of those exploiting it. Anecdotes extend to sources being entered into the billing system who don't even exist. Apparently the corresponding funds were used for police officers to enjoy a good old piss up down the pub on Friday afternoons. It's difficult to perceive this type of behaviour as representing anything to do with 'protecting the public'. Instead it is a classic symptom of a corrupt system which facilitates chronic malfeasance.

It is this precise attitude of entitlement to practice corruption in the enforcement bodies of the civil service which has lead to the current emphasis on narrative as opposed to due process. By way of a backlash, we now see a rise in the number of 'auditors' using accountability as a weapon.

This may or may not have anything to do with the reasons why Laidi Benomor's rampage happened in the early hours of the AM. Most auditors and citizen journalists display commitment to their vocation, but few are prepared to sit up all night waiting for an incident to happen. When the emergency services arrived in Harlington highstreet, those on site were not overly concerned with documenting the events. There has been no bodycam or CCTV footage released and the only statements made to press were from victims and happened well after the event was concluded.

In any other employment framework or industry, everyone involved would have been fired before Laidi Benemor had finished his cup of post rampage tea in the Linaza Cafe.

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