Strategising the deliberate destruction of contemporary society

31 March, 2024
In previous articles, we covered the subject of mass mind control for the purposes of molding the population. The primary function of mass mind control has become population control. Over population is replacing global warming as the market leading trope. Like global warming and the 'eco' bandwagon, over population is not based on anything even approximating good science.

Soviet, Nazi or Supra-national collaboration?

26 February, 2024
The Cold War afforded both sides an opportunity to conduct military research without any external governmental oversight. The supposed hatred between the Allies and the former Soviet Union has been criticised as a perception management stunt to manipulate the populations of both sides. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, there have been some highly anomalous reports as to what was going on behind the Iron Curtain. Considering the incredible pace of arms development by the MIC, it seems unlikely that an inaccessible part of the political map would be simply left in splendid isolation.

Signals Intelligence, Measurement and signature intelligence, Human Intelligence, Electromagnetic Low Frequency Intelligence

22 February, 2024
A one page overview of contemporary technological 'Directed surveillance' methods - Asymmetrical Psychological Electronic Warfare

Is a bird, is it an XYZ plane, umm - no.

19 February, 2024
When the leching community are being facilitated by ChatGPT and it's proprietary equivalents, it's safe to assume that things are not going too well in society. There has been a steady increase in the number of so called 'men' preferring virtual relationships for many years. This is now intersecting with the desires of the #Depopulation Agenda and social / gender archetypes have become more distorted than ever. It appears that the human race is being compelled to squawk out a swan song which is based primarily on deception and concocted by those who would game their own systems.

Why you should never meet your idols

31 January, 2024
The world of UK festivals represents a sizable industry that endures even the wettest of British summers. Along the way the lives of millions of people are enriched through the communal apreciation of spectacles in light and sound. Home to possibly the most famous music festival in the world, the festival scene provides employment for tens of thousands of people on an annual basis. One of the main perks of working festivals is perceived to be getting closer to the celebrities than the ticket holders.

What can the individual do to protect themselves

3 November, 2023
Many TEFLONRABBIT.COM articles (and related content available elsewhere) detail the methods used to control the population. Most of these methods are highly unethical and morally bankrupt but do not leave any incriminating evidence. This is how the intelligence industry is able to harass the citizenry with impunity. They operate using covert methods of oppression and encrypt their activities with hidden technology. Because much of the industry is facilitated by the state, they know the law and know how to effectively work around it or blatantly disregard it.

No more Terra Nullis chaps, time to hoist the solar sail.

19 October, 2023
Considered the pinnacle of technological achievement, the logistical tour-de-force known as The Apollo 11 Lunar Landings has become a meter of mankind's accomplishments. Accredited to the combined works of numerous civilian US government agencies, NASA's most prestigious endeavour has survived numerous attempts to debunk the science of the narrative.
WARNING: This article may contain hidden meaning. No guarantee is made concerning the veracity of quoted information.

The illusion of an ongoing conflict between the corrupt and the inept.

3 October, 2023
With the recent passing of the Online Safety Act 2023, the UK has aligned itself with totalitarian regimes when it comes to policing their populations use of the internet. The only countries with more invasive policies are not considered as democracies. However the far reaching regulatory moves have a hidden agenda.

Perception management versus management of expectations

27 September, 2023
Between 2019 and 2022 the military and the UK parliament collaborated in 'combating Covid19 disinformation'. In this months psychobabble analysis, we examine the classic 'tell' exhibited by government bureaucrats and 'militarised' agencies. The commitment to avoid large scale mechanised warfare has resulted in a blatant assault on well-being. Instead of redistributing wealth through major loss of life, the war machine has been re-tasked to reduce quality of life using the most profitable methods.

When mind control appears in deep antiquity, it's time to pay attention

20 August, 2023
Much has been discussed in these pages on the subject of contemporary mind control methods. The use of electronic circuitry for the purposes of mood control and surveillance is well documented. However, we are but the latest expression of terrestrial hominin life. Prior to the Christianisation of Europe, a highly sophisticated Pagan population harnessed subtle energies in ways that contemporary humans do not broadly accept. Perhaps the most compelling example is seen in Egypt and forms the basis of an entire global fascination with the arcane.