Don´t fumble the link or drop the sync

8 February, 2025
With so many agendas tied to the words of certain individuals, the control mechanism is forced to adapt to avoid becoming irrelevant. Thanks to the research into the esoteric conducted by the military in the late 20th century, there are now control methods available in the civilian world which appear quite alarming. Not least of all, real time mind control of political figures.

Another forty years of porridge

19 January, 2025
Approximately seven thousand years ago, the hidden priesthood of Amun created what we have come to know as 'The Jews'. Five thousand years later, they steered the Caeserian and Ptolymey dynasties into creating what we have come to know as 'The Christians'. Today their buttmonkey lackeys are at it again.

Get procreating before you can't afford it

13 December, 2024
The social credit system being developed by the Chinese government has been many years in the making. What nobody will openly admit, is that the Chinese government are far from the only organisation that is focused on such a totalitarian mechanism. For decades, if not centuries or millennia, there have been dynastic interest groups pursuing a similar goal. Those groups claiming that their provenance extends 7000 years into Egyptian antiquity are on the exact same page as the fifty year planners of Guangzhou.

Shifting the orientation of middle management

14 October, 2024
According to the infamous General Konstantin P. Petrov of the former USSR's senior brass, over the past two decades we have been experiencing a shift in global management structure. The previous paradigm of Scientology in management has been relegated in favour of the NWO. Essentially this means L Ron Hubbard's acolytes are being shunted out of line management and the various Masonic factions are getting a major bone thrown to them.

Shaking the money tree and catching the bad apples

14 October, 2024
The 90's was 'awash' with hastily contrived criminal enterprise. The seemingly unannounced appearance of the Regulatory Investigative Powers Act 2000 may go some way to explain the pre-millennium fraud frenzy. Some of the most brazen of these hurried schemes were seen in the security industry.

Yours is not to question why

25 August, 2024
With increasing frequency, the media features news which reports on the violence experienced up and down the country. Most find the details appalling but in the same way as the fascination shown by motorway crash rubberneckers, many are compelled to read all about it. As with so many emotionally charged items of news content, there is a sophisticated chain of events which lead to the vicarious armchair viewer having their senses assaulted. This month's Persons of Interest feature takes a retrospective look at some of the failures in actionable intelligence which facilitated the murder spree of Dale Cregan.

The RIPA agencies and the monetized rape of Britain

21 August, 2024
Since the dissemination of so called 'investigative powers' tp the numerous RIPA agencies in Britain, an endless and flagrant abuse of power has become standard operating procedure for the British civil service. The lack of legal seperation between the military and the police has directly facilitated this sickening assault on the population. The civil service have positioned themselves as anti abolitionist slave handlers.

The illusion of the heirophancy

21 August, 2024
When control relies on unswerving obedience the hierarchy can be subject to vulnerability. Numerous conflicts throughout history have illustrated the basic fallacy of supreme command. From Emperor Nero strumming his Lyre to the accompaniment of explosions and crashing beams, to Adolf Hitler cashing in his chips and catching a U-Boat to Patagonia (allegedly).

Strategising the deliberate destruction of contemporary society

31 March, 2024
In previous articles, we covered the subject of mass mind control for the purposes of molding the population. The primary function of mass mind control has become population control. Over population is replacing global warming as the market leading trope. Like global warming and the 'eco' bandwagon, over population is not based on anything even approximating good science.

Shirking responsibility is a sustainable industry

30 March, 2024
In the latest episode of the series 'What is TeflonRabbit', the Babushka Doll is emptied. With all layers open but for a solitary, diminutive capsule we take a step back to perceive the true layering of a thirty year conspiracy.