From Phlogiston to methane masks for cows

8 March, 2023
Due to a bizarre infatuation with highly implausible narratives, the human race has historically adopted modes of thought which have since been proven to be highly flawed. With each paradigm shift, various universal constants are offered up by magi, hierophants and more recently advocates of 'Scientism'. These directives inhabit the opposite end of the spectrum from those classified by Arthur Schopenhauer. They haven't been ridiculed or violently opposed yet somehow they become accepted as self evident.

'Worlds in collision' is among the most popoular alternative historical narratives. Heretic or visionary, Velikovsky has been quoted by numerous researchers and condemned by numerous pundits.

3 March, 2023
When the Emperors New Clothes and an Arthur CIA Clarke screen play combine.

More famous than the beetles

3 March, 2023
Chitin, beetle shells and a can-do attitude.

Cooperative engagement often degrades into emotional decisions based on learned and dysfunctional behaviour

26 February, 2023
“I always say that it’s about breaking the rules. But the secret of breaking rules in a way that works is understanding what the rules are in the first place.”
Rick Wakeman

Every generation throws a hero up the pop charts

23 October, 2022
Thanks to the prominent contemporary window dresser Elon Musk, everybody has now heard of Nikola Tesla. This was not always the case and until widespread internet adoption in the home circa 1998, he was relatively unknown by the majority. In no way can the achievements of Tesla be overstated. The man was a true visionary and his work in the electrical field is without equal. There have been other great minds whose work has not received anywhere as much recognition. Despite their research representing an equivalent challenge to the mainstream paradigm, these great minds have been all but forgotten.

No it's a giant stone space ship

9 October, 2022
Aerial supremacy in antiquity is the stuff of the wildest, tinfoil hat meanderings. Nonetheless it is a subject which has confounded some of the greatest conspiratorial minds that have ever lived. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself shuffled off this mortal coil with a single question still gnawing away at his rationale. His many years of research into the unexplained phenomena we see around us, never reconciled the mystery of vitrified remnants of hilltop enclosures in Aberdeenshire.

Cultural genocide and the year zero

17 April, 2022
Precept : noun

1. a general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought

Example: "the legal precept of being innocent until proven guilty"

Fine Art

22 March, 2022
Challenging oppressive ideology can take many forms. As can psychological warfare. For example, there is a school of thought that espouses denial of much that makes us human. For those who endorse this philosophy, life is basically a drudgery of suppression and paranoia. Unable to reconcile their humanity, such individuals (or groups) are quite clearly nothing more than hearsay spouting victims of mind control.

Ranting on the internet is a viable substitute for intoxication. Always will be.

14 October, 2021
Let us focus temporarily on the gargantuan lies surrounding Britain's formative past. Most notably how the population of Albion bent over for the Romans faster than you could say "Where's the fish oil?" while the population of Alba said "Up yours - you sandal wearing, short sworded, effete Mediterraneans".

The Georgia Guidestones - PAY ATTENTION