It is accepted that corruption exists wherever humanity exists (on Earth). While it may be possible that some type two civilisation of humans elsewhere in the Milky Way live without corruption, they certainly haven't told many people on Earth how to do it. There is nothing in the historical record to suggest that anyone, anywhere has ever managed to build a culture that was completely free of corruption.

Delusional Dick Tracy's

25 January, 2024
The official narrative from Wikipedia contains a lengthy list of organisations that have so called 'Police like' investigative powers in the United Kingdom. Exactly who they are and what they are allowed to do is deliberately obfuscated. TEFLONRABBIT takes a look at what exactly some of their double speak mumbo jumbo actually means.

What is TEFLONRABBIT - Intro

17 January, 2024
Many articles on TEFLONRABBIT.COM detail the activities of capable individuals who have been co-opted and (to some degree) controlled by the clandestine community. However they are the ones who make it into the media.

Strategising the deliberate destruction of contemporary society

31 March, 2024
In previous articles, we covered the subject of mass mind control for the purposes of molding the population. The primary function of mass mind control has become population control. Over population is replacing global warming as the market leading trope. Like global warming and the 'eco' bandwagon, over population is not based on anything even approximating good science.

Shirking responsibility is a sustainable industry

30 March, 2024
In the latest episode of the series 'What is TeflonRabbit', the Babushka Doll is emptied. With all layers open but for a solitary, diminutive capsule we take a step back to perceive the true layering of a thirty year conspiracy.

The king is dead, long live the king

21 February, 2024
With the media frenzy surrounding the release of court filings from the Giuffre-Epstein lawsuit, numerous celebrities are flapping their arms and jumping off the cliffs of shame. As usual the media and the establishment are quick to deny that they had any knowledge of such events. Obviously this is total horseshit. Major political figures and influencers do nothing without the intelligence community knowing all about it.

When the scammers get scammed

1 February, 2024
"With the KJV in the Right hand and Scottish Rite FreeMasonry in the Left, the New World was forged"
Unfortunately much of what was produced could only ever be described as counterfeit. Among the least tangible exports would be a facet of the 'Special Relationship' between the UK and the USA. The clandestine connections between the two have existed since before Columbus burned his ships.

60's Paranoia

25 December, 2023
Behind an outrageous conspiracy theory lies a plausible truth that is even more challenging. Beneath the high profile facade of popular music exists an alarmingly mercenary industry which cares nothing for the lives of those caught up in the whirlwind.

From the Bow Street Runners to Blade Runner

30 October, 2023
While the oldest profession is often touted as the affections of women, there is arguably more historical provenance in the role of protector. Since hominins developed the ability to conspire, there has been a need for some form of policing body. In recent centuries, this has evolved from the responsibility of tribal leadership to a formalised role in society. Currently we are experiencing a shift toward information based control as opposed to order through enforcement.

Events which have a scaled significance

5 October, 2023
The consumption of daily media is a compelling factor in the lives of literally billions of people. Many extract great value from the information presented. Often this information has been manufactured by those with an agenda. The veracity of the factual information is not something which can be guaranteed and this has become accepted. The face value of the fictional content is not something which can be relied on either.

The illusion of the heirophancy

4 October, 2023
When control relies on unswerving obedience the hierarchy can be subject to vulnerability. Numerous conflicts throughout history have illustrated the basic fallacy of supreme command. From Emperor Nero strumming his Lyre to the accompaniment of explosions and crashing beams, to Adolf Hitler cashing in his chips and catching a U-Boat to Patagonia (allegedly).

The Georgia Guidestones - PAY ATTENTION

The return of the GRIFT!