Don´t fumble the link or drop the sync

8 February, 2025
With so many agendas tied to the words of certain individuals, the control mechanism is forced to adapt to avoid becoming irrelevant. Thanks to the research into the esoteric conducted by the military in the late 20th century, there are now control methods available in the civilian world which appear quite alarming. Not least of all, real time mind control of political figures.

Get procreating before you can't afford it

13 December, 2024
The social credit system being developed by the Chinese government has been many years in the making. What nobody will openly admit, is that the Chinese government are far from the only organisation that is focused on such a totalitarian mechanism. For decades, if not centuries or millennia, there have been dynastic interest groups pursuing a similar goal. Those groups claiming that their provenance extends 7000 years into Egyptian antiquity are on the exact same page as the fifty year planners of Guangzhou.

The illusion of the heirophancy

21 August, 2024
When control relies on unswerving obedience the hierarchy can be subject to vulnerability. Numerous conflicts throughout history have illustrated the basic fallacy of supreme command. From Emperor Nero strumming his Lyre to the accompaniment of explosions and crashing beams, to Adolf Hitler cashing in his chips and catching a U-Boat to Patagonia (allegedly).

Covert mergers and acquisitions in the human resource industry

10 March, 2024
Since the pandemic united mankind in a war on common cold symptoms, authority systems have had to review their place in the established economy. This has lead directly to the prospecting of other markets. While the change has been on the cards for decades, many of the plans were kept deliberately hidden. The nature of their business is such that without a constant supply of new markets, they can not survive.

The one stop shop for everything you need

5 March, 2024
Much of the analysis contained on this website can be perceived in negative ways. The world is going to hell, our leaders are all criminals, the price of new kitchens is too high and so on. However for those caught in the tumultuous rapids of shit creek there is a paddle in sight. In less figurative terms, it's about working out exactly where you are in the greater scheme of things.

Soviet, Nazi or Supra-national collaboration?

26 February, 2024
The Cold War afforded both sides an opportunity to conduct military research without any external governmental oversight. The supposed hatred between the Allies and the former Soviet Union has been criticised as a perception management stunt to manipulate the populations of both sides. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, there have been some highly anomalous reports as to what was going on behind the Iron Curtain. Considering the incredible pace of arms development by the MIC, it seems unlikely that an inaccessible part of the political map would be simply left in splendid isolation.

No more Terra Nullis chaps, time to hoist the solar sail.

19 October, 2023
Considered the pinnacle of technological achievement, the logistical tour-de-force known as The Apollo 11 Lunar Landings has become a meter of mankind's accomplishments. Accredited to the combined works of numerous civilian US government agencies, NASA's most prestigious endeavour has survived numerous attempts to debunk the science of the narrative.
WARNING: This article may contain hidden meaning. No guarantee is made concerning the veracity of quoted information.

Corruption in intelligence and the desperate attempts to hide it

27 August, 2023
Following on from the recent articles on the global trans agenda and the UK RIPA scandal, we examine the causality behind the highly concerning trend of parents coercing their children into transitioning. What has been openly condemned as outright abuse has roots in the insanity of the clandestine community.

Not finding nudge theory as satisfying as you used to?

30 June, 2023
With increasing frequency the media is flooded with news of events which serve to evoke a reaction. The tailoring of events to achieve newsworthy content relies on a semi decent script. With so many writers strikes and other factors limiting output, the quality of narrative writing has plummeted. The suspension of disbelief as a weapon of choice has been marketed as an alcohol free, low calorie, promo energy drink.

"If I suicide myself, I didn't. I was whackd." - Profanity warning

25 June, 2023
The world of technological innovation regularly throws up individuals who could be considered as maverick. Without exception, John McAffee represents possibly one of the most charismatic and independent examples of this phenomena. With a background in software engineering and clandestine work, McAffee produced one of the most effective anti-virus applications that was ever rolled out on the MIcrosoft Windows platform. His subsequent retirement and ventures into 'off the radar' commerce ultimately cost him his life. Unencumbered by any form of forelock tugging subservience, McAffee became a hero in the eyes of many other mavericks, software engineers, cocaine aficionados, pussyhounds and gun toting libertarians.