Britain, Great Britain, The United Kingdom, The British Isles, Alba and Albion .... call it what you like, that island off the North Coast of Europe contains a right bunch of cunts.

Once in control of 25% of the Earth's landmass, the UK has since scaled down operations (of a transparent nature) and is now the separatist black sheep of the EU.

1774 British Empire


The one thing that every visitor to the UK must remember is (according to a Ukranian PR manager) that the English never, ever say what they mean. For example, when they say:

"Hmm, how interesting"

what they really mean is

Stop what you are doing and never ever do it again .... unless you will pay me to keep quiet about it


According to an ancient proverb from Milton Keynes:

"The difference between the Scots and the English is that the Scots like to drink and fight a lot and the English are never wrong about anything."

When advertising is more important than human life

15 July, 2023
All truth goes through two phases of rejection before it is accepted as self evident. Continuing the theme of severe lapses in actionable intelligence, the subject of judicial review comes into question. Complacency within the clandestine community has demonstrably resulted in the deaths of British citizens, both abroad and on British soil.

Not finding nudge theory as satisfying as you used to?

30 June, 2023
With increasing frequency the media is flooded with news of events which serve to evoke a reaction. The tailoring of events to achieve newsworthy content relies on a semi decent script. With so many writers strikes and other factors limiting output, the quality of narrative writing has plummeted. The suspension of disbelief as a weapon of choice has been marketed as an alcohol free, low calorie, promo energy drink.

Yours is not to question why

21 June, 2023
With increasing frequency, the media features news which reports on the violence experienced up and down the country. Most find the details appalling but in the same way as the fascination shown by motorway crash rubberneckers, many are compelled to read all about it. As with so many emotionally charged items of news content, there is a sophisticated chain of events which lead to the vicarious armchair viewer having their senses assaulted. This month's Persons of Interest feature takes a retrospective look at some of the failures in actionable intelligence which facilitated the murder spree of Dale Cregan.

Get ready for yet another wave of disclosure grifters.

19 June, 2023
Ever since devil rings appeared in Medieval crops there have been psychological operations invoking an other worldly presence. Vernher Von Braun claimed that the NASA accomplishments could not be claimed by his team alone. When asked more he replied that they had been helped by people of 'other worlds'.

Triggers, incentives and Terror Targets

27 February, 2023
When a high profile 'terror' attack takes place, the response of the authorities provides insight into potential contributory factors. With major investment in surveillance, the possibility exists that some of these attacks could have been avoided. The uncomfortable reality of LIHOP and MIHOP come to the fore as we examine the Finsbury Park Mosque attack.

When cognitive dissonance is a prerequisite for business as usual

25 February, 2023
"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you". Sage words from Rudyard Kipling. But what happens when keeping your own head, requires raising it above those around you.... and as a result, the parapet?

Got your mind right? Keeping your opinions in line with your opportunities?

31 October, 2022
As ever the great British public can rely on the BBC to promote a vanguard of truth and honesty. No need to verify claims or conduct any actual 'investigations' during targeted journalism. Simply deny diligence, integrity, conscience and impartiality. Yet another millennial striving to 'make an impact' by thumping the tub for the highest bidder.

Questioning your purpose in life? Aiming to be all you can be?

4 October, 2022
Whether it's walking barefoot in the Hindu kush mountains or sealing yourself in a sarcophagus for several days, humanity has eternally sought a greater understanding of the esoteric. Establishing an understanding of our reality is (for some) an ongoing adventure of self discovery. But it seems unlikely that all journeys of self discovery would be exclusively populated with beautiful tourist attractions.

When ideological goals clash with societal well being

2 October, 2022
Children with epilepsy, terminal cancer patients, multiple sclerosis sufferers and numerous other victims of serious illnesses. What they all have in common is suitability for treatment with medicinal cannabis products. Unlike California and the majority of the U.S.A, Britain still lags behind when it comes to widespread adoption of contemporary attitudes. Big pharma is still given priority over the herbalist remedies used by our ancestors for tens of thousands of years (or longer).

Back with another cock-blocking beat

26 September, 2022
a : a process of change in a certain direction : unfolding
b : the action or an instance of forming and giving something off : emission
c : a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state : growth
d : something evolved
The return of the GRIFT!