Signals intelligence is intelligence-gathering by interception of signals, whether communications between people or from electronic signals not directly used in communication.

Signals intelligence is a subset of intelligence collection management. As classified and sensitive information is usually encrypted, signals intelligence in turn involves the use of crypto-analysis to decipher the messages.

Traffic analysis—the study of who is signaling whom and in what quantity—is also used to integrate information again.

5g SIG-INT Antenna


SIG-INT has been classified for many years. However with the increasing dissemination of technologies to privately operated intelligence organisations, the veil of secrecy is gradually being lifted. These privately operated agencies would like it to be kept in the dark as much as possible, but they can't do shit about it because the law can't protect their interests as commercial operations. As such, here's a bit of a low down on how these fucknuts are contaminating society:

Near field, active UHF antennas are capable of intercepting brainwaves emanating from the skulls of human beings. Even more sinister is the fact that they can also be used to transmit the thoughts of the operator back into the minds of the target. This manifests itself in the massive proliferation of false flag activity. 

For example:

A certain agency considers an interest in pickled vegetables to constitute grounds for 'Directed Surveillance'. Their interests are best served by as many people as possible being detected thinking about enjoying a jar of dill pickles, or who knows maybe even freeze dried parsnips. As it happens there is a limited number of people who enjoy the caustic delights of vinegar saturated root vegetables. The majority of gastronomes are indifferent, the rest are split into factions of those who fixate on pickles and those who detest them. The majority represent the greatest viable market for growth so they are targeted for SIG-INT operations. This involves the unnamed agency hijacking peoples realities and using every other INT method conceivable to compel them into fantasizing about pickled vegetables. Not content with running confidence trickery operations (mainly because they're not very good at it) they have increasingly favoured forcing their targets to think in the ways that suit their agenda. Using Ultra high frequency antennae and PCM encoded modulation protocols, they literally fire microwaves at people's skulls in an ardent attempt to 'force their will' on their targets. 

AC power conduits, white goods and basically anything with a substantial amount of conductive material can be used as a relay antenna. If they are active and have current running through them, that makes them even more useful. One of the characteristics of 'Alternating Current' power is that it fluctuates in current strength. This fluctuation can be controlled so as to create a waveform. Technically this would come under MAS-INT as opposed to SIG-INT, however many readily available portable antennas are capable of both. 

The operative acquires PCM signatures or a 'witness' from a peak in PCM signals emanating from a human skull. This signature is generally associated with a heightened emotional state such as love, lust, fear, anger and so on. Using the SIG-INT interception capability, they capture the electronic signals and then they can use the MAS-INT capability of the antenna to fire packets of PCM encoded information straight back at the subject / target. 

Mr. X has a thing for statuesque blondes eating pickles. Every time he thinks about it he gets hungry and also gets a bit of a boner. This is ideal for a SIG-INT acquisition as it represents two separate signatures combined into a single signal. The operative can then transmit PCM modulated information using the captured signature parameters to reach the mind of Mr. X. and Mr. X. alone. Before Mr. X. has any idea what's going on, he is now fantasizing about seal pups being brutally butchered by Vlad the Impaler while dressed in a wearing a giant pickle costume. Mr. X. is then 'sold' to another agency who have a governmental mandate to protect innocent seal pups. They swoop in with one of their own demented HUM-INT operations and Mr. X. is subjected to conspicuous placements of seal pups in his everyday life. The International Association of vinegar manufacturers are displeased with this as it detracts from their financial goals. As such they mount a counter offensive against this governmental agency to subvert the second phase of the false flag operation. They may attempt to subvert Mr. X even further with their own deranged agendas, but they will attempt to make him perceive them as an ally.        

This is how egregiously incompetent these people are. They have access to phenomenal resources which are not available to the average punter. They also have a technological advantage and have all been conditioned into reinforcing the concept of un-accountability. Despite all of these advantages, the calibre of the average operative is so incredibly low, that they have resorted to spending 90% of their time engaging in false flags in a psychological theatre of conflict. 

However the example of pickles and seal pups is purely a figurative model. The reality is that these agencies are concerned with the perception management of personal demonisation. In times past this was reflected by their fixation on homosexuality, transvestism and other sexual proclivities. Since the widespread acceptance of homosexuality they have had to step up a gear and target people with pedophilia related content instead. 

To summarise, unaccountable private organisations are running around like cartoon Dick Tracy's compelling civilians into thinking like threats to society. There aren't anywhere enough legitimate threats to society, so they have to create them in order to qualify for funding from the taxpayer. SIG-INT is now primarily used in the acquisition of the PCM 'keys' required to bend peoples thoughts in directions that will benefit those acquiring the packets.    

It would be bad enough if these people were focused purely on enemy combatants, but privately owned agencies are not concerned with geopolitical agendas. They're purely in it for the money and are undoubtedly picking up some substantial financial incentives from interest groups such as the hypothetical International Association of Vinegar manufacturers. As such they are exclusively orientated toward predating on civilian targets. Let's be quite clear about this, this is military grade communication hardware which has been re purposed to directly mold the thoughts and opinions of people who have no idea what's going on. The man in the street, Joe average or the one in ten have absolutely no concept of the technical ramifications of such methods. They are literally the infants having candy stolen from them. 

This is how utterly debased the Military Industrial Complex and the Medical Industrial Complex have become. They can't even be bothered cooking up bogey-men such as Osama Bin Laden anymore, it takes too much effort and the majority of people don't believe it anymore anyway. Beyond that, an over reliance on propping up irrational bullshit like Al-Qaida, ISIS and The White Helmets has exposed their perception management methodologies. Thanks to the TCP/IP protocol, these methods have leaked out into the public domain and threaten the survival of the very organisations who considered them to be a sustainable industry. 

As has been said before on these pages, these people are completely insane, they have no oversight whatsoever and there are literally fucking millions of them.


The Georgia Guidestones - PAY ATTENTION

The return of the GRIFT!