Children born between 2019 and 2022 were subject to a form of Language Deprivation Experiment. The faces of many of their primary carers were hidden behind the non surgical masks worn to prevent transmission of an entirely spurious virus. This prevented them from forming essential pathways in the brain which rendered them less able (or utterly incapable) of learning the critically important language of trust. As defined by law enforcement and behavioural psychologists, recognising micro expressions is essential for humans to be able to know when someone is being dishonest. Much of this development occurs subconsciously during early life.  This incursion into the last bastion of civic responsibility will undoubtedly have profound and permanent effects on the future of these deliberately crippled infants.

The precise purpose behind this utterly malevolent aspect of the pandemic gravy train is still shrouded in mystery. It could be a desperate effort by the global hierarchy to push back against the rise of the so called 'Truth Community'. Even more bizarre is the possibility that some seriously deranged elitists are attempting to socially engineer a return to an age when certain members of the global population did not use speech, writing or even facial expressions. There are certainly those who believe in the so called 'return to Zep Tepi'. Unfortunately many of them have been driven quite insane by trying to pair the fundamental differences between humanity in deep antiquity and contemporary society. 

It could also be that the decision to meddle in the development of an entire global generation came about as a result of data acquired from the SARS-COV pandemics in China circa 2003. The Chinese population and that of of surrounding countries produced children who were born into the same situation and represent a source of sociological data points over the subsequent two decades. It is highly likely that this data illustrates a clear pattern in the increased obedience of the citizenry after such a fundamental intercession in formative learning. 

Ultimately the global control mechanism is always going to perceive an unquestioning population to be advantageous to their ongoing control. The resources required to mould  people into a pro establishment mindset can be extensive. As they proceed through life, they are subject to influences which can make them question the nature of their reality. Rather than expending resources in an attempt to compel them in their adult life, it is more efficient to apply a minimum of resources at a critical and formative point.

The Great Precept  Malevolent infrastructure  High octane emotional energy 

The Georgia Guidestones - PAY ATTENTION

The return of the GRIFT!