Satellite Surveillance and Control

The spy in the sky

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 - 11:39

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Whether you are traveling at 100 miles per hour, hiding in a high rise stairwell or under the covers in your terraced cottage, you are still subject to orbiting surveillance. From reading the creases in your palm and measuring the infra-red radiation emitted by your cardio vascular system, to recording the electrical activity of your neurological system. Permanently active, low earth orbit satellites have ALLEGEDLY been capable of reading the minds of the terrestrial population for several decades. The existence of such invasive technology would make for some UTTERLY FANTASTIC sci-fi, but could represent an entirely tangible and clearly inescapable reality.

Mind Control Space Low Earth Orbit Bad practice Fiction Greed Commercial Communism USSR Glasnost Perestroika Dystopian Brainwaves

Never mind the tinfoil hat - bring me my Magneto Helmet!

Within the daily lives of the average citizen exists an uneasy and quite unavoidable dilemma of privacy versus security. Generally speaking the conventional self delusion employed to manage this unsettling dichotomy goes something along the lines of:

Well I've got nothing to hide so what's the problem?

This is a natural defense however it exists purely to empower the proponent with the means of dismissing a very challenging concept. That being the perception of an inalienable right to privacy. Or more accurately the violation of said inalienable right.

The electronic acquisition and compilation of 'big data' has become somewhat of a sore point between the consumers of digital products and the vendors. With the steadfast drive toward privatisation of the intelligence industry, the concept of prevention has been relegated. The illusion of performance is relentlessly promoted by those seeking to acquire yet more 'big data' but in fact rarely proves to be justifiable. Any focus on results has been ruthlessly de-prioritised in favour of a fanatical obsession with process. Unsurprisingly, such a bureaucratic philosophy is commonplace within the halls of municipal administration. In line with the shift in educational principles from exam based testing to 'continual assessment', the end result or instrumental value has been utterly abandoned. Only the intrinsic value remains. In other words, what we get out of this is meaningless, but the process provides us all with something to do. This phenomenally blinkered, economically ignorant mentality is arguably the exact type of philosophy which crippled Gosplan and necessitated Perestroika.

According to allegations made in an article printed in Pravda by John Fleming, author of "Word Power: A Dictionary of Fascinating and Learned Words and Phrases for Vocabulary Enrichment.": an Analysis of Conflict in Society, neurological surveillance has been a facet of state sponsored satellite surveillance systems for many years. Evidence of this being a possible reality can be perceived in the extensive counter-surveillance measures employed by clandestine organisations. In order to prevent their own people from being surveilled using similar methods by other clandestine groups, most shadowy groups would logically resort to subterranean infrastructure and / or extensive shielding methods.


Sub level countermeasures


The concept of 'thought crime' has been explored by many sci-fi authors throughout the history of contemporary science fiction. However Western philosophical development relies heavily on freedom of choice and hinges on many tenets of natural law. One such easily understood concept would be:

Judge them only by their words or deeds

If we are to accept that 'thought crime' could ever be something which individuals could be held to account for, we must disregard the concept of sovereignty of the mind. A concept which as mentioned, underpins much of our current philosophical paradigm. Again, many would opt for the low hanging fruit of 'nothing to hide ... blah blah blah'. However, not having anything to hide is most certainly not any kind of protection from being negatively impacted by ill conceived mass surveillance. The most egregious commercial example being the spamming of women with maternity products by supermarkets who had registered a change in the foodstuff purchasing habits of their customers. Many of whom didn't even know they were pregnant.

Early adopters of the Amazon Alexa service were surprised to find adverts appearing in their browsers pertaining to conversations they had held the previous evening while curled up the couch with their partner. Logically, if Alexa is permanently listening to everything going on for the purposes of direct marketing, then your mobile phone is definitely doing something similar. Especially given that Amazon Alexa only represents a single product, retailer and manufacturer. Mobile phones on the other hand, represent the combined efforts of a  hardware manufacturer, an operating system provider, a retailer and a cellular network. Most cellphone purchases represent a minimal profit for the manufacturer. In fact many hardware manufacturers offer their devices at a loss to the networks due to the potential claw-back revenue resulting from lengthy contracts. This in turn leads to a post-retail revenue generation philosophy whereby big data acquiring, mass marketing campaigns seek to monetise the information acquired by the cellphone camera, microphone and sensors. Over the past three decades, such commercial organisations have come to expect access to this data by way of an entitlement. When your barber insists on obtaining your email address to "secure your booking" they have no intentions that could be evenly vaguely related to security. Quite the opposite is the case, they are planning (in a very much premeditated manner) to sell your details including your email address to their chosen advertising affiliate partner(s). Consequently you will receive related (or conspicuously unrelated) adverts directly into your inbox - especially when you're due for another haircut.


432Hz Versus 440Hz

Most people will accept that humanity has only recently begun to even acknowledge the true complexity of the human brain, never mind understand it. Many estimates assert that the average human being only utilises a mere 10-20% of their psychological potential. In fact it could be argued that there have been extensive efforts to prevent human beings from ever learning how to utilise the remaining 80-90%. From the previously mentioned drive toward valuing process rather than performance, to some overt actions by self appointed meddlers. Browse the more esoteric music channels available through social media and you will find many items of content which state "432Hz" in their title. This happens to be the natural frequency of the musical note "A" (first A above middle C on a piano keyboard). For many people this information holds zero value and they really don't care. However it transpires that 432Hz is actually a frequency which relates directly to the wellbeing of the human brain, enhanced plant growth, fluid dynamics, cymatic geometry and many other references to the natural world. When building simple wind instruments from bamboo such as flutes or recorders, the positioning of node compartments and the grain of the wood tend to align the resulting pitch of the instrument close to 432Hz  In stark contrast the Pythagorian replacement frequency for "A" of 440Hz does not relate to the human condition or the natural world in anything other than occasional coincidental ways. Nonetheless it was widely adopted in 1939 by way of ratifying the variances in concert tuning employed by orchestras across the world. Consequently the entire audience of western music since 1939, have been listening to music which has been deliberately transposed to a pitch which does not organically relate to the natural world.

In the same vein, many aspects of organised religion encourage the devotee to focus purely on the edicts and philosophies of their particular religious sect. People visiting megaliths today are considered to be tourists or New Age, pot smoking hippies. Several centuries ago, they would have been considered as ardent devil worshippers and persecuted as a result. Hopefully in a few decades, the masses will come to perceive megaliths in a scientific light and accept their fundamental importance in facilitating a resonant frequency based, symbiotic relationship between humans and their natural environment.


Derinkuyu, Turkey


There is substantial evidence to indicate that this frankly shocking reality of contemporary mass surveillance, is not without precedent. There exists all over the planet, ancient subterranean constructions. Some of the most notable such as Derinkuyu in Turkey have perplexed archaeologists since their discovery. The sheer volume of work involved in creating an underground refuge which can support tens of thousands of people, leads to questions regarding the intended purpose. Any suggestions of strategic defensive purpose are quickly negated due to the quite obvious reality that hiding from enemies in caves is actually pretty bloody stupid. Unless your enemies have yet to have a Promethian revelation in terms of controlling the mysterious enigma that is fire, they'll soon smoke you out and .. well, that's the end of that. Throwing mainstream technological timelines out of the window reveals an uncomfortable potential reality: For those seeking refuge from invasive psychological monitoring, putting metres of bedrock between them and their interrogator will probably serve as a fairly effective insulator. This in turn leads to further questions regarding the insulating qualities of dense silicate and the presence of subterranean refuges all over the planet.


Great Pyramid, Giza


Possibly the most sensational example is represented as a wonder of the ancient world in the Giza district of Egypt. The more creative explanations relating to the purpose of the Great Pyramid hint at high strangeness in terms of insulating the end user in the Kings Chamber. The adept would (according to some fringe theories) be insulated within the sarcophagus from all ambient energies except those emanating from specific constellations. The mainstream narrative of a tomb with star shafts (to travel to the heavens) corroborates these explanations but for one key fact: the end user was very much alive at the time of use. The questions leading on from the ramifications of this quite outlandish theory are (to be blunt) - totally bloody mind blowing.


Zawyet El Aryan  - Egypt


Furthermore, applying this theory to either the Osiris sarcophagus in the subterranean chamber beneath the Great Pyramid, or the oval bathtub sarcophagus located in the floor of the pit or so called 'Unfinished Pyramid' at Zawyet -El Aryan, implies that further insulation with large volumes of water may achieve some further esoteric purpose. The more pragmatic researcher could draw comparisons between potential holistic medical purposes seen in the construction of the Hypogeum in Malta, the markedly sophisticated megalithic infrastructure of Egypt and the natural sonic resonance phenomenon.

There are endless extrapolations of the ancient activities in this field. One which will be further investigated on this online fact-totem specifically relates to how exactly ancient hominins were able to perceive and harness subtle energies. Without jumping the shark, let's just say that the works of Brien Foerster in regards to the Paracas Skulls (and their profoundly different cranial architecture) appears to point to an ancient paradigm which also included wide scale mass psychological surveillance.

Black Knight satellite much?


Ancient Satellite monitoring mankind for evidence of intelligence - still waiting.


Note: The alleged presence of an ancient satellite in a polar orbit above the earth represents one of the most outrageous conspiracy theories that has ever circulated on the internet.

As such, it's probably bloody true.....

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